
Henan men pretended to be rich second generations, and at the same time, they had 19 girlfriends, and 4 people gave birth to children for him

author:Historical Literary Society

In 2019, a shocking and bizarre fraud case occurred in Zhengzhou, Henan Province.

A bloated and unassuming man, relying on a modified "luxury car" and a high imitation of the name bag, pretended to be a rich second generation of high-ranking cadres, and even attracted 19 young girls to the bait at the same time. In just 2 years, 19 girls not only gave birth to 6 children for him (2 pregnant and waiting to give birth), but also provided him with millions of yuan in succession.

After the truth was revealed, this invincible scumbag actually insisted that he did not cheat money and cheat, nor did he step on N boats.

Online chat meets true love, and the boyfriend disappears after giving birth to a son

One day in June 2017, Wang Weiwei (pseudonym) met a man named Liu Yong (pseudonym) through social networking software. Liu Yong, a self-proclaimed graduate student at Zhengzhou University, helped out at home after graduation, while also investing in and founding a number of supermarket chains, law firms and beauty salons.

Henan men pretended to be rich second generations, and at the same time, they had 19 girlfriends, and 4 people gave birth to children for him

The victim, Ms. Wang

After knowing each other, the two will chat on the Internet from time to time and greet each other. As soon as he came and went, Liu Yong had a good feeling for Wang Weiwei and immediately launched a passionate pursuit. Looking back on Liu Yong's first impression now, Wang Weiwei had difficulty associating him with the liar:

"He said he was a graduate student at Zheng University and is now doing foreign trade business at his father's company."

"Chatting and meeting are quite normal, he is fat, he looks very thick." Although it is ugly, I think it may be reliable. ”

"When I don't know much, he often sends me things at night, such as tomorrow to cool down, he will come to bring me a dress, and he thinks he is very kind to me."

As Wang Weiwei said, during the contact, Liu Yong greeted her every day, invited her to dinner, and sent some small gifts, which seemed to be very caring. Not only that, Liu Yong also told Wang Weiwei many times that although his family had money, the family relationship was not harmonious. Therefore, he is very eager to have a happy and happy family, and when he falls in love, he is rushing to get married, and seems to be very serious and attached to this relationship.

Henan men pretended to be rich second generations, and at the same time, they had 19 girlfriends, and 4 people gave birth to children for him


Have academic qualifications, ability, have a certain economic foundation, and be gentle and considerate to themselves, caring for themselves. It can be said that in addition to appearance, Liu Yong can be called a perfect and good man. In this way, Wang Weiwei agreed to Liu Yong's pursuit and poured all her trust and sincerity into him. Even after a year and a half of interaction, Wang Weiwei gave birth to the crystallization of the love between the two.

In fact, when she was in love for half a year and found an unexpected pregnancy, Wang Weiwei considered that the two had not yet planned to get married, and originally did not intend to have this child. However, Liu Yong was eagerly awaiting the birth of his child. In order to make Wang Weiwei change her mind, Liu Yong also stayed downstairs in her house all night, and vowed to be responsible for her and the child.

However, what Wang Weiwei did not expect was that not long after the child was born, just when she was looking forward to being a bride after sitting on the confinement and resuming childbirth, Liu Yong left without a sound. The phone is blocked, the text message is not returned, just like the human world evaporated.

According to Wang Weiwei, "Since December 2018, he has not returned home, nor has he returned home for the New Year, and then I began to wonder if he already had a family." ”

Henan men pretended to be rich second generations, and at the same time, they had 19 girlfriends, and 4 people gave birth to children for him

After Liu Yong disappeared, Wang Weiwei initially suspected that she had been killed by Xiao San. Maybe Liu Yong has long been married and has a family, and has always been cheating on his feelings. Now that the child is born, he doesn't want to be responsible for it, so he plays missing.

But soon, Wang Weiwei rejected this idea. Because she found that her two cars had disappeared with them. Almost instantaneously, a chilling speculation took shape in Wang Weiwei's mind--is Liu Yong a fraudster who cheats money and cheats?

