
Why do couples who can't have children get pregnant after adopting a child?

Having a healthy baby is the wish of all couples, but not every couple will have a child smoothly.

Many couples have been married for several years and have not been able to conceive children, resulting in a disharmonious relationship between husband and wife, and the elders of the family are also anxious.

Xiaoying and her husband have been married for two years without children, in order to see a doctor, the couple spent a lot of money, Xiaoying almost became a medicine jar, but after tossing and turning for several years, they failed to successfully conceive a child, and then the couple simply gave up and adopted a baby.

But Heaven seems to have deliberately teased the two, and in the first year of their adoption of the child, Xiaoying became pregnant, during which time, the two did not undergo treatment.

This makes couples wonder: how can they adopt a child and get pregnant? Does this child have any divine powers?

Xiaoying's mother-in-law said that this situation is called "holding a son and getting a son". This means that couples who have not been able to have children can adopt a child and be blessed to have their own child.

Why do couples who can't have children get pregnant after adopting a child?

In fact, there is no scientific basis for the mother-in-law's statement, so why is it that couples who have not been able to give birth to children are pregnant by adopting one? The reason for this is very intriguing.

The reason why couples get pregnant after raising a child is likely to suffer from "psychological infertility". Psychological infertility refers to infertility caused by people in an extremely stressful state.

If the couple is under severe mental stress, it is likely to lead to endocrine disorders, which can affect pregnancy. Xiaoying and her husband's long-term inability to conceive a child is mostly due to too much psychological pressure.

Before adopting a child, all the attention of both husband and wife is on the matter of infertility, and the mental pressure will naturally be great.

When they have a living little life in their lives, their attention is diverted, and their mental stress is reduced, so it is easier to conceive.

But for children who are not easy to get, parents will love more and more easily.

It is indeed not easy to have a child infertility, and the child has experienced many obstacles to come into this world, but parents should not give up the discipline of the child, too much connivance will lead to very serious consequences.

Why do couples who can't have children get pregnant after adopting a child?

1. The child is grumpy

Children are grumpy, mainly caused by parental doting. Many times, children like to hum and express their needs to parents, and many parents can't stand this behavior of their children and want to quickly meet their children so that they can calm down.

But in the long run, we will find that the child's temper not only does not get better because he is satisfied, but becomes bigger and bigger, and in the end, it will become more and more difficult to control.

Why do couples who can't have children get pregnant after adopting a child?

2, the child lacks opinion

Most parents take a packaged approach to their hard-won children, arrange learning, life and everything in the future for their children, and walk in this fixed route, and children will not feel afraid.

But parents can not accompany their children for a lifetime, and there will be many forks in life, when faced with choices, inexperienced children may be helpless, do not know which side to choose, this is a typical lack of opinion, the child's future growth is not good.

Why do couples who can't have children get pregnant after adopting a child?

3, children may form a selfish character

Eating alone is one of the evil consequences of spoiling children, and the consequences of doing so will make children feel that they are little emperors and little princesses, and think that everyone must obey his will.

Therefore, when you grow up, it is easy to form a selfish personality and is unwilling to share, which will make children doubly affected in interpersonal communication.

It is normal for parents to spoil their children, but it is the most important thing to cultivate their children's correct three views. Since the child is not easy to come by, we should seriously educate and guide the child, so as to live up to the efforts made before.

Finally, I hope that every couple can conceive naturally and give birth to a cute baby.

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