
A 10-month-old baby girl, her face was ruined by a family gua sha

A 10-month-old baby girl, her face was ruined by a family gua sha

Author | Guo Enyi Editor | Miriam

The news is sad.

A 10-month-old baby girl coughed incessantly, and the grandmother used a silver ring dipped in egg whites to scrape the child's forehead, which eventually caused the baby's face to fester.

Poor baby, the whole forehead is a rash, cracking and blisters after being vigorously scratched.

A 10-month-old baby girl, her face was ruined by a family gua sha

This is still what the child looks like after recovery from treatment

This scene is terrible to think about, the skin of a baby who has only come to the human world for 10 months is so delicate, but it is scraped around by the family with a silver ring.

The baby cried in pain, but the baby girl's grandmother stared at the child's broken and bleeding forehead and the silver ring that was gradually blackening, and felt very relieved:

"The ring turns black, which means that there is indeed a cold in the child's body!"

"My method is definitely useful, but it's just a little heavier."

A 10-month-old baby girl, her face was ruined by a family gua sha

How could the old lady not understand, obviously for the good of her granddaughter, how could everyone blame themselves in the end?

The ignorance of adults is not terrible, but the terrible thing is that they have applied their ignorance to young children.

The superstitious folk remedies of the elderly are "killing" children

You'll never imagine how outrageous the remedies that older parents can use on their children.

Casually flipping through the news that has happened to children in recent years, each one is shocking.

In November last year, a boy and grandmother in Henan Province listened to a folk remedy and applied rat oil to the child's skin to treat burns, which eventually led to infection and the child was admitted to the intensive care unit.

According to the old man, the process can be arduous — the newborn, unopened mouse is soaked in boiling hot sesame oil, then mashed into a meat paste,000 pieces and applied to the child's scalded skin.

Just by looking at the words, I already feel suffocated.

A 10-month-old baby girl, her face was ruined by a family gua sha

In 2022, the older generation who believe in "earth-made remedies" are still tirelessly experimenting with various things on the wound: sperm oil, salt, soap, soy sauce, toothpaste...

If you are lucky, you will "not work", and if you are unlucky, you will "ruin your child's life".

A 9-year-old girl in Heilongjiang was caught in the finger of the security door, and in order to stop the bleeding for her granddaughter, the girl's grandmother ran to the kitchen and grabbed a handful of pepper noodles and sprinkled it on the wound. As a result, the wound became infected and the girl's finger was amputated.

The girl's mother was about to cry on the way back: "The child is only 9 years old, how can I have no fingers?" ”

A 10-month-old baby girl, her face was ruined by a family gua sha

Sprinkling pepper noodles is not so heavy mouth, and some old people don't know where to come from.

Zhongshan Bo'ai Hospital once treated a child who had been burned by boiling water for 3 days, and the wound wound on half of his face "grew" dense hairs, like a "Wolverine".

This is not moldy long hair, but the elderly in the family believe in folk remedies, saying that cat hair can promote wound healing, and cut off the hair of a cat in the family and apply it to the child's wound.

A 10-month-old baby girl, her face was ruined by a family gua sha
A 10-month-old baby girl, her face was ruined by a family gua sha

Uncovering the cat hair stuck to the pus, the child's face has festered and stinks.

If it is not the child's relatives who do these things, it will simply make others think: this is not a cure, it is simply killing people!

Even more incredible, there are still people in this world who firmly believe that the "protagonist" of the soil method is pesticide.

Just recently, an old man listened to folk remedies and bathed his 12-year-old grandson with enemy insect pesticides, thinking that he could treat the skin itching caused by mosquito bites, and as a result, both of them were poisoned and sent to the hospital to die.

A 10-month-old baby girl, her face was ruined by a family gua sha

In order to drive away lice to their daughters, some parents evenly used pesticides to bake their children's heads - not only evenly applied pesticides to the hair, but also wrapped the girls' hair tightly for three hours with plastic wrap.

Children who are still alive during the day enter the ICU at night.

A 10-month-old baby girl, her face was ruined by a family gua sha

There are too many similar news, the elderly in the family always believe in all kinds of earthworks, like to hold the "try it" mentality to use on children.

As everyone knows, young children can't withstand such a toss, it was originally a small disease, but it was treated as a serious disease by home remedies.

Obviously just diarrhea, go to the hospital to prescribe some antidiarrheal drugs, but there are old people who want to use fig leaves to soak the child's feet, resulting in swelling and ulceration of the feet.

