
"Why buy a car for my brother and not buy me a house?" Parents who have a second child are not free to spend money

Internet surfing for years, I have a discovery:

In a family of brothers and sisters, the older sister often questions the unfair distribution of the parents' property, and the younger brother often thinks that "the parents' money is given to whomever they want to use."

Parents, as adults, should have the freedom to spend money for granted.

But I still have to say: couples who insist on having a second child, you are not free to spend money.

"Why buy a car for my brother and not buy me a house?" Parents who have a second child are not free to spend money


The sister's grievances began when the parents gave birth to their younger brothers.

When you were a child, you had to let him, he hit people and you couldn't fight back, he grabbed snacks and toys you couldn't get back.

Grow up to let him, parents' money give priority to him to spend, you can be red-eyed, but you can't worry.

A Douban netizen from the countryside has many complaints to pour out.

As soon as her brother graduated, her parents invested 600,000 yuan to help him buy a house in the city where he worked. Not only the decoration, home appliances all-inclusive, but also for his first year mortgage. Later, he planned to buy an Audi car for his brother, on the grounds that he would go to the girl's house for the New Year. At the same time, he was also ready to pay a dowry, three gold and a banquet for his brother, which cost less than 200,000 yuan.

"Why buy a car for my brother and not buy me a house?" Parents who have a second child are not free to spend money

Look at her unfavored sister:

In order to reduce the burden on the family, under the premise of being admitted to university, choose to go to secondary school;

When studying, the living expenses must be earned by working part-time, and the parents do not give money;

Buying a house is 100,000 down payment, and my mother said don't spend money blindly, you have to save your dowry.

The red fruit is treated differently, as if the younger brother was pregnant in October and the younger sister was picked up in the trash.

The question is "the daughter who marries out spills the water" and "the parents' money loves to spend it", but is this really reasonable?

"Why buy a car for my brother and not buy me a house?" Parents who have a second child are not free to spend money


My great uncle has only one daughter, and he wants to have both children, but he doesn't want to be born again. He believes that he cannot treat all children equally, and instead of making his children resentful in the future, it is better to simply reject the second child.

Many people do not have the consciousness of my great uncle, but only blindly and selfishly.

There is a piece of news worth pondering: the younger daughter kicked her mother out of the house because her mother favored the second sister. She cried to the reporter who went to mediate, and her mother handed over all her property to her second sister and tried to occupy her property. She rushed her mother to the second sister's house, but the second sister did not agree.

The second sister, who is surrounded by her mother's selfish love, also becomes a selfish person.

"Why buy a car for my brother and not buy me a house?" Parents who have a second child are not free to spend money

Children who get more money are not necessarily more filial than those who don't get money, and this "freedom to spend money" is meaningless.

Even if the parents take the money to enjoy life, or donate it all, it is better than giving it to him and not giving it to her. People are always uneven regardless of widowhood, just as two people can be harmonious without toys, and only one toy is prone to disputes.

It is precisely because of the parents' unscrupulous "freedom to spend money" that many brothers and sisters have become discordant and turned against each other.

Brothers and brothers, deep blood affection, always ruined on the eccentric eyes of parents.

"Why buy a car for my brother and not buy me a house?" Parents who have a second child are not free to spend money


Don't talk about family affection, don't talk about fairness, even from a utilitarian point of view, parents of second children should refuse to spend money freely.

China's social pension system is not yet perfect, and this year's parents are likely to rely on their children for support.

If the distribution of property is unfair, if you take more of your righteousness and courage, you are not responsible for taking care of your elderly father and mother, and if you take less, you will not be able to be willing to work for your parents. The end result is that there are two children, but they have no one to rely on and no one to take care of.

In the backward countryside, there are also tragedies of being driven out of the house by the daughter-in-law and freezing to death in winter.

"Why buy a car for my brother and not buy me a house?" Parents who have a second child are not free to spend money

People can't control emotions, when you can't give the two babies the same love, please feel guilty and give the two babies the same money.

Don't wait until your child is separated from you before you go back and try to repair the parent-child relationship.

People live a lifetime and often have to give up some of their freedom.

In public places, we must give up some freedom of dress, in hospitals, we must give up the freedom not to pry into privacy, and surfing the Internet should also give up some freedom of speech. And the freedom of adults to spend money, after giving birth to their second child, must also be partially sacrificed and partially surrendered.

Do you think parents of second children have the freedom to spend money?

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