
Subsidy decline of 30% but "with fire" car market? Fieldwork tells you

In 2022, the first major news in the automotive circle is the decline of the subsidy standard for new energy vehicles. According to the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other departments jointly issued the "Notice on the Financial Subsidy Policy for the Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles in 2022", which clearly proposes that the subsidy standard for new energy vehicles in 2022 will be reduced by 30% on the basis of 2021. The notice also emphasizes that the subsidy policy for the purchase of new energy vehicles will be terminated on December 31, 2022, and vehicles licensed after December 31, 2022 will no longer be subsidized.

Subsidy decline of 30% but "with fire" car market? Fieldwork tells you

Among them, the subsidy scheme for pure electric vehicle subsidies in 2022 is: models with a cruising range of more than 300km, but less than 400km, a subsidy of 9100 yuan, compared with 3900 yuan in 2021; models with a cruising range of more than 400km, a subsidy of 12,600 yuan, compared with 4400 yuan in 2021; and a plug-in model with a cruising range of more than 50km, a subsidy of 4800 yuan, compared with 2000 yuan in 2021.

Subsidies are less, superimposed on the cost of accumulation in 2021, the car manufacturers can not hold back, the new year has announced price increases. Chain reaction, the network for a while to stir up the terminal heat, some brand stores even appear a car is difficult to find, no car to sell. Is the online transmission true? We conducted a field survey of some of the current new energy brands to see how it actually is.

Clear price increase brand: Tesla / Aian / Zero Run / Xiaopeng

Subsidy decline of 30% but "with fire" car market? Fieldwork tells you

Needless to say, Tesla is "rushing" in front of this kind of thing, and this price increase is no exception. On January 2, the domestic Tesla Model 3 and Model Y part of the guidance price increased, of which the model 3 starting price was raised to 262,652 yuan, compared with the original increase of 10,000 yuan; while the Model Y starting price was raised to 301,840 yuan, up 21,000 yuan, announcing that the entire series of models entered the range of more than 300,000 yuan. In other words, after the price increase, Tesla will only have one model of the Model 3 rear-drive version to enjoy new energy vehicle subsidies. It is worth mentioning that if the user has paid a deposit of 1,000 yuan before, it will not be affected by the price adjustment.

Subsidy decline of 30% but "with fire" car market? Fieldwork tells you

Although GAC Aean did not explicitly say that the price of the model had risen, the 2022 model listing had already been adjusted. Among them, AION Y canceled the 60 Enjoy Edition, which was originally priced at 104,600 yuan, raised the price of the 60 Enjoy Edition by 3,000 yuan to 109,600 yuan, increased the one-button lifting and rear exhaust of the window of the whole car, and other versions also had different amplitudes. In addition, the 2022 GAC AION S Plus, the price range after subsidy is 153,800 yuan - 179,800 yuan, and the price is 7,000 to 14,000 yuan higher than that of 2021. Compared with some models without any configuration, annual adjustment, and direct price increase, Aeon's overall feeling is more generous.

Subsidy decline of 30% but "with fire" car market? Fieldwork tells you

Zero run operation and Aian similar, the implementation of the secret price increase, December 28, zero run 2022 T03 listed, the entry model renamed Liuli version, the price is higher than the old starter version of 9100 yuan, the battery power reduced by 10 degrees while the NEDC mileage from 401km to 301km, high-end models increase the motor power. At the same time, zero-run C11 has also made changes, but it is reflected in the optional package, the original price of 20,000 yuan of optional package, the price before the subsidy decline of 12,500 yuan, and now it has become 15,000 yuan.

Subsidy decline of 30% but "with fire" car market? Fieldwork tells you

On January 11, Xiaopeng also officially joined the ranks of price increases, of which P7 models rose by 4300-5900 yuan; P5 models rose by 4800-5400 yuan; G3i models also rose by 4800-5400 yuan, and because models below 300,000 yuan can enjoy subsidies, so Xiaopeng's price increase is also for models below 300,000 yuan. In addition, the terminal price adjustment is completely a price adjustment, and there is no adjustment in terms of configuration.

Brands that have not yet increased their prices: FAW-Volkswagen/Feifan Automobile/Euler

Subsidy decline of 30% but "with fire" car market? Fieldwork tells you

According to the official statement, the amount of new energy subsidies enjoyed by ID.CROZZ will be reduced from the existing 18,000 yuan to 12,600 yuan in the future, and in order to protect users, the ID will be completed by February 28. CroZZ car purchase, of which 5400 yuan to raise the difference is borne by the official, can enjoy the same comprehensive subsidy price as in 2021.

