
Carrying people or pulling goods? Which new energy commercial vehicles are more popular

In the last program, we mentioned that new energy has quietly emerged in some commercial vehicle application scenarios. So, which applications lead the promotion of new energy commercial vehicles? Let's look at a set of data:

Carrying people or pulling goods? Which new energy commercial vehicles are more popular

In recent years, the bus has maintained a share of about 10% in the overall sales of commercial vehicles, and its proportion of new energy commercial vehicle sales is as high as more than 60%.

Obviously, the bus is far ahead in the promotion of new energy, which is mainly due to the promotion of its main force - new energy bus.

The data shows that more than 98% of urban bus sales in 2020 are new energy vehicles, and from the perspective of penetration rate, it is an absolute leader in the field of new energy vehicles:

On the one hand, this benefits from the early start of the promotion of new energy buses, which can be traced back to the pilot promotion projects opened in 2009; preferential tax and subsidy policies to escort them; compared with other commercial vehicles used as means of production, buses with municipal service attributes have a relatively high acceptance of the cost of new energy vehicles.

In addition, due to its short daily mileage and fixed operating routes, the current pure electric and other new energy vehicles are sufficient to meet their operational needs. These factors are directly promoting the wide application of new energy vehicles.

So what are the leaders in the field of new energy trucks? From the perspective of different models, in recent years, the sales of new energy vehicles have been concentrated in light trucks and micro trucks, accounting for about 90% of the two, and only 10% of medium and heavy trucks.

Carrying people or pulling goods? Which new energy commercial vehicles are more popular

This is also inseparable from the application scenarios of different models:

Light truck micro card is mainly used for urban logistics, pure electric vehicles can basically meet the demand for daily mileage, government subsidies and the tilt of the right of way for new energy logistics vehicles in various places, and increasing charging facilities have promoted the application of new energy light cards.

Although the promotion of new energy for medium- and heavy-duty trucks in long-distance transportation is limited, the number of new energy heavy-duty trucks used in short-term scenarios such as ports, mines, and steel is increasing, and a number of new energy vehicles other than pure electricity schemes have emerged. This is also inseparable from the application scenarios of different models.

In the next issue, we will talk about whether the dominance of pure electric power in the field of new energy will be broken?


The above contents are organized by: Interact Analysis

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