A 10-month-old baby girl, her face was ruined by a family gua sha

Obviously the child just has a bad appetite, the grandfather at home wants to use the "bloodletting home remedy" to cut the palm of the 2-year-old child to bleed, causing his infection to leave lifelong scars.

A 10-month-old baby girl, her face was ruined by a family gua sha

Watching the news of what happened to these children makes people feel extremely heart-wrenching.

A 2-year-old child convulsed and had fever, but the family listened to the home remedies to pour half a cup of boiling boiling water, resulting in the mouth being burned, respiratory failure, and even the trachea could not be inserted after being sent to the hospital, and the blood was direct.

A child who was only 50 days old cried at night, and his family used earthwork to prick him with needles, and more than 40 needle holes on his small belly stayed in the ICU for five days before he saved his life.

A baby boy under the age of one month was tossed by his family with a home remedy for a night because of a fever: silver bracelet boiling water to drink, pearl powder soaking water to drink, alcohol rubbing the whole body... When I was taken to the hospital the next day, I had already seen corpse spots on my body.

A 10-month-old baby girl, her face was ruined by a family gua sha

Corpse oil on the face, pesticide bathing, cutting palms and bleeding... Those who know that this is "curing the disease", those who do not know think that it is the plot of child abuse in the horror drama.

Behind the tragedies are innocent children poisoned by the backward medical concepts of their ancestors.

To tell the truth, generational parenting, compared with the doting of the elderly to children, these harmful folk remedies and stereotypical parenting concepts are undoubtedly more frightening time bombs.

When will generational parenting be scientific?

The most critical reason why these events are frightening is that no matter how dissatisfied you are with the parenting concept of your parents, parenting is still a path that many Chinese families have no choice but to choose.

For young parents, it is already embarrassing enough to trouble parents with children, and repeatedly accuse parents of this is not right, that is not right, and it is even more obvious that they do not trust them enough.

The argument is painful.

Before there is an accident, young parents, arguing with their parents about how to bring a baby, often encounter strong repercussions:

"That's how I raised you, and I didn't see anything wrong with you."

"I've lived so many years longer than you, and I don't have more experience than you?"

Two or three rhetorical questions will block people with nothing to say.

A 10-month-old baby girl, her face was ruined by a family gua sha

However, once something happened, it became a tragedy that the family was unwilling to face for three generations.

In the end, such a conflict is actually the education of two generations and the perception of disease that are very different.

Contemporary parents adhere to the only concept of "going to the hospital if you are sick", but the older generation always has a variety of tricks to "treat diseases at home": if you have a cold, you can use a toad to cook soup, if you have a herpes, you can wipe your body with winter melon water, and if you bleed, you can stop bleeding with sugar...

Avoid medical treatment, which is almost the impression of most people on the elderly in the family.

A 10-month-old baby girl, her face was ruined by a family gua sha

But the contradictions between the two generations of parents do not only occur when their children are sick.

"After the leggings, the legs can be straight and long", "The nose is more pinched to stand up", "Eat salt early to have strength"... At the end of the day, it's the older generation that has a very different set of parenting concepts.

You talk to him about scientific evidence, he talks to you about moisture and coldness; you talk to him about scientific parenting, and he talks to you about life experience.

A 10-month-old baby girl, her face was ruined by a family gua sha

The old man said that eating live tadpoles for children can eliminate and cure diseases and strengthen the body, what can you say?

For the younger generation of parents, the elders who help them with their babies are both love and hate.

"It's really hard to take care of children with the elderly! The two generations have different educational concepts, and it is also prudent to give advice to the elderly, use appropriate words, and tone of voice, otherwise it will cause family conflicts. Coupled with the difference in the living habits of the two generations, we younger generations often have to be more tolerant and hold their stomachs. It is not easy to have a good day when there are old and young! The elderly help us with our children we are grateful, but we can't always educate our children with their old experience and habits, which makes me really unacceptable. ”

But why is it not bitter in the hearts of the old people?

Sacrificing the time when he should have been nurturing himself, and continuing to pay for future generations wholeheartedly, he was dismissed as "not understanding science", "old stubborn", and "teaching bad grandchildren".

A heart that loves sun-in-the-dark is devastated.

Because the older generation can't keep up with the times, it is easy to stubbornly understand their own experience as science, but the mood of "for the good of the child" is completely understandable.

Of course, it is true that young parents want to use more advanced and scientific methods to raise children, but instead of complaining about the elderly in the family, it is better to communicate with the elders and take the initiative of the baby more in their own hands.

Especially when it comes to your child's physical and health problems, don't give in.

After all, no matter how painful the quarrel is, in the end, the child's healthy growth is the common goal of the family.

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