
Why should a child go to a good high school? This is the best answer I've ever heard

author:Bright Net

A particularly interesting survey:

Many students in Qingbei, primary and junior high schools are unknown, but high schools, without exception, are from famous schools.

In fact, whether elementary school and junior high school are famous schools may not have as much impact on future talents as we think, but high school is very important.

I remembered that when I was in college, my classmates were from all over the world, so I would often ask my classmates where he was, and as long as we said his place of origin, we could guess which middle school he came from almost every time.

The reason is none other than him, because other secondary schools can hardly pass the entrance examination.

So I often tell junior high school students that it is very, very necessary to do well in the middle school entrance examination and read a good high school.

Why should a child go to a good high school? This is the best answer I've ever heard

Quality faculty

Many super middle schools have a 80% re-enrollment rate, which means that you just have to follow the teacher here and go to a good 211 university.

A little harder, a key 985 college isn't too hard either.

In many ordinary middle schools, there is often no one in the whole school who can be admitted to the undergraduate type of university. This does have a factor in the quality of students, but it has to be admitted that such results are inseparable from a group of excellent teachers.

An excellent high school, even if it is a normal class, the level of teachers is quite high.

And the teaching arrangement will be very reasonable, relaxed, the school will not let the students go unchecked, nor will it squeeze all the time of the students.

I have personally seen many teachers in excellent high schools, who read original articles in English in the office, write their own academic papers, and carefully summarize and organize their teaching experience.

Such a teacher will continue to enrich and reflect on himself, will always revise his teaching content and methods, will teach according to his aptitude, and will continue to improve.

More importantly, this represents a teacher's boundless love for his or her profession.

With such a passion, whether it is a new teacher who has just started a job or an old teacher who has worked for thirty years, he will have the same passion for teaching, and the quality of education is beyond doubt.

Why should a child go to a good high school? This is the best answer I've ever heard

Strong learning atmosphere

The level of your social circle basically determines your own level.

Studying at a super middle school means that there will be a lot of school bullies living around you.

You can witness their fierce style, meticulous study plan, and meticulous personal habits every day.

The role of hearing is absolutely remarkable, and maybe one day, a certain practice of a certain scholar will inspire you to learn ideas and let you discover a new learning method.

What's more, if you are surrounded by hard-working students, then even if you have been unrestrained, you will slowly begin to learn to sink your heart to learn.

Maybe you can also talk to them about life goals and the like. Most of them have extremely strong goals and extraordinary execution, and with them, you will also have a complete improvement in the realm.

You have to remember that living with you will be the best of your peers.

Staying with them for a full three years will undoubtedly have a huge impact on you.

If you are surrounded by only a lot of people who are at the same level as you, then you will unconsciously accept this level without any motivation to go to the next level.

Your conversation, your ideas, everything in your life is the same as theirs; in the end, the score on the test will only be the same as theirs.

Why should a child go to a good high school? This is the best answer I've ever heard

Enlightened management philosophy

Many super secondary school club activities, student councils, project research, electives, etc. are an integral part of campus life.

Although they will not take up too much time, they will ultimately benefit the overall development of students.

"Quality education" is only in these key schools that have the possibility of piloting, the more ordinary schools, the closer to test-oriented education, even to the lowest schools, even the four words "test-oriented education" can not be talked about.

The better the middle school, the more open-minded it is to treat students: do not grasp early love, do not engage in passionate running exercises, and do not interfere with students' choices.

These ideas give students a lot of freedom, so that they can go out of the campus in the future and become an independent and complete person.

The school has brought me not only excellent grades, but also the impact on my future life.

Why should a child go to a good high school? This is the best answer I've ever heard

Broaden your horizons

I have a high school student from a super middle school in Nanjing, before I met him, I never knew that there can be people in this world who can participate in various high-level competitions at a young age, and there can be people who are proficient in English, astrophysics, etc. For an ordinary high school student, it is slightly obscure.

Diverse environment, a variety of people, so that your vision is no longer limited to the acre and three points in front of the desk.

Allows you to lift your head and look at the world, look at life, look at all kinds of people with a more tolerant and peaceful mindset.

These people can also motivate you to enrich yourself outside of schoolwork and form your own independent thinking.

Gradually, what you understand is no longer just textbooks, but more knowledge outside the textbooks.

Of course, I'm not saying how bad a regular high school is, it's just that it gives you relatively little compared to a good high school.

So, please tell your child: start working hard now, you will usher in the best life.

Source: New Parents Online

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