
They are all "homemade" school bags by parents, one hurts the child's self-esteem, and the other makes the baby envious

I once saw a question like this on the Internet: I am poor, should I have children? Then, most people's comments are: can't give your child a good life, advise you not to give birth. The idea for most people is that having money is the only way to have children, or to be irresponsible to children.

There was once a fact that a child, because his family was very poor, carried a school bag made of "woven bags" to school. Then, many netizens said that the child was too pitiful, complaining that his parents were so poor that they should not have children, and it was irresponsible.

They are all "homemade" school bags by parents, one hurts the child's self-esteem, and the other makes the baby envious

However, there is also a poor parent who uses weaving to make a school bag for his children, but he gets everyone's praise. It turned out that this father, who had no money, spent all night carefully weaving a school bag for his child, although it did not cost much money, but it took a lot of thought at a glance.

They are all "homemade" school bags by parents, one hurts the child's self-esteem, and the other makes the baby envious

The same is no money to buy a school bag, the two children's school bags are also very simple, why do you think that the two children have different parents? I think the point is that the parents of the two families have different attitudes towards their children.

One parent is perfunctory about the child's affairs, and the other parent is full of love and hope for the child. Although the same is a cheap school bag, one child lives in the indifference of the parents, and the other child lives in the expectations of the parents. One child carrying this "woven bag" school bag may be very inferior, while the other child makes the classmates envious.

They are all "homemade" school bags by parents, one hurts the child's self-esteem, and the other makes the baby envious

So, I think the arguments that you can't have children without money are wrong, at least not entirely. Whether a child's growth can be smooth, healthy and happy, the most important thing is not whether the family's economic conditions are good or not, but whether the parents are very careful about educating the child, and whether they have given birth to this child because they love the child.

Inferiority and self-confidence, the child's character growth and the parents' education of the child are inseparable. Whether life is happy or painful, and whether the child's heart is safe or not is also very important.

Poor and rich, bringing their children into the world is responsible for their future. Economic conditions put aside, parents give their children a sense of security, help children build self-confidence, family education should pay attention to these details.

They are all "homemade" school bags by parents, one hurts the child's self-esteem, and the other makes the baby envious

Parents have recognition and encouragement for their children.

Children need a school bag, parents casually take a handbag for their children to cope with, and parents carefully make a handbag for their children to use, the effect in the child's heart is very different. Our behavior, in the child's case, is two completely different thoughts.

The former makes the child feel that my parents do not value me at all, and I do not deserve to have a good school bag. Children in the latter will feel the love and attention of their parents.

The attention of parents is the greatest recognition of children, and I deserve the love of my parents because I am good. Therefore, whether you are poor or rich, you should affirm the advantages of your child and encourage your child to make greater progress. Parental encouragement is the best motivation and will also allow children to gradually build self-confidence.

They are all "homemade" school bags by parents, one hurts the child's self-esteem, and the other makes the baby envious

Parents themselves have positive energy, bringing children a sense of happiness and security.

Some parents are not poor, but he cries poor every day, "Our family has no money, you don't want to spend money indiscriminately." "Such parents, they have no sense of security, how can they bring a sense of security to their children? Children always feel that their lives are difficult, and it may be like this for a lifetime, and there will not be much of a show.

There is a saying that if you are not afraid of poverty, you are afraid of cowardice. Parents should give their children hopes and dreams, so that they have the confidence to move towards a better life, so that children have a sense of security and self-confidence.

They are all "homemade" school bags by parents, one hurts the child's self-esteem, and the other makes the baby envious

Therefore, in the communication with the child, please say these few words, "don't be afraid, there I am", "Although it is not good now, it will be good in the future", the positive energy of parents can be passed on to the child.

Give the children a warm family environment.

Many rich people have a marriage change, and the harm to their children is very great. There are also parents who are emotionally unstable, and their children's lives are also panicked.

The best thing for children to grow up is not expensive luxuries and superior living environments, but a stable and secure family relationship, for example, parents are very loving, and the relationship in the family is equal, democratic, relaxed, and respectful. Stable family environment and family relations are the conditions for children's survival, and they are also the greatest security guarantee for children, bringing children inner stability and happiness.

They are all "homemade" school bags by parents, one hurts the child's self-esteem, and the other makes the baby envious

Parents help their children establish the right values.

The gap between rich and poor does exist, and in the process of getting along with others, children will have various comparisons, such as dressing, eating, toys, pocket money, and so on.

We should avoid children having a sense of material comparison, have the right values, let children correctly understand the value and role of money, cultivate children's love and sense of responsibility, and let children have a higher sense of pursuit of life, rather than staying on the surface of material life.

They are all "homemade" school bags by parents, one hurts the child's self-esteem, and the other makes the baby envious

The cold door can also produce noble sons, the family has gold mountains and silver mountains, and it cannot bear a loser, so educating children well is the greatest cause of parents.

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