
The second-grade students are 1.8 meters tall, and the gap with other students is obvious, becoming the "most cute height difference"

With the birth and growth of children, parents are more concerned about the height of their children in addition to health problems. Whether it is a boy or a girl, the height is relatively high or dominant. If their children can be taller than children of the same age, parents will secretly be happy in their hearts even if they don't say it.

But everything is too much, height is a good thing, if it is too much taller than children of the same age may be more embarrassing.

The same 2nd grade students, some one meter 3 and some people one meter 8, the gap is obvious

The school will organize a sports day every year, and at the opening ceremony of the general sports meeting, the taller students in the class will be selected and the class sign will be held up so that everyone can see it.

Some time ago, a primary school held a sports day, which was well known because of the height of a child. In everyone's impression, it is normal for children in the second grade of primary school to be about 1 meter 3 tall, even if they are taller, it is 1 meter 4 at most. But if there is a 1.8 child in the class, I believe everyone will be surprised.

The child who held up the sign to the class was a second-grade elementary school student, and his height had reached 1 meter 8. Compared with the students behind, the gap is really big.

Just the second grade is already 1 meter 8, probably many adults have not reached this height, dare not imagine how tall this child will be when he becomes an adult.

Situations like this are also common in life, with 11-year-old boys reaching more than 2 meters tall and always being so striking among their classmates. But knowing the height of his parents, it is not surprising that he will grow to more than 2 meters.

It is good to be right in height, not necessarily tall. Many parents want their children to grow taller, and the height of their children at each stage of growth and development has reference standards, as long as the child is within the normal range.

What are the reasons for the child's height and what are the reasons for the impact?

1) Factors given by parents

I believe that parents understand that the height of parents will directly affect their children. So when getting married, if your height is not very good, you will want to find a tall object to change the height problem of the next generation.

2) Diet nutrition

In addition to the innate factors given by the parents, the diet and nutrition after birth are also critical. If you are usually picky and nutritionally incomplete, it will affect the growth of the body, and the natural height will be affected.

3) The age factor of parental childbearing

Both husband and wife have the best age to have children, generally at a better age to have children, the child's innate factors will be more dominant, including the development of height will be higher. On the contrary, if the parents have a late childbearing age, it will affect not only the height, but also the physical health.

4) Lack of sleep

When the child sleeps soundly at night, the body will secrete a growth hormone, if the child sleeps late, this hormone secretion is less, which will directly affect the development of the body.

What should parents do if they want their children to develop well in height?

Calcium should be sufficient: children within one year of age are mainly based on milk powder or breast milk, and this stage is also the peak period of children's growth and development, and it is also the best period for bone growth. If the lack of calcium will directly affect the height development, so it is recommended to retain the habit of drinking milk before the age of 3, and increase shrimp, soy products, vegetables, etc. in the supplementary food to help the child supplement calcium. Increase exercise: more electronic products into life, children from childhood addicted to television, computers, mobile phones, play time are placed on electronic products, lack of outdoor activities. When the body does not exercise enough, the development of height is also affected. Parents encourage their children to go out to play, picnic or participate in some sports, such as playing basketball, jumping rope, swimming, etc. are all sports that help with height growth. Good work and rest time: for young people to stay up late seems to have become a habit, unconsciously children have also been developed by parents such a habit, sleep late every day, in the morning because they are not full of sleep and do not come to bed, even if forced to get up, the mental state of the day is not good. Parents should lead by example every day to go to bed early and get up early, and give their children a regular schedule. Going to bed at 9 o'clock in the evening and getting up at 7 o'clock in the morning can not only promote height development, but also improve the resistance to the body.

Kojima would like to say:

If the child's height has not reached the standard, parents must remember not to blindly give the child to take tonics, take folk remedies, it is recommended to carry out scientific conditioning methods to ensure that the child grows tall under the premise of good health.

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