
To cultivate children's concentration, parents can start from these 3 aspects

Many parents are troubled by their children's lack of concentration, when they are in class, they look around for a while; when they do homework at home, they can't sit still, they play with pens for a while, they get up and drink water for a while, and they do 1 hour of homework for 1 hour...

Professor Li Meijin once said: "What determines a child's grade is not IQ, but concentration." "A lot of research shows that everyone who has achieved in the world is a person with extreme concentration ability.

To cultivate children's concentration, parents can start from these 3 aspects

To cultivate children's concentration, you can start from these aspects:

Go with the flow to improve concentration

According to the age, judge the child's concentration

The smaller the child, the weaker the concentration, the 16-month-to-19-month-old child's concentration time is 30 seconds to 2 minutes; 3-4 years old, the concentration is only 3 minutes to 15 minutes, and the 5-7-year-old child's concentration time is 6 minutes to 15 minutes.

To cultivate children's concentration, parents can start from these 3 aspects

Therefore, when the child is young, the activity content will often be changed, and parents should not be anxious, and can judge whether the child's concentration is at a normal level according to the age or observation of the situation of children of the same age.

Take advantage of your child's interests and improve your focus

Children will be more focused on the activities they are interested in. Parents usually pay attention to observing the child's emotions and actions, see what he is interested in, and then provide him with toys or carry out related activities, and the child will focus more time and energy on the activities.

For example, many girls like rag dolls, parents will buy different clothes, clothing, and utensils for the rag dolls, so that children can use the rag dolls. I have a friend's child who, when he was about two years old, liked the various pots and pans in the player, the friend allowed him to play under the condition of ensuring safety, the child liked to combine the lids of different pots and pans, and also liked to listen to the sounds of different materials.

Provide a good environment to enhance concentration

Do not disturb children

When children are playing or studying, parents should not easily disturb their children.

Parents often worry about whether the child is thirsty and hungry when he is playing, and will give the child water, snacks or fruits, which will interrupt the child's thinking, let the child's attention change, and is not conducive to the formation of good concentration.

Parents can complete a certain activity and then let the child drink water and eat snacks. Older children let him make his own needs.

To cultivate children's concentration, parents can start from these 3 aspects

At the same time, when the child is playing with toys, parents should not evaluate, nag, and let him do it in his own way. The child's world is very unique, there are no restrictions, there will be a lot of creativity.

Simply furnished event spaces

When learning or activities, children are often easily attracted to other objects in the environment and divert their attention.

Parents can arrange a clean and simple space with no lot of decoration around. The desktop should also be clean, do not put extra things, only put the necessary stationery, all kinds of stationery is best not to decorate.

Don't buy too many toys and books

Nowadays, family conditions are better, and adults often buy a lot of toys and books for their children. In fact, toys and books are not more than good. It is okay to buy some toys appropriately, but too many toys are easy to make children not cherish the toys, stay on a toy for a period of time, and constantly switch in different toys.

Reading is the same, so that children have a certain understanding of a book and then look at the new, do not read several books at the same time, otherwise, the child may not understand a book.

Effective training improves concentration

Reading method

Take 10 minutes a day, let the child read a small story for the parents, ask the voice to be loud, do not miss words, good words, uninterrupted, and insist on repeated practice.

Puzzle method

Puzzles often have clear goals, children need to observe and think in the process of puzzles, and do both hand and brain, after the success of the puzzle, to bring a strong sense of pleasure to children.

Schulte's Law

This is currently the most popular and proven concentration training method in the world.

Fill in the 5*5 form with 1 to 25 numbers at will, and then let the child read out the numbers in the grid in order from 1, and record the completion time, and then continue to practice to improve the child's concentration.

To cultivate children's concentration, parents can start from these 3 aspects

If the child is small, the difficulty can be less difficult at the beginning, and the form can also start from 3*3 and 4*4.

Montessori, a famous Italian educator, warned us: "The best way to learn is to let students concentrate on learning." "And the child's concentration, can be exercised through a reasonable way, in the process of exercise, parents should be patient, and correct guidance, must not be too hasty."

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