
Novice drivers, these five driving habits, must be corrected


Many driving school students still retain their bad habits in driving school after leaving driving school. But in fact, some of the driving habits retained in the process of learning to drive are wrong in daily driving, which will not only affect the normal traffic order but also cause traffic accidents.

Many novice drivers think that the slower the car, the safer it is, because the driving school instructor tells us that the slower the driver, the safer, but this is actually a wrong behavior. When driving on the road, if the speed is too slow, it will affect the order of traffic and affect the normal passage of others. So driving slowly doesn't mean safe. If everyone is fast, if you are very slow alone, it will cause traffic jams and even rear-end collisions.

Novice drivers, these five driving habits, must be corrected

Novice drivers who accidentally occupy the fast lane can go forward at a fast speed in the fast lane. Other vehicles cannot overtake, which is very easy to cause car accidents and is very dangerous. In short, driving slowly is not only unsafe, but it is easy to lead to car accidents.

The second type of left and right feet press the accelerator together. Many novice drivers don't understand the correct driving habits and figure out on their own that they put their left and right feet on the accelerator and brakes, respectively. This behavior is very dangerous, in an emergency, you may accidentally put the brakes into the accelerator in a tense situation, resulting in a car accident.

Novice drivers, these five driving habits, must be corrected

The third type does not switch gears to neutrals while waiting for traffic lights. Many car owners are accustomed to waiting for traffic lights without hanging up the neutral gear, hanging the forward gear, and stepping on the brakes. Although braking allows the car to park steadily on the road, this method is very unsafe. This method is not only very easy to cause wear of the brake line, but also may cause the car to slip and cause rear-end collisions.

Novice drivers, these five driving habits, must be corrected

The fourth type of driver is very grumpy when driving, often pressing the brakes and throttle, this behavior is very wrong, not only will cause the life of the vehicle engine to shorten, fuel consumption rises. It is also very easy to cause rear-end collisions caused by vehicles behind due to insufficient reaction time and braking distance.

Novice drivers, these five driving habits, must be corrected

Secondly, many novice drivers are not decisive when overtaking. Many driving school students will teach them to pay attention to the observation of vehicles when driving school, and only when there is no vehicle can they overtake. But in fact, this behavior is very wrong.

Because there are so many vehicles on the daily road, it is impossible to completely wait until no vehicle can overtake, so we should quickly complete the overtaking operation when we have the conditions to overtake. Some novice drivers are more nervous, and when they overtake, they see vehicles coming from behind, and they nervously step on the brakes, which is very easy to cause rear-end collisions. If you have the above 5 driving behaviors, I hope that you will actively correct them and develop good driving habits.

Novice drivers, these five driving habits, must be corrected

Novice drivers on the road due to lack of experience, poor mentality, very easy to appear the above several driving behaviors, but in fact, driving on the road is not so terrible, we only need to abide by the traffic rules, stabilize the mentality, driving will become a very simple thing.

Everyone is from a novice, the first time to drive on the road nervous is understandable, you can practice more, early master the driving skills and traffic rules, early to become an old driver.

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