
Increase the number of pediatric outpatient clinics by 30% to 50% ~ Doctors: Preschool children are more susceptible to infection, and this should be paid attention to during the winter vacation

Increase the number of pediatric outpatient clinics by 30% to 50% ~ Doctors: Preschool children are more susceptible to infection, and this should be paid attention to during the winter vacation
Increase the number of pediatric outpatient clinics by 30% to 50% ~ Doctors: Preschool children are more susceptible to infection, and this should be paid attention to during the winter vacation
Increase the number of pediatric outpatient clinics by 30% to 50% ~ Doctors: Preschool children are more susceptible to infection, and this should be paid attention to during the winter vacation

In recent days, children in Lishui city have a high incidence of upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases, and if they are not careful, children with poor resistance will be "recruited".

High incidence of respiratory diseases

The number of pediatric outpatient visits in hospitals increased by 30 to 50%.

On the morning of January 16, the reporter saw in the infusion hall on the first floor of the Municipal People's Hospital that there was a long queue in the infusion reception area, most of which were parents taking their children to infusion.

Increase the number of pediatric outpatient clinics by 30% to 50% ~ Doctors: Preschool children are more susceptible to infection, and this should be paid attention to during the winter vacation

In the infusion hall, the cries of infants and young children and the anxious inquiries of parents are intertwined.

"My daughter coughed for more than two weeks, and when she came to the hospital, she found that it was pneumonia." Ms. Zhang, a citizen, told reporters that her daughter Xiaotong is 2 and a half years old this year, and at first Xiaotong only had a little runny nose, but she did not expect to develop pneumonia.

Increase the number of pediatric outpatient clinics by 30% to 50% ~ Doctors: Preschool children are more susceptible to infection, and this should be paid attention to during the winter vacation

The reporter randomly interviewed 10 parents in the infusion hall, and the children were all respiratory diseases including bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis and so on. Mr. Ma, a citizen, also told reporters that in addition to his children, he had two colleagues whose children had also been "recruited", and the children had been infused together for several days.

A similar situation has occurred in central hospitals. Qian Lijun, director of the pediatric department of the hospital, told reporters that the number of pediatric outpatient clinics in the central hospital has increased by 30% to 50% compared with usual, most of which are respiratory diseases such as common colds, influenza and pneumonia. At the same time, the pediatric beds of the hospital are also very tight, with an average of about two days in line. "The patients are mainly preschool children, and the resistance of these people is relatively weak." Qian Lijun said.

Increase the number of pediatric outpatient clinics by 30% to 50% ~ Doctors: Preschool children are more susceptible to infection, and this should be paid attention to during the winter vacation

The reporter learned from a kindergarten in the city that since the beginning of winter, there are often students in the school who take leave because of respiratory diseases. Recently, this period has ushered in a peak period of leave, and even half of the students in some classes have taken leave.

Strengthen prevention and rational treatment

Try not to bring your children to crowded places

"Since December last year, the number of pediatric visits has gradually increased, and most of them are mainly respiratory infections, such as colds, bronchitis, pneumonia and so on." Zhou Jiaomei, chief physician of the Department of Pediatrics of the Municipal People's Hospital, told reporters.

Increase the number of pediatric outpatient clinics by 30% to 50% ~ Doctors: Preschool children are more susceptible to infection, and this should be paid attention to during the winter vacation

There are many causes of respiratory diseases in children in winter, such as general cold and dryness, viral cross-infection, large temperature difference between day and night, bad living habits, improper self-protection, etc., which will increase the chance of children being infected with diseases.

"Many parents will think of various ways to stop the cough of the child after seeing that the child's cough is uncomfortable, but the child cough has a variety of reasons, and cannot blindly eat anti-inflammatory drugs to stop cough." Zhou Jiaomei said that parents should first understand the type of cough, different types of cough symptoms, the cause of the disease is not the same, do not take medicine indiscriminately, "cough symptoms are relatively mild, drink a little cough syrup does not matter, but there is a repeated cough, to immediately take the child to the regular hospital for treatment." ”

In addition to taking their children to seek medical treatment, parents should also pay attention to daily care and give their children more water. Because drinking more water can flush dilute secretions, improve blood circulation, so that waste products or toxins produced by the body's metabolism are quickly excreted from the body, thereby reducing the stimulation of the respiratory tract.

How can respiratory diseases in children be prevented? Zhou Jiaomei suggested——

1. Winter break is coming soon. During the holidays, parents try not to take their children to crowded places;

2. Do not panic excessively when the child is sick, if the symptoms are mild, try to let the child stay at home and recover, blindly sending to the hospital will increase the probability of cross infection;

3. In winter, children should also adhere to appropriate exercise to enhance their physique in order to better resist the invasion of colds and various respiratory diseases;

4. When exercising, it is necessary to increase or decrease clothes in time according to weather changes, avoid cold at the same time, but also change sweaty clothes in time;

5. For young children with weak resistance, it is also important to carry out regular physical examinations and vaccinations;

6. Frequent window ventilation, keep indoor air fresh, and make the indoor temperature and humidity suitable.

Reporter | Wu Qizhen, Ma Dongjun, Chen Wei, correspondent| Zhong, Li Yang, Luo Yanting

Edited | Sun Lei

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