
Competitiveness is a double-edged sword, what to do if the child's competitive spirit is too strong

It is a good thing that children are curious, which shows that children are self-motivated people, but if the child's competitive spirit is too strong, too concerned about winning or losing, and cannot accept his own failure, such competitiveness will eventually destroy the child.

Competitiveness is a double-edged sword, what to do if the child's competitive spirit is too strong

So what kind of impact does being too competitive have on children?

1, to promote children to become excellent

Children with a competitive spirit are generally very enterprising, have their own clear goals in learning, and can consciously complete learning tasks, which is more worry-free for parents.

2, become fond of calculation

Because the competitive spirit is too strong, it causes the child to want to win the first place in doing anything, and if they are unfortunate enough to fail, they will be very concerned, because they can't afford to lose, and they will look very calculating in the face of things. And being too competitive will make the child's heart dark, psychologically distorted, and make some more extreme behaviors.

3, can not correctly look at winning and losing

Overly competitive children can not accept any of their own failures, whether it is learning or playing, they all want to be the winner, but a person can not always win, their hearts will always be troubled by this pain, can not come out.

Competitiveness is a double-edged sword, what to do if the child's competitive spirit is too strong

In fact, the child's competitive spirit has a lot to do with the parents' education, and parents can reflect on whether they have also done the following things when educating their children.

1, like to compare children with others

In the child's growth education parents play a great role, many parents of some behavior will affect all aspects of the child, many competitive children, because parents in daily life like to compare him with other children, which leads to children do not allow themselves to lose to other children.

2, always use the first standard to measure children

No matter what you do, no matter how hard the child tries, the parents can't see, the parents' eyes only care about the result, the child can only get the praise of the parents if he gets the first, and over time, the child will be more desperate to compete for the first in order to get the approval of the parents, and becoming the first becomes the obsession in the child's heart.

Competitiveness is a double-edged sword, what to do if the child's competitive spirit is too strong

So, how should parents properly guide their children's competitive spirit?

1, parents should objectively evaluate their children

Parents' evaluation of their children is too harsh and strict, which will make them too strict in their lives. Such children often cannot let go of their failures, because they will feel that they cannot be accepted by their parents after they fail, and such children live under high pressure every day and cannot have true happiness.

2. Encourage children to try more and face failure bravely

The child's growth process is to continue to make mistakes to really grow, it is impossible not to make mistakes, but for children who are too competitive, they do not allow themselves to make mistakes, so what parents have to do is to encourage their children to try more things. Encourage your child to correctly look at the mistake when he makes mistakes, exercise the child's ability to be frustrated, and let the child understand that failure is nothing, as long as he has the courage to start over.

Summary: In the process of children's growth, there will be many problems, which requires the correct guidance of parents and the guidance of children's competitive spirit, so that children can grow up healthily.

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