
Successfully prepared to be pregnant for one month, the child is healthy and lovely, and the 30-year-old couple shares practical experience

My husband and I are late marriage and late childbearing, we only met at the age of 29, got married after half a year of love, and after marriage, we did not have children immediately because we bought a house and decorated the house, so we waited until we were in our 30s to start preparing for pregnancy.

Successfully prepared to be pregnant for one month, the child is healthy and lovely, and the 30-year-old couple shares practical experience

30 years old to have the first child is already considered to be the elderly, at that time has been ready for a protracted battle, did not expect to be pregnant in the last month, now to share our specific practical experience!

01 Actively conditioning the body, there are many Chinese medicines and fertility recipes

I was 30 years old when I was preparing to get pregnant, and in the past few years, I have worked too hard, the body has left a lot of problems, such as easy to cough, easy to tire, etc., in order to prepare for pregnancy more scientifically, I often browse some online content and even look at some special pregnancy preparation tools, use it to guide me to better prepare for pregnancy!

Successfully prepared to be pregnant for one month, the child is healthy and lovely, and the 30-year-old couple shares practical experience

Then I saw an article, specifically mentioned "see Chinese medicine before getting pregnant, you should be so conditioned", I carefully looked at the symptoms inside, compared myself one by one, and found that I really needed to see Chinese medicine, so I found a colleague to recommend Chinese medicine to see for several months, every month I took Chinese medicine on time, and slowly adjusted my physical state.

Successfully prepared to be pregnant for one month, the child is healthy and lovely, and the 30-year-old couple shares practical experience

At the same time, I especially follow the online list of fertility recipes to prepare daily ingredients, such as my favorite tomato beef and eel, often fried to eat, because the beef itself has the effect of tonifying qi, tomato sweet and sour can also make their appetite better, eel helps men to raise better sperm, improve quality, more likely to produce healthy and cute babies!

Successfully prepared to be pregnant for one month, the child is healthy and lovely, and the 30-year-old couple shares practical experience

In general, you can eat some beef, seafood, fresh vegetables and fruits during pregnancy, so that both husband and wife can achieve better physical condition through dietary conditioning!

Of course, everyone's appetite is different, you can find your favorite and suitable recipes on the Internet, so that you can eat happily and help to prepare for pregnancy, why not!

02 Scientifically record the menstrual cycle and accurately judge the ovulation period

I was able to prepare for pregnancy in one month, I think it should be due to the fact that I have been using the app to truly record my monthly menstrual leave cycle, and it has been recorded since I got married, recording for more than half a year, through scientific records, how much is my menstrual leave cycle every month, and the ovulation period is specifically in what days, at a glance, which has made a great contribution to my successful pregnancy preparation!

Successfully prepared to be pregnant for one month, the child is healthy and lovely, and the 30-year-old couple shares practical experience

So when I was trying to conceive, by calculating my own ovulation date, I used ovulation test strips to measure ovulation on the first day of ovulation. The better time to measure ovulation should be selected at 10 to 20 o'clock every day, and the test time is best fixed every day, so that the comparison is more scientific!

I generally choose to test at 10 o'clock every day, the first day of ovulation test paper positive is not obvious, and then do not care about it, the next day continue to test, more obvious than the previous day, but far from reaching the strong yang, so wait until the fourth day 10 o'clock in the test, ovulation test paper has shown strong yang, but at this time it is not recommended to have intercourse.

Wait until 12:30 on the fifth day to have intercourse, because the ovulation paper test to the strong yang is not immediately ovulated, but wait until 24--48 hours later will ovulate, so the general measurement of the strong yang on the second day of the same room is more reasonable!

Successfully prepared to be pregnant for one month, the child is healthy and lovely, and the 30-year-old couple shares practical experience

We were arranged according to the above time, and then we were not sure that we would make up again the next day, and we did not hope to get pregnant at one time, but after seeing that the menstrual leave was more than a week late, we immediately went to the blood test, and the doctor clearly told us that we were pregnant!

But I also have friends who have not been successful for half a year, to go to the examination of both husband and wife have no problems, they are both young people, unlike when we want to have our first child, they are already older, and then chat with his wife to know that they are too nervous, in fact, emotional relaxation is easier to conceive!

03 Active exercise to strengthen the body, eugenics and eugenics are very important

Exercise is essential for couples who are trying to conceive, because the physical and mental state of regular exercise will be at their best, and it is easier to conceive successfully.

My husband actually doesn't like sports very much, but he likes to do housework, wash dishes and mop the floor, etc. Basically he does, and he has a cleaning habit, every day to sweep the floor and mop the floor, every time he sweeps the floor and mops the floor one by one, basically sweaty and sweaty. Originally, I wanted to force him to run, but seeing that he did a lot of housework, I didn't force him anymore, and it was good to "exercise" in the way he liked.

Successfully prepared to be pregnant for one month, the child is healthy and lovely, and the 30-year-old couple shares practical experience

I myself like to walk briskly, generally insist on walking fast for about 20 minutes after meals, so that the fatigue of a day's work will disappear and the mood will become happy!

In fact, there is another simple and easy-to-learn exercise that is very conducive to conception, that is, skipping rope. Because skipping rope can not only strengthen the body, but also enhance the function of organs including reproductive organs, it is an effective tubal gymnastics.

Successfully prepared to be pregnant for one month, the child is healthy and lovely, and the 30-year-old couple shares practical experience

But the skipping rope is also exquisite Oh, advocate jumping rope 200-500 times a day, to the ovulation period can be stable at about 500 times a day, but do not jump 24 hours after intercourse, otherwise it may affect the effect of conception!

Of course, everyone's favorite exercise is different, we can arrange specific exercises according to their physical conditions and preferences, the key is to insist, so that both husband and wife can maintain a good state!

04 Some precautions for scientific pregnancy preparation

Although after pregnancy, although she experienced the difficult moments of fetal protection in the first three months and gestational diabetes in the post-stage, the child was born safely, and she was a healthy and lovely girl with a clear eyebrow, of course, how to see her child is cute, as long as health is everything!

Successfully prepared to be pregnant for one month, the child is healthy and lovely, and the 30-year-old couple shares practical experience

What my daughter looked like when she was a month old

The daughter looks like a month

But another mother who had a baby at the same time as me was not so lucky, and her daughter was born with pneumonia and was tested to have mild congenital heart disease.

Therefore, we advocate scientific pregnancy preparation, eugenics and eugenics are still very important!

First, men should quit smoking and alcohol during pregnancy. It is best not to drink alcohol within three months, because the maturity period of sperm takes about 76 days, and if you can't quit drinking three months in advance, it may have a certain impact on your child.

Second, those with problems with the teeth should be treated in time. Especially before pregnancy, it is best to do an oral examination, if there is a problem, it should be treated in time, or there may be a problem with the teeth after pregnancy, which may involve medication, which is easy to affect the baby in the stomach!

Successfully prepared to be pregnant for one month, the child is healthy and lovely, and the 30-year-old couple shares practical experience

Third, the examination of eugenics is indispensable. When we wanted to have our first child, we didn't understand anything, so we didn't go for an examination, and after the second treasure was older, the whole body examination would definitely be arranged in time.

I hope that every couple who is walking on the road to pregnancy can get pregnant as soon as possible, give birth to a cute and healthy baby, although it is very hard to have a child, but he is the future and hope of a family!

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