Doubt the identity of the boyfriend, see through the shocking deception

During the relationship, Wang Weiwei trusted Liu Yong in every way and responded to every request. But when the filter of feelings is turned off, the seeds of doubt take root and sprout, and all kinds of doubts in the past are quickly presented in front of Wang Weiwei's eyes.

In fact, from the beginning of the establishment of the relationship, Liu Yong extended his claws to Wang Weiwei's wallet. He constantly borrowed money from Wang Weiwei on the pretext that the company's turnover was not working well, the beauty salon, and the villa needed to be renovated.

Henan men pretended to be rich second generations, and at the same time, they had 19 girlfriends, and 4 people gave birth to children for him

Some people may say that the use of feelings to borrow money is clearly a liar, and a fool will be set. But as the saying goes, "the authorities are confused, the bystanders are clear."

Although Liu Yong has been looking for various excuses to ask for money, he has borrowed and repaid in the early stage. In addition, he once took Wang Weiwei on a field trip to the beauty shop, and Wang Weiwei also saw her boyfriend and the workers discuss the decoration plan, so she never doubted Liu Yong's purpose of borrowing money.

Until Wang Weiwei became pregnant, liu yong's loan amount increased sharply, but the frequency of repayment became lower and lower. Now it seems that Liu Yong was preparing for the final set of big runs at that time.

After sorting out all her thoughts, Wang Weiwei's heart was full of mixed feelings. She was sad that the two-year relationship was a complete lie, she was sad that the child had not been accompanied by his father since birth, and she regretted that she had been cheated out of her knowledge and years of savings. Of course, Wang Weiwei's most important goal is to find out the scumbag as soon as possible, let him pay back the money, and let him bear the responsibility that he should do as a father.

Henan men pretended to be rich second generations, and at the same time, they had 19 girlfriends, and 4 people gave birth to children for him

"Kung Fu pays off", after many inquiries, Wang Weiwei finally found out the clues. It turned out that Liu Yong even had a fake name! His real name is Tan, he was married once in 2012 and divorced in 2016. Most critically, he was declared missing by his family as early as June 2017.

Equivalent to two years ago, Tan Moumou ran away from home for some reason, and cut off all contact with his family, and then under the pseudonym Liu Yong and disguised as Fu Erdai, he approached Wang Weiwei.

This amazing discovery could not help but remind Wang Weiwei of another thing. Just before Liu Yong disappeared, a girl once added her friend through social networking software, claiming that Liu Yong owed her 80,000 yuan. At that time, the explanation given by Liu Yong was that it was just a normal arrears in the business, and there was no money to pay back for the time being. He also asked Wang Weiwei to prevaricate the other party as a departing accountant.

It is worth mentioning that during the relationship between the two, Liu Yong has been using Wang Weiwei's payment account. Most of the funds in his business are transferred in and out through Wang Weiwei's account. And this is also one of the reasons why Wang Weiwei had previously believed in Liu Yong.

Henan men pretended to be rich second generations, and at the same time, they had 19 girlfriends, and 4 people gave birth to children for him

In short, Wang Weiwei thought carefully, since Liu Yong has long used a false name, a false identity, and tried every means to conceal his whereabouts, then his social account is most likely not bound to his own ID card. Therefore, Wang Weiwei tried to apply for a password retrieval through appeal - sure enough, she used her ID number to successfully reset the password and logged on to Liu Yong's social account.

The moment she clicked on the main page, Wang Weiwei was stunned. I saw that on the list, there were girls' names. Click into the chat history one by one, and the sky is full of the same ambiguous information and countless transfer records.

Henan men pretended to be rich second generations, and at the same time, they had 19 girlfriends, and 4 people gave birth to children for him

On that day, Wang Weiwei found 13 girls who had a considerable encounter with her through Liu Yong's social account. Everyone is Liu Yong's girlfriend, they have been cheated of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of huge sums of money, and now they are also sad and indignant because of Liu Yong's disappearance.

BAIC modified a Mercedes benz and deceived 19 girls

"At that time, after knowing him, I bought me a moon bun and a bowl of rice noodles, and then I was cheated of more than 100,000 yuan."

