
Who were the five people who frightened Sima Yi? In addition to Zhuge Liang, there are these four

The long river of history is running endlessly, there are calm waves, there are also waves, let Xiaobian take you into history and understand history.

Sima Yi was a famous courtier during the Three Kingdoms period, and the impression he brought to everyone was also quite complicated, many people felt that he was a talented person, that his personality was very stoic, and that he could do what ordinary people could not do. However, some people think that he is old and cunning, and even has ill intentions. But in any case, Sima Yi still became the last person to laugh, survived the three generations of monarchs of the Cao family, and controlled the power of Cao Wei himself. However, it should be said that Sima Yi's life was not smooth, and he also had people he was very afraid of. There were five people he was very afraid of, and who were they?

Who were the five people who frightened Sima Yi? In addition to Zhuge Liang, there are these four

If you want to say that Sima Yi is more afraid of people, it is necessary to mention Cao Zhen, the patriarch of the Cao clan. Cao Zhen was a very outstanding soldier, he was not only a relative of the Cao clan, but also cao Cao's adopted son. The tiger and leopard riding power under his command was very strong, and his own united front ability was also quite outstanding, and he repeatedly made great contributions to Cao Wei, and was an official to the rank of general. If you have seen the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, you will find that Cao Zhen in it is a useless straw bag, but in fact, Cao Zhen is a very powerful character and has a pivotal position in Cao Wei. With his position in the court, Sima Yi at that time could not compare with him, so Sima Yi respected him and was not too much to say that he was afraid.

Who were the five people who frightened Sima Yi? In addition to Zhuge Liang, there are these four

General Zhang Gao was also a figure that Sima Yi was very afraid of, and Zhang Gao could be said to be extremely brave, a fierce general in the Cao camp. He was not only particularly capable of military ability, but also loyal to Cao Cao. Zhang Gao suppressed Sima Yi everywhere, making it impossible for Sima Yi to exert his fists and feet. So in the process of resisting Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition together, Sima Yi designed to kill Zhang Gao. Sima Yi knew that Zhuge Liang had set up an ambush, but still asked general Zhang Gao to pursue and kill the other side, and finally Zhang Gaosheng was shot dead by the Shu army. In the Cao camp, there was one less person who could suppress Sima Yi and make Sima Yi feel afraid.

Who were the five people who frightened Sima Yi? In addition to Zhuge Liang, there are these four

In fact, Cao Pi was also the one who made Sima Yi feel afraid, although Sima Yi had always assisted Cao Pi, but Cao Pi was a person who could control his life and death for him, so for many years he was very much in awe of Cao Pi. Cao Pi is also very similar to Cao Cao in personality, suspicious and very yin, so Sima Yi must always pretend to be careful when assisting him, otherwise he will be suspected by Cao Pi. If Cao Pi had lived a little longer, Sima Yi might not have reached the kind of power he had later. Unfortunately, Cao Pi's time of life was really too short, and there was no longer any more time to suppress Sima Yi's forces.

Who were the five people who frightened Sima Yi? In addition to Zhuge Liang, there are these four

Speaking of Sima Yi's nemesis, of course, we must talk about Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang was an extremely intelligent man, and Sima Yi knew that he had no way to compete with him, so he avoided him. Zhuge Liang went out of Qishan five times to carry out the Northern Expedition and fought with Sima Yi many times, and Sima Yi adopted a strategy of avoiding war. He knew that Zhuge Liang's health was not good enough to live for long, so he adopted the tactic of delaying until zhuge Liang was dragged to death. To say that Sima Yi is indeed able to endure, at that time, Zhuge Liang, in order to provoke him to send troops, also let people bring him a set of pink skirts, laughing at his not being like a man. Even so, Sima Yi did not send troops, one reason was that he was really afraid of Zhuge Liang, and another reason was that his old traitor knew that this was a plan that would not be deceived.

Who were the five people who frightened Sima Yi? In addition to Zhuge Liang, there are these four

The last person who made Sima Yi feel very afraid was probably Cao Cao. Cao Cao everyone also knows a little, he is worthy of the famous tyrant, is a person with courage and strategy, but also has different visions. When Cao Cao was alive, he saw that Sima Yi was not a simple person, and repeatedly recruited Sima Yi into the imperial court to serve the Cao family, and also told his son Cao Pi that if Sima Yi could not be used, then simply kill him. It was also asserted that Sima Yi was not a man who was willing to be a courtier. Cao Cao's prophecy came true, and Sima Yi was indeed not a man who kept to himself. Sima Yi was really afraid of Cao Cao, after all, he was the minister who held the power of life and death, and he did not have a very good impression in his heart, if he really did something wrong, he could only end up being killed.

Who were the five people who frightened Sima Yi? In addition to Zhuge Liang, there are these four

Sima Yi's final launch of the Gaopingling Incident is still questionable in history, and some people feel that he was forced to make this move, after all, Cao Shuang had already emptied his power at that time, and he had nothing to do but draw salaries from the bottom of the pot. However, some people said that he was able to pretend to be ill for three years, in order to annihilate the forces of the Cao clan in one fell swoop, and it seemed that it was not simple to have been planned for a long time. However, before his death, Sima Yi told his son that he had never dared to covet Cao's Jiangshan. From this point of view, what Sima Yi really thought in his heart was really a matter of opinion. Xiaobian feels that Sima Yi has won in the ability to endure, there are so many people who are afraid, but he still lived to the end and won to the end, so what do you think of Sima Yi as a person? What was the point of knowing what he had learned about his life's experience?

Well, today's sharing ends here, and we'll see you next time

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