
Sanbao Street, Qilin District: Circulating water raises "running fish"

author:Kirin Melter


In recent years, on the basis of quantitative changes in the development of aquaculture, Sanbao Street in Qilin District has actively looked for new ways to improve quality and efficiency, and introduced low-carbon and efficient circulating water aquaculture technology in ponds, which has effectively driven Sanbao and the surrounding fisheries to develop in the direction of green environmental protection, energy conservation and emission reduction, and sustainable health.

Sanbao Street, Qilin District: Circulating water raises "running fish"

In the Sanbao Street Zhangjiaying Village Committee Wanzi Village Pond Circulating Water Fish Farming Land, 80 acres of fish farming water surface, there are 2 breeding lines, with a total investment of more than 500 yuan, each breeding line has 7 breeding troughs, each breeding trough area of 110 square meters, with an annual output of more than 20 tons of fish. The first pond circulating water breeding line built here is the first circulating water ecological breeding line in Yunnan Province. After measuring the production, the pond circulating water fish farming point increased the output by 15,000 kg compared with conventional aquaculture.

Sanbao Street, Qilin District: Circulating water raises "running fish"

Pond circulating water aquaculture improves the quality and safety of aquatic products, significantly reduces the dependence on external water sources, and significantly reduces the use of fishery medicine, which is only 10% of the traditional model, which effectively guarantees the quality and safety of aquatic products and aquatic products. At the same time, the concentrated breeding of fish has reduced the management scope and fishing space, effectively reducing labor and labor intensity, which can be reduced by 60% and labor intensity by 70%. Improve labor efficiency and reduce labor costs; The daily management operation is convenient, and the catch rate is 100%.

It is understood that the low-carbon and high-efficiency pond circulating water fish farming is to concentrate the fish in the inner circulation tank for breeding, the use of water pushing device to achieve fish farming tank flowing water fish and the entire pond circulation of water, the excrement residues produced in the fish farming process, through the bottom of the excrement residue collection system automatic collection, after natural fermentation for the base of 200 acres of vegetable topdressing, effectively collect the excrement and residual feed of the aquaculture fish, fundamentally solve the problem of eutrophication and pollution of aquaculture water.

Sanbao Street, Qilin District: Circulating water raises "running fish"

"These fish have been 'running and fitness' in the tank, doing 'aerobic exercise', the fish meat has no earthy smell, the meat is tender, the taste is better, and the growth is good." Farmer Li Guifang said proudly. "The fish has always been swimming against the current, unlike in the past, when it was sometimes not very moving, we named it 'Running Fish', and 'Running Fish' has now been registered as a trademark."

Photo: Li Ruoxi

Video: Zhao Guangliang

Editor-in-charge: Gao Mengna Dou Junwei

Review: Cui Yuanjing

Sanbao Street, Qilin District: Circulating water raises "running fish"

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