"I ate two meals and cheated a hundred thousand."

"A few meals of marinated meat have deceived me of seven or eighty thousand."

"I didn't even eat, and he cheated on me for 250,000."

Under the contact of Wang Weiwei, more than 10 victimized women gathered one after another. For a time, the scene was like a large-scale "worse than miserable conference", and everyone cried and complained about their credulity, and they were cheated of a huge amount of money after a few meals and a few words.

Henan men pretended to be rich second generations, and at the same time, they had 19 girlfriends, and 4 people gave birth to children for him

After some exchanges, the girls found that everyone's experience was much the same, Liu Yong first approached them as a gentle and amorous rich second generation, won trust, cheated money, and squeezed out the benefits, then played the evaporation of the world and looked for the next prey.

Among the victimized women, in addition to Wang Weiwei, Xiao Yang's experience is also worth mentioning. Xiao Yang met Liu Yong through online chat on New Year's Day in 2018. Under the attack of Liu Yong's clever words and sugar-coated shells, the feelings of the two quickly warmed up, and in March of the same year, they developed to the point of talking about marriage.

During the engagement discussions in March, Liu Yong gave Xiao Yang a large 5-carat diamond ring and took 167 grams of Xiao Yang's gold jewelry. In August of the same year, Liu Yong once again asked Xiao Yang for a huge amount of cash because of the problem of business turnover.

At this time, because almost half a year has passed, the engagement has never landed, so Xiao Yang is hesitant. Seeing the situation, Liu Yong said with great enthusiasm that he wanted to give his "luxury car" to Xiao Yang, along with two auspicious mobile phone numbers that he had bought at a huge expense. He even promised that as soon as the funds warmed up, he would immediately buy a new car for Xiao Yang that she liked.

Henan men pretended to be rich second generations, and at the same time, they had 19 girlfriends, and 4 people gave birth to children for him

Seeing this, I think everyone guessed it. That 5-carat diamond ring is actually just glass, and dozens of pieces of online shopping are like that. Those two auspicious mobile phone numbers were also rented for money. As for the "luxury car", it is not simple at first - it is actually one of the two cars that Liu Yong stole from Wang Weiwei.

Wang Weiwei had a car purchased in installments, and not long after the relationship, she was driven away by Liu Yong on the grounds that "the safety factor is too low and needs to be replaced with a good car". After that, Liu Yong used various excuses to drag it back, and the new car was delayed.

In fact, this car has long been sent to the repair shop by Liu Yong, spending tens of thousands of pieces to transform the appearance into a "luxury car". After that, Liu Yong drove this modified luxury car, more high-profile swindling around, until it was used to withdraw cash from Xiao Yang's hand. To borrow the words of a victimized girl: "After he cheated money in the early stage, he pretended to be a second generation of officials and the second generation of the rich in the later stage." ”

From January 2017 to March 2019, in just two years, Liu Yong had deceived 19 women. What is even more heinous is that according to Wang Weiwei, Liu Yong not only cheated money, sex, and feelings, but also tricked many girls into giving birth to him.

Henan men pretended to be rich second generations, and at the same time, they had 19 girlfriends, and 4 people gave birth to children for him

According to the statistics of the police investigation, 4 of the 19 girls have given birth to Liu Yong's children, and two people are pregnant and awaiting delivery.

The scumbag was arrested and arrested, and he did not repent

The so-called "Skynet is restored, neglect is not leaked". Along with 17 of the 19 victimized women, they stood up one after another and called the police to accuse Liu Yong. The Zhengdong Branch of the Zhengzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau attaches great importance to this and immediately launches a comprehensive investigation. On March 22, 2019, he successfully found Liu Yong's hiding place and arrested him in one fell swoop.

Perhaps looking at the evidence and physical evidence, Liu Yong did not argue strongly and did not admit it, but confessed to all the crimes he committed, saying that his "mistake was first a moral issue, and the second was a legal issue."

