
The 13-year-old girl's belly bulge crawled full of "stretch marks", and her mother was frightened on the spot after taking the CT!

"Is your child's menstruation normal?" Have you been here lately? ”

"Has her stomach been like this all the time, or has it been like this lately?"

In the examination room, the doctor looked at Xiaoxue (pseudonym)'s bulging belly, and his face was a little solemn.

The 13-year-old girl's belly bulge crawled full of "stretch marks", and her mother was frightened on the spot after taking the CT!

A little girl who has just entered junior high school, her belly arches so high, and she has grown dense dark lines, just like the mountain fault zone:

Isn't this typical stretch marks?

The 13-year-old girl's belly bulge crawled full of "stretch marks", and her mother was frightened on the spot after taking the CT!

Snow's belly

Listening to the doctor's question, Xiaoxue's mother also giggled.

Before coming to the hospital, she didn't expect this layer at all.

She just thinks her daughter has drunk too much milk tea and gained weight.

During this time, the neighbors said the same thing.

"Lady boss, your daughter is fat again?" Couldn't be fatter."

Xiaoxue is only 13 years old and is already 145 pounds.

At first, the stomach was only slightly raised, and then it slowly became the thickness of the bucket.

The neighbors met a joke on the road, and The snow mother did not go to her heart. She herself is an obese old aunt, and isn't it normal for the child to be a little fatter?

The 13-year-old girl's belly bulge crawled full of "stretch marks", and her mother was frightened on the spot after taking the CT!

The change came at 8 a.m. that morning.

When Xiaoxue got up to go to the bathroom, she suddenly felt a little pain in the lower right part of her stomach.

Went to the clinic to prescribe medicine to take, but it did not work, abdominal pain continued until the evening, more and more serious.

Mom quickly took her to a nearby community hospital to hang up the emergency room.

When she heard the doctor ask those 2 questions, she was shocked:

The child can't be pregnant, right?

If it is true, look at the size of the stomach, at least seven or eight months.

Such a thing, she had not heard of. When I was in junior high school, there was a female classmate in the class and the outside of the had a big belly, and finally had to drop out of school, I heard that soon after the child was born, the girl left the child and ran away from home because of domestic violence...

The 13-year-old girl's belly bulge crawled full of "stretch marks", and her mother was frightened on the spot after taking the CT!

Wait a minute, don't think about it.

She forcibly fixed her mind, and her mind quickly recalled the whereabouts of her daughter in the past year: she went out at 7 o'clock every morning, took a bus downstairs for several stops to go to school, and went home after class in the evening. I have the impression that I sleep at home every day... Not likely.

On the way to the examination, the daughter also strenuously denied it. But Xue Mama's heart was still seven up and eight down.

After the test results came out, the doctor's expression became more complicated:

"There's something in the kid's belly! Probably, worse than being pregnant with twins! ”

The doctor recommends that you immediately go to the district hospital for further examination.

At this point, Xue Mama was frightened and quickly called her husband to come over.

By the time she arrived at the district hospital, her daughter was in so much pain that she could not speak. It hurts to stand, it hurts to sit, it hurts to lie down. After the emergency doctor watched the film, his expression was also very solemn.

The 13-year-old girl's belly bulge crawled full of "stretch marks", and her mother was frightened on the spot after taking the CT!

Ct examination of the snow

The CT examination revealed that Xiaoxue was not pregnant, and the baby was not a twin, but:

Super large ovarian cysts!

For women, ovarian cysts are as common as hemorrhoids.

Simply put, it is a lump with fluid on the ovaries. These fluids may be watery, bloody, or pus.

The 13-year-old girl's belly bulge crawled full of "stretch marks", and her mother was frightened on the spot after taking the CT!

Image source: Tencent Medical Code

However, ovarian cysts as large as "pregnant October" are rare and quite dangerous. District Hospital Recommendation: Hurry to Shenzhen Children's Hospital.

Huge cysts like "bombs"!

I can't get off the operating table

After further examination, the truth finally surfaced:

Inside The abdominal cavity of Koyuki, there is a huge cyst of about 40cm × 30cm × 20cm!

The 13-year-old girl's belly bulge crawled full of "stretch marks", and her mother was frightened on the spot after taking the CT!

It's like stuffing a powerful "bomb" in your stomach.

It not only may explode at any time, but also compresses the internal organs and intestines, causing children to have abdominal pain, vomiting, and poor breathing. If left untreated, intestinal necrosis may occur and life-threatening.

Surgery is required! Right away!!

However, it is difficult to remove this "bomb":

The "water" is too deep

Xiaoxue's abdominal cyst is very large, and it is expected that the cyst inside the abdominal cyst will exceed 10,000 ml!

The 13-year-old girl's belly bulge crawled full of "stretch marks", and her mother was frightened on the spot after taking the CT!

If too much ascites will make the abdominal pressure drop too fast, it is easy to lead to electrolyte disorders, panic, difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, etc., and the child may not be able to hold on.

"Blast openings" are hard to find

When puncturing and withdrawing fluids in a huge sac, avoid large blood vessels, otherwise there will be heavy bleeding and the child will soon die. The blood vessels on the sac are abundant, which requires finding a good "blast opening".

