
The most wrong thing for parents is to often compare their own children to other children

Every child is an individual, unique, unique, irreplaceable.

There are no two identical leaves, nor two children who are exactly the same.

Comparisons between children and children are all relative, there are no absolutes.

One of the most common mistakes parents make in the process of educating their children is to consciously or unconsciously compare their own children with other people's children.

Many parents open their mouths and shut their mouths to how other people's children are, how other people's children are, and opening and closing their mouths are reprimands, lessons, criticisms and demeaning to their own children.

This kind of criticism and accusation often makes children feel that parents cannot accept themselves, parents do not love themselves, and it is easy for children to have a self-destructive psychology.

The child will consciously or unconsciously think in his heart, "Since you think who is who has a good child, then let him be your child, I am not good, that is not good, then why do you want to give birth to me?" "Such a psychological time will make the child become negative and backward, and it will be depressed."

As everyone knows, such education by parents not only cannot achieve the desired educational effect, but will seriously hit and affect the child's self-esteem, so that the child becomes insensitive and passively backwards unconsciously, so that there is a state of broken jars and broken falls.

We say that respect, trust, and encouragement are the best education. No matter what kind of state the child is, as parents, we should accept the child, respect, trust and encourage the child.

BMW cars have the performance and advantages of a BMW car, but bicycles also have the characteristics and benefits of bicycles. BMW and bicycle each have their own strengths and characteristics, and there is no comparison between them.

Workers, peasants, cadres, soldiers, doctors, teachers, policemen, scientists, entrepreneurs, social elites, etc., they are in different fields, in their posts, and in different jobs, but they are all an indispensable part of this society.

Therefore, each child has its own characteristics and characteristics, and the comparison between children and children is relative, there is no absolute.

Every child is unique, unique, and a treasure that parents need to discover and discover.

Successful parents often work hard to discover and discover the advantages of their children, while failed parents often keep looking for shortcomings in their children.

The most wrong thing to do in tutoring is to keep comparing other people's children with their own children.

The most wrong thing for parents is to often compare their own children to other children

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