
What should be done in the third trimester to "eat right" and "eat well"

Survived the first trimester and survived the second trimester, and finally entered the third trimester. Congratulations, the day of unloading is getting closer and closer. In the last three months of pregnancy, many expectant mothers will begin to feel that the physical burden is getting bigger and bigger, the weight gain is getting faster and faster, and many expectant mothers also have to face problems such as gestational diabetes and gestational hypertension.

What should be done in the third trimester to "eat right" and "eat well"

And at this time, because of the limitations of physical conditions, the amount of exercise of expectant mothers will be reduced, and the gastrointestinal tract will be squeezed by the uterus, and the peristalsis will become slower, resulting in uncomfortable situations such as stomach bloating and stomach acid, as well as edema, constipation and hemorrhoids, which will also be high in the third trimester. But the baby's weight increases the most in the third trimester and the baby's bone and teeth develop. It requires a lot of calcium and at the same time to reserve enough iron for the postnatal period, so it is very important to eat at this stage. What should I do in the third trimester to "eat right" and "eat well"? Today we will talk about this topic.

What should be done in the third trimester to "eat right" and "eat well"

Overall, compared with the diet before pregnancy or the first trimester, expectant mothers in the third trimester need to increase protein by 30g, calcium by 200mg and energy by 450 kcal per day. The recommended daily intake of iron is 29 mg, an increase of 5 mg per day over the second trimester.

Specifically, on the basis of a balanced diet before pregnancy, if you can ensure that you can increase 250g of milk per day, and then increase 100g of fish, poultry, egg meat, you can almost meet these nutritional needs.

Let's talk about calcium first, the recommended daily intake of calcium in the third trimester is 1000mg, which is the same as the second trimester. Expectant mothers only need to make sure that they are the same as in the second trimester and pay attention to eating more calcium-rich foods. To review what we talked about earlier, the main sources of calcium in food are dairy products, soy products, and dark green vegetables. It is recommended that dairy products such as milk, yogurt or cheese, which guarantee 300 to 500g per day in the third trimester, generally require at least one or two cups of milk per day. Preferably pure milk original sugar-free fermented yogurt or raw cheese, do not recommend a lot of sugary milk drinks or lactic acid bacteria drinks that contain more salt of the remastered cheese is not recommended to eat more, but also to emphasize the choice of soy products is not all soy products are very high in calcium content. Some coagulated soy products are very rich in calcium because of the addition of calcium-rich coagulants, such as old tofu, thousand sheets or dried tofu, and the calcium content of these foods is very rich. Those particularly tender lactones, tofu, soy milk, tofu flowers, soy products calcium content is not very high, but it is also a source of high-quality protein. If you like to eat it, you can eat it in moderation.

What should be done in the third trimester to "eat right" and "eat well"

If you really can't guarantee that you will eat these every day, you can choose the appropriate dose of oral calcium, and the specific dose can preferably be determined after consultation with your doctor or professional nutritionist. If you choose oral calcium, it is best to take it in small doses several times, and be careful not to eat it with dairy products, tea, and iron, so as not to affect the absorption of calcium.

What should be done in the third trimester to "eat right" and "eat well"

After entering the second trimester and the third trimester, many expectant mothers are prone to iron deficiency anemia, the iron content in the liver and red meat of animal blood is more abundant, and the heme iron in these foods is absorbed and utilized by the human body. In the third trimester of pregnancy, you should eat about one slap of red meat per day than in the second trimester, and increase the intake of animal blood or internal organs once a week to meet the increased iron needs in the third trimester.

What should be done in the third trimester to "eat right" and "eat well"

Here I would like to emphasize again that the traditional red foods such as dates, ejiao, peanuts and so on are not a reliable way to cook. The body's absorption and utilization rate of heme iron is relatively high, so it should eat more animal foods as a source of recipes.

Quantify the amount of food you eat every day in the third trimester of pregnancy, and you can compare it to see if you have eaten enough food every day to see if it is a balanced staple food. About 300g of cereals and potatoes, about one bowl of staple food per meal, of which whole grains and miscellaneous beans are not less than 1/3. Vegetables are 300 to 500g per day, of which green leafy vegetables and red-yellow colored vegetables account for more than 2/3, and it is necessary to eat one or two bowls of vegetables per meal. Fruits are 200 to 400 g per day, equivalent to the size of one or two apples.

What should be done in the third trimester to "eat right" and "eat well"

It is recommended to try to choose fruits with low glycemic index, meat, including fish, poultry, eggs, meat, including animal offal, the total amount of 200 to 250g per day, equivalent to 3 to 4 slaps of meat and 1 to 2 eggs, dairy products 300 to 500g per day, two cups of milk or a cup of milk plus a cup of yogurt.

What should be done in the third trimester to "eat right" and "eat well"

In addition, soy products can be eaten frequently, and nuts are very high in calories, which can be enough for a small handful every day. Cooking oil and salt should be limited too much, cooking oil is easy to lead to excessive calorie intake, eating too much salt is also easy to increase the risk of edema, it is best not to exceed 6g of salt per day. There are also some issues that expectant mothers care about in the third trimester, such as many expectant mothers who eat a little and are full, and always feel that the stomach is resisted and the appetite is not good. This situation can be taken.

What should be done in the third trimester to "eat right" and "eat well"

Eat less and eat more meals, and the method of dividing the meal system is used to alleviate it. There are also some expectant mothers who gain weight too quickly and have poor blood sugar control need to pay attention to appropriately increase some exercise. Expectant mothers who are standard weight before pregnancy, and the weight gain in the third trimester is about 0.3 to 0.5 kg per week, which is normal. Eat more vegetables, try to choose peeled and less fat fish and poultry eggs, eat less fat pork and reduce fried, braised and other heavy oil and salt, heavy flavor cooking methods, snacks should also pay attention not to often eat milk tea cake. These foods are high in sugar and calories.

Well, today's article is shared here, I hope that we can have the opportunity to become a better self because of the arrival of our children, be better parents, learn to think, learn to judge, learn to analyze, and accompany our children to grow up with him.

This article is original by the little man at home, welcome to pay attention, take you along with long knowledge!

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