Subsidy decline of 30% but "with fire" car market? Fieldwork tells you
Subsidy decline of 30% but "with fire" car market? Fieldwork tells you

On the other hand, Euler and Feifan Automobile both said that the current price has not changed, and it is still consistent with the price after the 2021 subsidy, and the sales have not received the price adjustment notice given by the brand for the time being, which is still relatively friendly to consumers.

Is the ordering situation hotter than ever?

There is indeed an improvement, but it is not hot, and it is only in some brands. For the above-mentioned brands that have increased their prices, we have also conducted a special field survey, and sales have not increased significantly, which may be less than one-third more than the previous orders. This is combined with the car purchase wave of the previous year, in fact, the real impact of booking a car due to the withdrawal of compensation is not so much.

Subsidy decline of 30% but "with fire" car market? Fieldwork tells you

On the contrary, the sales of FAW-Volkswagen and Feifan Automobile said that there was actually a slight increase, especially the orders of FAW-Volkswagen are increasing. To my surprise, aiways also rose in sales, basically reaching 1 to 2 units a day, and even the exhibition car that arrived the day before the showroom was ordered.

To sum up, the brands that have basically increased their prices are not as good as the brands that have not increased their prices in terms of order volume growth, which is actually not difficult to understand, people's psychology is like this, are you up? Then I'll go buy it next door.

Is it really hard to find a car or even no car to sell? In fact, everything is a chip problem. The store sales said that the delivery time is now longer than in the past, and the main reason is because of the lack of capacity caused by problems with chips and other suppliers, not because of the hot orders.

Compared with the refund, the insurance price increase is the "big head"

Earlier than the subsidy decline, in fact, the latest new energy captive insurance launched in 2021, the insurance has been controversial since its launch, and the biggest reason is that the official premium price has declined, but in fact, many have risen, and quite a lot.

Subsidy decline of 30% but "with fire" car market? Fieldwork tells you

Tesla premium doubling rumors everyone heard about it, right? In fact, in addition, basically Weilai, Ideal, Xiaopeng and so on, these models have risen to varying degrees. Take a BMW 530Le model next to me as an example, the total premium for the second year after the exclusive insurance is launched is 25353 yuan, of which the car damage insurance occupies 22094 yuan, this price and comparable to the first year premium of Porsche Cayenne, and the first year of the car's premium only needs about 9000 yuan, which is directly doubled.

Subsidy decline of 30% but "with fire" car market? Fieldwork tells you

In this regard, I also specifically asked about sales, they said that there are indeed many people who are very concerned about the change in insurance prices, coupled with the double policy blow of subsidy decline, basically the landing price of a new energy vehicle within 300,000 yuan will be 7,000 to 15,000 yuan more expensive than before. Fortunately, many new energy vehicles can choose to buy their own insurance, which does not give people a feeling of forced bundling like traditional fuel vehicles.

Will sales of new energy vehicles continue to explode?

In my opinion, not necessarily. First of all, let's first understand what the current users who buy new energy vehicles are for, basically in order to solve the license plate problem, lower purchase costs, lower use costs, these are the factors that really attract users.

Subsidy decline of 30% but "with fire" car market? Fieldwork tells you

Nowadays, cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have restricted new energy licenses and are not as easy to obtain as before. Secondly, with the decline of subsidies and the arrival of exclusive insurance, there is not much difference in the purchase cost with traditional fuel vehicles, and there is no subsidy from 2023, which means that the purchase price of cars will be further increased. In addition, in terms of cost of use, although the price of charging is still much cheaper than the price of fuel, do not forget that the annual insurance cost still occupies a large amount of expenditure, and the difference between it and the fuel vehicle insurance is believed to be enough to add a year's fuel, not to mention other problems of filling energy during holidays or long-distance travel.

Subsidy decline of 30% but "with fire" car market? Fieldwork tells you

If you really want to choose, maybe hybrid is king. Recently, at the same time, at the same time, major car companies have begun to make efforts in the field of new energy, especially in the competition of independent brands can be described as quite fierce, BYD DM-i super hybrid / e platform 3.0, Great Wall Lemon Hybrid DHT, Changan Blue Whale iDD, Chery Kunpeng e+, Geely Leishen HiX and other technologies have appeared, new cars of various brands have come one after another, these power systems not only reduce the cost of use, but also solve the anxiety of endurance.

The editor said: In general, under the blow of the dual policy, there is still a certain impact on the sales of pure electric new energy vehicles, but this impact is big or small, because it has just landed and implemented not long ago, everything is still too early. But it is very clear that the next price will continue to adjust, if there is a plan to buy a pure electric model, you may wish to start early, anyway, if you plan to buy hybrid models, the next independent brand models can be more expected. Finally, this year has just begun, and we will wait and see how the sales of new energy models will be and whether there will be a sharp increase as Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the Association, said.

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