
Junior third caprice: with people who follow the rules

If the moment is not correct, it must not be square; if the rule is not correct, it must not be round.

What are the rules?

Rules are a kind of existence.

The laws of nature are the rules - the cycle of the four seasons, the evolution of species, the five fortunes and six qi, all follow some kind of natural law, you have to obey, this is the reverence for the rules of nature.

Social customs are rules - behavior habits, life ethics, including all kinds of old principles, you should not violate, the rules that constrain you to do things, this is the bottom line of the basic rules that you live comfortably in the world.

Rules and regulations are rules - laws and regulations, organizational discipline, village rules and regulations, you also have to abide by, this is the high-pressure line of social rules that cannot be easily touched.

"Han Feizi Xie Lao" Yun: "All things have rules. ”

Life in the world, interacting with people, self-cultivation, everywhere is inseparable from the rules.

Only by knowing the rules, keeping the rules, and being with the people who abide by the rules can we keep life.

Junior third caprice: with people who follow the rules


Rules are a kind of measure

There is a Chinese saying: fish stink for three days, and guests stay for three days to be annoying.

It is very interesting and philosophical to savor.

A piece of fish meat that has just been made smells delicious, but if you leave it for a few days, it will stink;

When you go to someone else's house as a guest, at first people are very happy, and after living for a long time, it will annoy people.

This is to say: you can't overdo everything.

In the words of Confucius, it is called: Too much is too late.

Doing one thing, overdoing and not achieving, the two effects are actually the same.

As the old saying goes: "There is no distinction between the important and the heavy, and the non-husband is also." ”

The reason why some people can go all the way is not only because of their intelligence and diligence, but also because of their insight into human nature, they know what is appropriate, what is impartial, what is good at what they see, in a word, they can grasp the measure.

Mr. Zhou Guoping said: "The sense of proportion is a sign of mature love, and interpersonal communication knows how to respect the necessary distance between people. ”

People with a sense of proportion, speak appropriately, leave room for doing things, make people feel kind but respectful, comfortable but not distant, and achieve a realm of "light makeup and thick wipes are always appropriate".

Junior third caprice: with people who follow the rules


Rules are a kind of upbringing

In life, there are many unwritten rules, all of which are small details of life, saying that they are rules, but they can reflect a person's quality and cultivation.

Like what:

Don't shake your legs on top of row seats! Shake your legs! Shake your legs!

If you don't want to sing K, if you don't order a song yourself, even if you can, don't rush to sing it.

When others are sleeping, they know the word quiet.

Please keep quiet when watching movies, and keep your phone silent and quiet.

Wear headphones when watching videos, listening to music, playing games, etc. in dormitories or in public, on the bus, etc.!

On the subway, don't lean against the railing alone, please give someone else's hand a place.

The ancients said: Mount Tai does not reject thin soil, so it can become its height; the rivers and seas do not choose thin streams, so they can be deep.

Education and culture are two different things, some people are very cultured, but very uncultured, some people do not have too high education and knowledge, but still very educated, very measured.

Parenting determines a person's level of life.

Good upbringing is never achieved overnight, it is not simply polite, but the accumulation of culture and the formation of habits.

Obedience to the rules is the most basic discipline.

Junior third caprice: with people who follow the rules


Rules are a principle

Strict observance of the once said: "The heart is like a rule, the will is like a ruler, the peace is like water, and the integrity is like a rope." ”

Only when a person has principles and rules can he have a calm heart.

Ms. Li, a low-income householder, fell seriously ill in the early years, and her husband was plagued by illness for many years and was unable to engage in heavy physical labor.

The couple runs a stall of just over a square meter and makes ends meet by buying and selling eggs, dried goods, noodles, etc.

Getting up early and greedy, working hard for a day, only has an income of about 50 yuan. There is also a child who has just graduated from college and is currently unemployed at home.

One day, she found a wallet not far from the stall, saw that there were thousands of yuan in cash, bank cards and ID cards, etc., and immediately contacted the owner to claim it.

After the owner took back the wallet, he immediately took out a wad of money from the bag to thank her.

But she asserted that she refused:

"It's just a small thing, it's nothing; besides, if I want your money, it's better not to pay you back the money I picked up."

So this money can not be asked, take your money, I am sorry for my conscience. ”

Mencius said, "Look up to the heavens, and bow down to the earth." ”

When a person is proud, it may be a matter of honor, but he still sticks to the principle when he is frustrated, that is, true kindness.

The principle is not unsentimental, nor is it hostility to the outside world, but a person's norm for himself.

Only by keeping the principle can we keep that peace of mind.

Junior third caprice: with people who follow the rules


Rules are a kind of bottom line

People have a realm, but also a bottom line.

The realm gives people bright prospects and hopes, and the bottom line is the basic guarantee for people's survival.

Yi Zhongtian believes that the bottom line is more important than the realm.

A person has no realm, at best it is a little worse, but without a bottom line, there will be a big problem.

He confessed himself this way: "I really don't have any realm, but I have a bottom line, I am a 'bottom lineist'. ”

A person, without a bottom line, dares to do anything. In a society, without a bottom line, anything will happen.

Mencius said: "People do not do something, and then they can do something." ”

China's first pastoral poet, Tao Yuanming, was brilliant, but he hovered between Shi and Farming, and later simply returned to the countryside.

All this stems from his unwillingness to break his own bottom line.

Tao Yuan was honest and honest, never attached to the powerful, and never flattered.

Instead, he chose to stick to the principles all his life, give his talents to poetry, and flow through the ages.

Keeping the bottom line is not only about how many things have been done, but also about understanding what can't be done.

Junior third caprice: with people who follow the rules


Rules are a kind of character

Character is the highest degree, and the unity of virtue and talent is the real wisdom and true talent.

Talent is not as good as virtue, and money is not as good as quality.

A few years ago, when Bai Yansong interviewed Ji Xianlin, he heard a true story.

One autumn, when the new semester of Peking University began, a student from out of town walked into the campus carrying a large bag and a small bag, and he was so tired that he put the bag on the side of the road.

At this time, an old man came, and the young student asked the old man to look at the bag for himself, while he went through various procedures lightly.

The old man readily agreed.

Nearly an hour passed, the students returned, and the old man was still dutifully guarding.

After thanking the old man, the two separated.

A few days later, the opening ceremony of Peking University, the young student was surprised to find that Ji Xianlin, vice president of Peking University, who was seated on the rostrum, was the old man who watched his luggage that day.

Bai Yansong sighed:

"I don't know what kind of mood this student was in at that time, but after I heard this story, I felt strongly that character is the highest degree."

What kind of character you are determines what kind of height your life can reach.

Be a person with rules and good conduct, even if the road ahead is narrow, it can be wider and wider.

On the contrary, those who are bent on taking shortcuts will sooner or later break in their own hearts.

Those who ignore the rules are doomed to find it difficult to move forward.

Junior third caprice: with people who follow the rules


Huainan Zi said: "If the moment is not correct, it must not be square; if the rule is not correct, it must not be round." ”

The state has the law of the state, the family has the family rules, born as a person, can not ignore the rules.

You may think that following the rules may be a loss, but in fact, the world is actually very fair, and obeying the rules is the most secure way.

The unruly person does reap the benefits in the short term, but from the moment he is unruly he also pays a terrible price for it.

Rules are a kind of practice.

"Looking up to the sky, bowing down to people, and being ashamed of the heart", three provinces a day, self-improvement, is the respect for life.

Junior third caprice: with people who follow the rules

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