
Read Zhu Ziqing's "White Man - God's Proud Son!" " has a feeling

Children, usually refer to minors under the age of 18, in life parents call their children children, and elders call their juniors children children, which is a love name. We usually think of children as innocent, kind, and cute, but that may not be the case.

In this article, Zhu Ziqing recounts that he went to Shanghai and met a pair of Western fathers and sons while taking the tram. Zhu Ziqing prefers to be close to the child, and there is a Caucasian child sitting opposite, so he looks at it a few times. Just as the Western father and son were about to stand, the child approached Zhu Ziqing and suddenly stretched his face as far as he could, his two blue eyes were wide open, and the beautiful eyelashes were no longer visible; the redness of his cheeks had faded a lot. The peaceful, beautiful face has changed to a vulgar, fierce face! There were words in his eyes: "Duh! Yellow people, yellow people, you — look! You deserve to see me! "He has lost his naïve childishness, and his face is full of the old spirit of Hengqiu!" The boy stretched out his face toward Zhu Ziqing for two seconds; the tram stopped, and only then did he turn around triumphantly and take the Atlantic man's hand and leave.

The actions of the little Westerners were a surprise attack on Zhu Ziqing, making him feel overwhelmed and oppressively unable to breathe, and immediately produced a sense of urgency for the country! Unexpectedly, in Shanghai, China, a teenage Caucasian child already knew how to rely on the superiority of the race and the strength of the country to stretch his face to attack others. I think if I were to change to another adult, I might feel hurt my self-esteem and anger. After all, the other party is only a caucasian child, and this incident also happened in Shanghai, which is Chinese despised and trampled by Westerners.

Read Zhu Ziqing's "White Man - God's Proud Son!" " has a feeling

Zhu Ziqing wanted to curse this child, but immediately felt very terrible, such a small child has been buried by tradition, we think of the "heart of the child" day and night, the world of the world (not a certain person's world, let alone a certain country's world), seeing that in the next generation, there is still no information! However, Zhu Ziqing also felt that this child, as a Caucasian, also showed the appearance of a strong and the fittest.

I agree with Robert Owen of France: "Man is a product of the environment." "In fact, regardless of whether people are the same race, people's physiological structure is similar, but the differences in the environment of life make people very different. Both an adult and a child will adapt to the environment in which they live and will show similarities across ages. Just like this "little Westerner", he has seen and listened to the attitude and evaluation of the same kind of people on the Chinese, and naturally shows contempt for the Chinese, feeling that he is a White race and Chinese superior. This is the huge impact of the environment on people, and it does not exist because of the age gap.

Zhu Ziqing understands very well that all people are born equal, not because of the difference in skin color and race. So he wrote at the end: "In any case, the most important thing for us is to look at ourselves and see our children!" Who is also the proud son of God; this is the same as the princes of yesteryear, there is no seed! "I also want to say that Chinese is the proud son of God, and we are Chinese impressing the world!"

Read Zhu Ziqing's "White Man - God's Proud Son!" " has a feeling

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