The 13-year-old girl's belly bulge crawled full of "stretch marks", and her mother was frightened on the spot after taking the CT!

Large variables

Before surgery, the type of this huge cyst is not clear, and different strain regimens should be prepared.

If it is a mesenteric cyst, the diseased intestine should be removed; if it is a large omentomental cyst, the cyst should be removed. If a large amount of fluid is drawn and the blood pressure drops significantly, multiple surgeries should be considered to release the sac fluid in stages.

The green liquid drawn out resembles bottled water

After the operation, the girl lost more than 30 pounds

At 1:20 p.m. that day, the surgery began.

The first step is to "release water".

That is, the cyst fluid is drawn out and the cyst is slowly shrunk. This is not urgent. While the operation team is pumping fluids, it is also necessary to closely observe the child's vital signs and be ready for rescue at any time.

The 13-year-old girl's belly bulge crawled full of "stretch marks", and her mother was frightened on the spot after taking the CT!

During surgery

10ml、50ml、200ml...... It took more than an hour for the dark green sac to be pumped clean.

A total of 16,000 ml of sac fluid was drawn!

Probably that much more than a bottle of water in a bucket!

The 13-year-old girl's belly bulge crawled full of "stretch marks", and her mother was frightened on the spot after taking the CT!

Intraoperative withdrawal of cystic fluid

Next, it's time to fix the cyst.

Intraoperatively determined, it is a left ovarian cyst. This tests the doctor's skill: both to remove the cyst, but also to minimize the impact on the ovaries, to preserve the hope of fertility for the 13-year-old.

After the withdrawal, the cyst skin becomes very small. After making a small incision, the doctor carefully removes the cyst and peels off the cyst bit by bit.

Time passes minute by minute. After 3 hours, the "bomb disposal" was finally completed, and the surgical team breathed a sigh of relief:

Complete removal of cysts!

The child retains most of the fertility and hormonal function!

After removing the "bomb", Xiaoxue was relaxed, only 115 pounds. More than 30 pounds lighter than before the operation!

After the operation, Xiaoxue recovered well and the indicators were normal. Pathological reports suggest ovarian mucinous cystic adenoma. A week later, she was successfully discharged from the hospital.

The 13-year-old girl's belly bulge crawled full of "stretch marks", and her mother was frightened on the spot after taking the CT!

Xiaoxue, who is about to be discharged from the hospital after surgery

Suddenly getting fat can't be reduced?

Ovarian cysts may be "tricked"!

How can a junior high school girl get an ovarian cyst?

Doctors say that ovarian cysts are like this, with elusive tempers and "hands" regardless of age:


You can get caught at any age!

Ovarian cysts are common gynecological tumors that account for 20% of all ovarian diseases. It can occur at any age and is more common in women of childbearing age, but the possibility of teenage girls being sick cannot be ignored.

Similar to the experience of 13-year-old Xiaoxue, Xiaoli (pseudonym), a 25-year-old single girl in Guangzhou, found that her stomach had become larger a year ago, and she thought that she had gained weight and lost weight several times. Finally, it was found that the ovarian cyst was also "ghosting". During the operation, the doctor drew out 15 liters of liquid, and Xiaoli lost more than 20 pounds at once!

The 13-year-old girl's belly bulge crawled full of "stretch marks", and her mother was frightened on the spot after taking the CT!


Symptoms are not obvious! Difficult to detect early

Because the ovaries live deep in the pelvic cavity, there is no obvious discomfort at the beginning of the disease, some only feel slight bloating, and may also be painful in the pelvic area, or there may be compressive symptoms, such as frequent urination, urgency, etc.

The 13-year-old girl's belly bulge crawled full of "stretch marks", and her mother was frightened on the spot after taking the CT!

Many patients seek medical attention after the tumor has grown, the abdomen has been significantly raised, or the tumor has ruptured and abdominal pain has occurred. At this time, the optimal early treatment time is often delayed.

If the cyst ruptures and the ovaries are twisted, abnormalities such as severe pain or vomiting in the lower abdomen may occur, or problems such as pelvic bleeding may occur, or even death!


The cause is unknown! Difficult to prevent

The cause of the ovarian cyst is unknown. Individual genetic factors are thought to play a leading role, and may also be related to factors such as environment, diet, infection, hormones, etc., which can be caused by a single factor or may be a combination of factors.

Ovarian cysts (including other types of tumors) are closely related to individual genetic factors, difficult to prevent, and can only be detected and treated as early as possible through regular physical examinations.

I have a baby girl at home, what should I do?

Tumors can occur at any age, and tumors in children are not uncommon.

Doctors suggest: the majority of parents and friends, when the child is sleeping or quiet, you can occasionally touch the child's stomach, check whether there are some "abnormal lumps", or, if you find that the child's stomach is distended, sudden abdominal pain, sudden weight gain or sudden loss and other abnormalities, to seek medical treatment in time, do not despise.

The 13-year-old girl's belly bulge crawled full of "stretch marks", and her mother was frightened on the spot after taking the CT!

In addition, children's physical examination items rarely include ultrasound, so it is easy to miss many abdominal and pelvic diseases, and regular ultrasound examination (every 1-2 years) can detect many problems early.

Even benign tumors can have serious problems such as torsion and necrosis.


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