
My child is having trouble concentrating? Check this question!

In infancy, inattention is the norm, because it is always easy to be attracted to the things around them, playing with this for a while, climbing and playing with that. This process is actually the process of establishing cognition, the attention is developing and establishing, and the exploration of things is also the development of the nervous system and the mind.

As children grow up, attention is gradually cultivated in life, and if you look at things in a trance, parents have to pay attention to it. There are many reasons for inattention, but one of the possibilities about the eyes may not be inattentive, but the child cannot see clearly.

My child is having trouble concentrating? Check this question!

There is no problem with the structure of the child's eyes, it does not look different, but it is really not clear, and the child may be amblyopia.

There are no organic lesions in the eyes, and the best visual acuity measured is below normal and corrected vision is less than 0.9.

Amblyopia includes these symptoms:

1) Poor vision, the best corrected vision is lower than normal, can be restored or partially restored after treatment.

2) Crowding phenomenon, the ability to distinguish between rows of visual targets is better than that of individual visual standards.

3) Paracentral gaze, partially severe amblyopia due to significant loss of fovea attention ability due to significant loss of vision, the formation of paracentral gaze.

4) Visually induced, potential PVEP latency prolonged, amplitude decreased.

If preschoolers develop amblyopia, boys will show social degeneration, childish immaturity, etc., and girls will withdraw from social interaction. If children around the age of 5 suffer from amblyopia, they will make children have difficulty concentrating and their learning ability will decline. Can't see clearly, can't gaze at objects normally, and see things are always blurry.

My child is having trouble concentrating? Check this question!

Let the child get rid of the invisible, the earlier the treatment, the better, the best treatment age for amblyopia is 5-7 years old, the treatment effect of amblyopia over 12 years old is not obvious, it may cause the child's permanent amblyopia, early treatment is always good.

Amblyopia eyes require treatment, whether it's augmentation, monocular masking with glasses, raster stimulation therapy, or Heidinger brush training. In general, it is necessary to receive treatment and treat it early.

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