
How to have a beautiful and healthy baby

Around 1450, a famous physician, Michele Savonarola, described "how to give birth to beautiful children" in his book How to Give Birth, which was included in the book "The Birth of classical European monsters". He wrote: If a mother's eyes are fixed on an object and she leaves an impression in her mind, we tend to find that the child's body will resemble the object to some extent, and he also gives many grotesque examples, such as: when a woman is pregnant, she sees a hare passing through her eyes, and through her rich imagination, she will give birth to a child with hairy lips... Of course, this seems strange today when science and technology and medicine are so developed.

How to have a beautiful and healthy baby

But perhaps we should agree that when it comes to similarity, nothing is stronger than a mother's imagination. Therefore, those expectant mothers who are ready to get pregnant or have been pregnant, in order to have a beautiful and intelligent baby, in addition to healthy eating and reasonable living habits, it is important to maintain a good psychological state.

Since pregnancy and childbirth are not only significant physiological changes for women, but also a strong psychological stress response process, anxiety and depression are the most common reactions to psychological stress. During pregnancy, pregnant women often have emotional abnormalities, which can be manifested as loss of appetite, poor sleep quality, unprovoked low mood, anxiety, no desire to communicate with people, and even extreme pessimistic thoughts. These emotions not only exhaust the pregnant woman physically and mentally, causing a variety of pregnancy complications, but also affecting the health of the fetus.

Therefore, the entire pregnancy and childbirth period always needs to maintain an optimistic, positive attitude, timely adjustment of emotions, expectant parents should accompany and communicate with each other, if possible, they can participate in the curriculum of the pregnant women's school, understand some medical knowledge during pregnancy and childbirth and comfort delivery techniques, help expectant mothers who are anxious due to fear of labor pain to reduce psychological burdens and promote couple feelings. Seeing more, listening more, and exposing yourself to some beautiful things can help you conceive a beautiful and healthy baby, and the same applies to sisters who are trying to conceive.

How to have a beautiful and healthy baby

"Now you can delete the list of activities allowed during pregnancy from visits to zoos, aquariums and circuses" – think for yourself!

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