
Take stock of the sales ranking of new car-making forces in 2021, which ones sell best?

Since the new car-making forces entered the market in 2018, people have paid much attention to these fledgling Internet car-making, these years have been floating and sinking, the new force market from the initial Weilai is a big one, to the later Weilai Xiaopeng Weima three-legged standing, and then to the later "Wei Xiaoli", some play stable to maintain the forefront, some of you chase me gradually backward. Today we will take a look at the market performance of the entire new car-making forces in 2021, is it to maintain the status quo or to re-wash the disk?

Take stock of the sales ranking of new car-making forces in 2021, which ones sell best?

Judging from the above data, 2021 is another year of blowout of new forces, and the head enterprise "Wei Xiaoli" still maintains a state of mutual intransigence, and Xiaopeng comes out on top. Nezha Automobile performed unexpectedly well this time, surpassing Weima to rank fourth, and officially entered the second echelon of new car-making forces.

Next, we will mainly analyze the situation in the top three.

Xiaopeng's business strategy

In the last month of 2021, Xiaopeng Automobile delivered 16,000 units, a sharp increase of 181% year-on-year, topped the monthly sales list of new car-making forces, and also became the first new force car company to exceed 16,000 deliveries. It is thanks to the strong rally in the fourth quarter that The total delivery volume of Xiaopeng Automobile in 2021 rose to 98,155 units, an increase of 263% year-on-year, surpassing Weilai Automobile and winning the annual sales championship in one fell swoop.

Take stock of the sales ranking of new car-making forces in 2021, which ones sell best?

So how did Xiaopeng do it? From the specific data, Xiaopeng P7 is the main sales force, with a total of 7459 vehicles delivered in December, with a total of 60569 vehicles delivered throughout the year, accounting for 62% of the total delivery volume of the year. The new compact sedan Xiaopeng P5, the new smart flagship SUV G9 and the classic urban SUV G3i account for the remaining 38%.

Although in the average price of bicycles, Xiaopeng does not have an advantage over Weilai, after all, it does not take the high-end route, but Xiaopeng's product architecture is richer than Weilai, the models cover coupes, family cars and SUVs, and the price range covers 150,000-400,000 yuan, such a layout is indeed easier to achieve sales advantages.

Missing the pin crown, Weilai still performed well

Nio's deliveries in December were 10,489 units, which is also the third time that it has achieved deliveries of more than 10,000 units, an increase of 49.7% year-on-year, and seven consecutive quarters of positive growth. From January to December 2021, nio's cumulative delivery volume was 91,429 vehicles, an increase of 109.1% year-on-year, and its performance was still good, within the normal level of NIO.

Take stock of the sales ranking of new car-making forces in 2021, which ones sell best?

For Weilai, who missed the top spot and failed to successfully hit the annual sales mark of 100,000 vehicles, there may be regrets in 2021, but more is still hope. Because last year, it encountered external unfavorable factors such as the impact of the epidemic, insufficient supply chain, and factory transformation, Weilai terminal was still affected a lot. However, with the determination of the delivery date of ET7, the official release of ET5, and the recent spy photos of ES7, WEILAI's product matrix will be further expanded in 2022, and the price range may also expand. Next year's pin crown flower will be confusing again.

One car to go around the world, the ideal success can not be copied

To say that the product matrix, the ideal is really only relying on the ideal ONE model to go to the world. From the data, in December alone, the ideal delivery volume reached a staggering 14,087 units, setting a record for the highest delivery of new cars, reaching 90,491 units in 2021, an increase of 177.4% year-on-year.

Take stock of the sales ranking of new car-making forces in 2021, which ones sell best?

The reason why the ideal ONE can be so invincible is inseparable from its accurate customer positioning. Compared with Xiaopeng and Weilai competing for the pure electric market, the ideal ONE extended range electric vehicle is directly aimed at the larger market of fuel vehicles, coupled with practical large space, cross-level intelligent configuration, and high cost performance, which meets the needs of a new generation of consumers for intelligence and technology everywhere.

Ideal's new car, the Ideal X01, is expected to be released in April 2022 and delivered in the second half of the year, when a new player will be added and sales will surely rise sharply.


Xiao Peng counterattacked, rewriting "Wei Xiaoli" to "Xiao WeiLi", but victory and defeat are common things in the soldiers, and a temporary win or loss does not represent anything, with the rearrangement of troops in 2022, let us look forward to the performance of the new forces of car building!

(Author: He Shuguang)

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