
Nutritious breakfast for young babies, it is recommended that parents introduce it in this way!

If the breakfast of the baby over 1 year old focuses on nutritional balance, then the importance of the baby's breakfast within 6 months to 1 year old is to supplement the basic energy needed by the baby's body + help the baby establish healthy eating habits!

Supplementing energy is not much to say, and we will be hungry without eating breakfast, the baby will be hungry after a whole night of energy consumption, and the serious ones will be due to the lack of sugar and enough calories, hypoglycemia and other reactions, so the month-old babies must wake up in the morning to eat breast milk first.

Nutritious breakfast for young babies, it is recommended that parents introduce it in this way!

The focus is on establishing healthy eating habits for the baby, after all, from the milk-based, gradually changed to children's multiple meals a day, and even adults' three meals a day, this transformation is indispensable in the process of baby food supplementation.

The American Academy of Pediatrics also points out that healthy habits must be developed from an early age, and what you eat in early childhood (including breakfast) can have a significant impact on your child's attitude toward food later on.

Nutritious breakfast for young babies, it is recommended that parents introduce it in this way!

Therefore, whether the baby can adapt to the future meals a day, three meals a day, these need to be consciously cultivated by the parents and mothers, to adapt to the taste of breakfast, so it is very important for the baby to form a healthy eating habit!

6-7 months of age, replenishing energy:

When your baby first starts adding complementary foods, you can choose to add between two meals of milk, but you still have to feed it mainly with breast milk or formula, with iron-rich foods, such as iron-fortified cereals, minced meat, fish puree, fruit puree, tofu, oatmeal, etc.

At this time, a meal a day can be supplemented, parents should pay attention to: each time only add a new food, observe 3-5 days to understand the baby's adaptation and then gradually add other new foods; but also from less to more, try to increase vegetables, fruits and other supplements to the baby's dietary fiber ~

Nutritious breakfast for young babies, it is recommended that parents introduce it in this way!

7-9 months old, try "breakfast" introduction:

When the baby is 7 to 9 months old, the number of meals of complementary foods can be increased from the original to 2 times a day, and this time, parents can help the baby develop the habit of eating "early".

After the baby wakes up to eat a meal of breast milk or 150 to 200 mL formula, and then provide the baby with a nutritious breakfast, such as multigrain vegetable porridge, with cakes made of vegetables and meat, steamed fruit finger food, etc., in the right way, let the baby start to exercise his chewing and swallowing ability.

Nutritious breakfast for young babies, it is recommended that parents introduce it in this way!

10-12 months of age, cultivate "breakfast" awareness:

At this stage, the baby's breakfast types have been relatively rich, whether it is porridge rice, noodles, eggs, vegetables, meat, or fruits can basically adapt, parents can try the "cereal + meat + vegetables and fruits" combination of nutrition and thickness, to help the baby cultivate breakfast awareness!

After the baby wakes up, first drink 150 to 200 mL of breast milk or formula, and then eat a boiled egg or egg yolk puree, plus a small piece of bread/steamed bread or rice porridge, plus some finger vegetables, fruits, etc. After that, it gradually increases, and slowly forms the habit of the baby's breakfast taste.

Nutritious breakfast for young babies, it is recommended that parents introduce it in this way!

Of course, compared with the nutritious breakfast of the baby over 1 year old, the nutritious breakfast of the baby under 1 year old should be more exquisite:

In addition to the blacklist foods such as rice soup & porridge, cooking water, and fruit juice that Gu Mommy said before, the following foods should also be noted:

1, fish with high mercury (gong) content

Fish is rich in DHA and high-quality protein, etc., very suitable for babies to eat, but their own mercury (gong) high fish, such as tuna, sailfish, swordfish, etc. are not suitable for babies to eat, will affect the baby's nervous system!

Baby add fish meat needs to pay attention to: not allergic, low mercury and less thorns (salmon, cod, osmanthus fish, perch), do not add any salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate and other condiments, steaming mainly.

Nutritious breakfast for young babies, it is recommended that parents introduce it in this way!

2. Heavy taste processed food

In addition to salt control, some sauce products, pickled products, such as pickles, squeezed vegetables, pickles and other meals also need to arouse the vigilance of parents, they are not only high salt content, nutritional value is also very low, will increase the burden on the baby's kidneys, is not conducive to the baby's health.

Nutritious breakfast for young babies, it is recommended that parents introduce it in this way!

3. Pure milk

Pure milk for the age of the baby, contains a high concentration of protein and minerals, can not be fully absorbed by the baby, and even to the kidneys of immature babies will bring a burden!

Nutritious breakfast for young babies, it is recommended that parents introduce it in this way!

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