
How terrifying are Japanese coats? Almost no one wore it directly after our army was captured, except for these special cases

How terrifying are Japanese coats? Almost no one wore it directly after our army was captured, except for these special cases

After eight years of the War of Resistance, our country defeated the Japanese and won the liberation of the whole nation; when the Japanese were burning, killing, plundering, and plundering on our Chinese soil, they practiced the policy of three lights, that is, burning and killing the light and robbing the light, which was extremely inhumane, and they did not spare the elderly up to the sixty or seventy-year-old people, down to the babies who were still pregnant in their wombs, and just the Nanjing Massacre killed more than 300,000 unarmed soldiers and civilians in Nanjing, and committed countless crimes in our country.

How terrifying are Japanese coats? Almost no one wore it directly after our army was captured, except for these special cases

Later, after the Xi'an Incident, Chiang Kai-shek had to put aside his prejudices about our party and decided to establish a nationwide anti-Japanese united front, so that the whole nation confronted the Japanese army head-on, and after eight years of war of resistance, finally drove the Japanese away, the conditions at that time were really very difficult, especially the Eighth Route Army, the National Name Party was better, our Eighth Route Army really ate but wore, but weapons and equipment, many times can only be snatched from the hands of the Japanese army, at that time there was a very strange rule, then the japanese army's coat could not be worn casually.

How terrifying are Japanese coats? Almost no one wore it directly after our army was captured, except for these special cases

For this provision, now people are afraid that they can not understand, this is from the role of military uniforms, the most important role of clothes is nothing more than to resist the cold, for ordinary people, of course, that is the case, but for soldiers is different, military coats also have a role is to distinguish whether it is the enemy or not, you say that you wear Japanese clothes in the jurisdiction of the Eighth Route Army, if you are shot by soldiers, this is not a trivial matter.

How terrifying are Japanese coats? Almost no one wore it directly after our army was captured, except for these special cases

Once Lin Biao was wearing a Japanese military coat, and some of his subordinates were wearing Japanese military coats, and as a result, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army mistakenly thought that they were Japanese, and they shot a few shots, fortunately there were no casualties, through these we can see that the Japanese military coats cannot be worn casually, and another reason is that the "Geneva Convention" at that time stipulated that as a soldier, if you do not wear your own military uniform, then being caught by the enemy can be regarded as a traitor and directly correct the law on the spot, so it is precisely for these reasons that the Geneva Convention at that time stipulates that as a soldier, if he does not wear his own military uniform, then he can be caught by the enemy as a traitor and directly correct the law on the spot. You can't just wear Japanese military coats, but sometimes we need to disguise ourselves as Japanese and sneak up on Japanese or maybe some Japanese intelligence, and these are exceptions, everything depends on the situation.

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