According to Liu Yong's confession. Born in 1990, he started working around to earn money after graduating from junior high school. On how he embarked on the road of fraud, Liu Yong said: "That period of time was in a more economically awkward period, so I chose to do so. ”

Henan men pretended to be rich second generations, and at the same time, they had 19 girlfriends, and 4 people gave birth to children for him

It is understood that Liu Yong has been in entertainment venues for a long time and makes a living by selling alcohol. Until the beginning of 2017, after losing his job, Liu Yong's life was instantly in a state of embarrassment, and even basic food, clothing, housing and transportation were difficult to maintain. In this way, Liu Yong came up with the idea of impersonating the second generation of the rich to carry out fraud.

Perhaps because of the amazing deception, in January, April and May 2017 alone, Liu Yong won three consecutive times. On one occasion, he even had a wedding directly with the victim (without registration). These three too smooth scam experiences further stimulated Liu Yong's ambition and self-confidence. It is also in order to completely create a false persona of the second generation of the rich and rich that Liu Yong will decide to run away from home and cut off contact with his parents and family.

Later, as mentioned earlier, Liu Yong built himself into a young talent with both talent and wealth. Obviously, the family has a mine, sits and waits to inherit the entrepreneurial property, but actively moves forward. Not only was he admitted to Zhengzhou University as a graduate student, but he also invested in companies everywhere, and he was involved in beauty salons and supermarket chains in all walks of life.

At the same time, in order to confirm their "rich and handsome" identity. In addition to the modified "luxury car", Liu Yong's whole body, from clothes to bags, is all high-end brand. What expensive watches, 24K pure gold nuggets, that are all easy to pull out. Of course, these are all high imitation and low imitation products.

Henan men pretended to be rich second generations, and at the same time, they had 19 girlfriends, and 4 people gave birth to children for him

In short, relying on the false identity of the "rich second generation" and the disguised sincere and intimate appearance, Liu Yong has tried many times and never lost his hand on the road of cheating money and cheating. If it were not for Wang Weiwei finding out the clues, immediately contacting other victims, and everyone joining forces to sue Liu Yong in court, he would definitely continue to deceive.

The most ridiculous thing is that until the matter was revealed and he was imprisoned, Liu Yong was still putting on a show.

"They didn't contact me either, they just didn't have any contact."

"I wasn't with her, with her, with her at the same time. Instead, after being with her, I found it inappropriate and I might contact the next one. ”

"I didn't mean to lie to them, I told them I would pay them back when they got to a certain time, but it's not time yet."

Liu Yong denied that he had blacklisted his "girlfriends" and deliberately played missing. Denying that you have stepped on multiple boats can cheat on feelings. Even denied being a liar. Liu Yong claimed that he was indeed engaged in a career and was involved in many industries, but those businesses were either stillborn or went bankrupt. He also said that he did not cheat money, and that the money he borrowed was ready to be repaid, but it was uncertain how many years it would take.

Henan men pretended to be rich second generations, and at the same time, they had 19 girlfriends, and 4 people gave birth to children for him

It is worth mentioning that when the police asked about Liu Yong's child, he said that he had a son and a daughter. Obviously, he used clever words and tricked his "girlfriends" into giving birth to and conceiving 6 children, but he only remembered two of them. In this regard, it can only be said that this man really scumbags to a realm.

A rich, gentle and considerate, honest-looking man cheated 19 girls out of their feelings and money in one go. Behind this deception that makes it difficult for ordinary people to understand, what is exposed is the weak vigilance psychology of some women, and even the wrong concept of marriage.

You know, in this society, the scammers are endless, and the tricks of the scammers are even more varied. What girls can do is to be vigilant and defensive, not to believe the sweet words of men, and not to easily link love marriage with money.

The above is the entire content of this issue of the History and Literature Society, after reading do not forget to like the comments plus attention Oh, thank you for your support, we will see you in the next issue!


China Youth Network: "Rich Second Generation" was covered with fake brand names and deceived 19 women in a row, 4 of whom had a baby

China Economic Network: Men? Using fake bags and fake watches to impersonate "rich second generation" even deceived 19 women and 4 people have given birth to babies

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