
Three-child mother Ah Juan: Giving birth to three treasures at the age of 30 is a "set task"

In late December 2021, Ah Juan gave birth to a baby boy at the Third Hospital of Guangdong Medical College. Unlike the average mother of three, Ah Juan is only 29 years old this year. Ah Juan said that her three children came naturally and did not specifically prepare for pregnancy. In 2015 and 2017, she has given birth to a daughter and a son. Including this time the third child is pregnant, he is also natural, and did not spend time to prepare for pregnancy. When he went to the hospital to check on himself and found out that she was pregnant, she decided to give birth to the child.

"The three-child policy is a national policy, of course, it must be supported. My husband likes children a lot, so it's good to have three children. She said that compared with the first two children, this pregnancy three treasures, is the most difficult process, all kinds of pregnancy reactions are much larger than the first two children, especially morning sickness is very serious, every time the symptoms hit, they feel that the stomach is as uncomfortable as a fire, and have always wanted to vomit, do not want to eat all day. Sleeping at night is also a very difficult thing for him, whether he sleeps on his side or sleeps on a pillow, he has to turn over and change his position every time he sleeps for less than 1 hour. Sometimes, in the process of constantly turning over and turning around, she stayed up until dawn in a daze. "It wasn't until I was a mother of three that I felt that it was not easy to be a woman. The mother of three children is really hard. ”

Ah Juan said that having three children before the age of 30 is exactly what she has been planning for. "Let's complete the set task." Since you intend to give birth, you must give birth early. The body is good, and the baby born is also smarter. However, due to the total number of children born in 6 years, in the past 6 years, Ah Juan has almost always been at home with children and has not been able to go to work. This is a big loss for her who is accustomed to working hard in the workplace. It wasn't until September this year, when the eldest was in the first grade of elementary school, that Ah Juan's task was slightly easier.

Three-child mother Ah Juan: Giving birth to three treasures at the age of 30 is a "set task"

In Ah Juan's view, her family conditions can only be regarded as medium, and the reason why she has three children is not to say that she plans to have children because the family's economic conditions are better. "Many things, not to say that the conditions are fully met to do, if you consider to go, many things may not be done." 」 She laughed. Before giving birth to her third child, her mother always reassured her: "When the third child is born, it is not to add a pair of chopsticks to eat together, how much burden can it be increased." Moreover, if three children are raised together, there will be no pampering habits, and the child's body and mind will be healthier. ”

Ah Juan said that before giving birth to the Three Treasures, he did not think too much about how much burden the child would bring after birth, because he felt that when the child grew, adults did not necessarily have to provide a good environment. "I think it's good to be able to eat enough, not to be hungry, and to have my parents by my side." Because of this view, she did not have any worries before giving birth to the Three Treasures.

It is hoped that you will receive maternity allowance

In the ward, Ah Juan's husband, Mr. Li, held the newborn Three Treasures, and his eyes were full of love. Mr. Li admitted that the birth of The Three Treasures has also made the increased economic burden heavier. For myself, it's also a "sweet burden." “

Mr. Li is doing foreign trade e-commerce business, usually good income, but since the epidemic last year, so that foreign trade e-commerce business has also been affected to a certain extent, now, the third child was born, although the heart is very happy, he is still "under pressure". He calculated an account for the reporter, and now Dabao goes to primary school and Erbao goes to kindergarten, and the total expenditure of the two is more than 200,000 yuan a year. After the birth of Sanbao, please sister-in-law, 2,000 yuan per month "milk powder money", is a big expense, as Sanbao is older, but also to take him to participate in early education, buy clothes for her, these are not small expenses. In a year, the cost of spending on 3 children is about 250,000 yuan. Because he was too busy at work, he came home every day after 12 o'clock in the evening, even one or two o'clock in the morning, and even on weekends, he had to work overtime. "I actually have very little time with my kids. After the birth of The Three Treasures, I guess I will be busier. Ah Juan originally planned to return to the workplace after Erbao went to kindergarten to subsidize her family. But with the birth of the Three Treasures, this idea had to be shelved for the time being. She will continue to care for her three children for the next three or four years. In Zheng Ruijuan's view, as a woman in the family, it is necessary to make such a sacrifice for the sake of three children.

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Xiao Huanhuan

Photo/ Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Xiao Huanhuan

Video/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Xiao Huanhuan

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Cai Lingyue

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