
Is it reliable to find a partner in the factory to go home and get married?

"Holding the hand of the son, growing old with the son"

It has represented people's yearning for love and a better life

However, in the high-speed operation of modern society

Many young people are reluctant to get married

A data released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs not long ago

In 2020, only 8.131 million marriages were registered nationwide

It is already the seventh consecutive year of decline

2021 this year could be even lower!

More and more "post-8090s" regard being single as a normal choice

"Not married in my 30s"

"Mother-to-womb SOLO in my 20s"

It's not weird anymore in young people

But that being said

But who doesn't want sweet love?

Many of our friends choose to enter the electronics factory

An important reason is that there are more single girls

Many people think that it is nothing to be tired at work

As long as you can find an object, it is the biggest gain in the factory

But there are also many friends who say

Don't say if you can find the object

It is not certain whether you can find a partner to marry!

So why is that?

1, there is no time to take anything to fall in love

Many friends entered the electronics factory with good wishes, but the white night shift and the transfer system completely shattered our spare time. Sometimes, roommates who live in the same dormitory do not have the opportunity to speak because of the shift of the day and night shifts. That is not to mention having a stable spare time to find a partner, even if you find an object, this kind of day and night work is extremely unfavorable to emotional maintenance.

2, the pocket money is cleaner than the face

In addition to the lack of time, another important reason is the lack of money. Sometimes there are few orders in the factory, and there is no need to work overtime. There is time to find an object, but because the basic salary is too low, the pocket is shy, it is not enough to play alone, how can I be kind enough to make an object?

Is it reliable to find a partner in the factory to go home and get married?

3, there are too many uncertainties

In the factory to fall in love, there are uncertainties. Friends go out to work, from all over the world, sometimes thousands of miles apart. For us, this year in Suzhou, next year may go to Shenzhen.

For parents in their hometown, they may think that going out to work is not very reliable. After all, the other party's home situation does not know, the other party's parents agree to disagree or do not know. Working in the factory is indeed not a lifelong thing, and no one can guarantee how long this relationship will last and whether it will enter the palace of marriage.

Is it reliable to find a partner in the factory to go home and get married?

4, love is love, marriage is marriage

In addition to the common choice of both parties in marriage, there is also the interference of external forces such as parents and relatives. Love can sometimes be impulsive, and there are some people who fall in love just because they are bored and pass the time, and they don't really want to get married.

But marriage is a very prudent thing, many people go out to work to find a daughter-in-law, go home to talk about marriage and even have children. At this time, the other party feels that the conditions at home are not good, or that life here is not used to, which eventually leads to disagreements and even divorce.

Is it reliable to find a partner in the factory to go home and get married?

To sum it up

In fact, we don't want to find someone

On the one hand, I feel that I am not as free as I am now when I fall in love

There is also the fact that the pressure of life is indeed a bit big

Want to get married, house, car, kids...

Harm, think about it and have a headache ~

Friends, what do you think?

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