
Expectant mothers who are pregnant and give birth in winter, eat these 3 kinds of fruits, and give birth can suffer less!

Diet is a very important aspect that everyone who is about to be a mom is concerned about. A balanced diet is of great help to the baby or the mother.

Therefore, whether it is during pregnancy or lactation, whether the diet structure is balanced and whether it is healthy is a very important issue.

In addition to supplementing the usual necessary diet, fruit is also a part that cannot be ignored. Pregnant mothers should eat more fruits.

Winter pregnancy often eat these fruits, can help pregnant mothers give birth smoothly, and reduce your delivery pain, so that the baby is born smoothly.

What are the fruits?

Expectant mothers who are pregnant and give birth in winter, eat these 3 kinds of fruits, and give birth can suffer less!

1. Oranges

As we all know, oranges are fruits rich in vitamin C, the taste is also sweet and sour, and winter oranges are also considered seasonal fruits, and the price is not expensive.

What we know better is that vitamin C is a necessary element that the human body must ingest, and there are the following aspects for the main physiological functions of vitamin C:

It can promote the biosynthesis of bone collagen; it is also conducive to faster healing of tissue wounds; it promotes the metabolism of tyrosine and tryptophan in amino acids and prolongs the life of the body;

Improves the use of iron, calcium and folic acid. Improves the metabolism of fats and lipids, especially cholesterol, and prevents cardiovascular diseases. Promotes the growth of teeth and bones and prevents bleeding from gum beds;

The last aspect is to enhance the body's ability to resist stress and immunity to the external environment. If you eat more oranges during pregnancy, it will reduce the bleeding during childbirth and reduce the pain of childbirth, so oranges are a good thing for pregnant mothers.

Expectant mothers who are pregnant and give birth in winter, eat these 3 kinds of fruits, and give birth can suffer less!

2. Apple

Apple is a very common fruit in life, the price is relatively low, you can eat it all year round. But the role of apples is not to be underestimated.

He is rich in zinc and carotene, which has a particularly good protective effect on the skin of pregnant mothers, and often eating apples can beautify and nourish the face and lubricate the intestines.

Of course, the most important thing is that it can reduce the pain of pregnant mothers during childbirth and ensure that the baby comes into this world smoothly.

The reason why apples have such an effect is because the zinc contained in apples has a great role and has a great effect on the production of pregnant mothers.

3. Bananas

We all like to eat bananas, and we all know that bananas have the effect of lubricating the intestines and facilitating the convenience of the stool. Usually, if there is constipation, we will choose to eat bananas to promote defecation.

Many pregnant mothers during pregnancy also often have constipation, and if the constipation is too serious, it may lead to certain problems in the production process. Bananas are also rich in potassium, which can reduce leg and foot cramps.

In addition, what we don't know is that bananas also have a powerful function of blood replenishment, which is a better fruit for girls.

In addition, bananas can relieve tension and improve the negative state of emotions, which has a very good effect on people. Therefore, pregnant mothers are advised to eat more bananas in winter.

Because the production process will definitely have nervous and anxious emotions, eating more bananas can allow pregnant mothers to relieve pain in the delivery bed and make the baby born smoothly.

Expectant mothers who are pregnant and give birth in winter, eat these 3 kinds of fruits, and give birth can suffer less!

In addition, in the winter, in addition to eating these, Bao Mom also has to do other things to promote normal delivery:

1. Exercise

Many mothers like to play with their mobile phones and watch videos when they are pregnant and are too lazy to exercise. But if you don't exercise then the production has a great consumption on the body. Therefore, pregnant mothers must pay attention to more exercise.

2. Eat a balanced diet

3. Keep a good mood

You don't have to worry too much, as long as the diet rules, healthy living habits, eat more correct food, do more exercise, you can help the production process to reduce the burden, the above recommended fruits are the best choice during pregnancy in winter.

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