
In 85, he broke with Fa Xiao, and before parting, Fa Xiao gave him a military coat, but 20 years later, he saved his life

author:Sven Talk

This content is fiction, and any name, place name, or other aspect of the text is not related to reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally.

In 85, he broke with Fa Xiao, and before parting, Fa Xiao gave him a military coat, but 20 years later, he saved his life

Xiaoxi and his hair are very good friends, when they were young, the two of them often played together, and when they grew up, they were classmates again, until they graduated, the two still worked together.

So how did Xiaoxi and Fa Xiao come to this point of breaking up! It's also very strange to say, and before the breakup, he gave Xiaoxi a military coat, and this military coat also saved Xiaoxi's life after 20.

What kind of story does this have?

In 85, he broke with Fa Xiao, and before parting, Fa Xiao gave him a military coat, but 20 years later, he saved his life

Xiaoxi was born in an ordinary rural family, there was an older brother and an older sister in the family, and the family conditions were also very average at that time.

Xiaoxi's Fa Xiao and Xiao Xi are from the same village, but the conditions are much stronger than Xiao Xi, and Fa Xiao has two older sisters, and there are more patriarchs in that society, and boys are more popular, so Fa Xi's treatment will be better.

Usually there is anything delicious and delicious to bring to Xiao Xi, once the aunt of Fa Xiao came back from the field to bring a toy to Fa Xiao, it is a plush toy of a puppy, which is very rare in the countryside at that time, because everyone rarely sees this kind of toy.

In 85, he broke with Fa Xiao, and before parting, Fa Xiao gave him a military coat, but 20 years later, he saved his life

Fa Xiao's two sisters wanted to play, but they were all rejected by Fa Xiao, but Fa Xiao took a plush toy to share with Xiao Xi, which made Xiao Xile bloom, because of Xiao Xi's family conditions, he had never played with a plush toy.

Later, when I went to elementary school, the two of them also went to school together and got out of school together.,Every time I'm small, I will go to Xiaoxi's house and call Xiaoxi to go to school.,After school, the two of them will play together.,It's very good.。

Later, when they went to junior high school, the two of them went to school in the town, because the distance from home to the town was still relatively long, so the two of them chose to live in the school at that time, and they could only go back for two days a week.

In 85, he broke with Fa Xiao, and before parting, Fa Xiao gave him a military coat, but 20 years later, he saved his life

Fa Xiao has been pampered since he was a child, sometimes his parents are afraid that he will not be able to eat enough, so he often goes to school to send some food, and some small snacks, Fa Xiao is half of Xiaoxi every time, Xiaoxi is very moved, and feels that this friend is worth a lifetime.

In the days when Xiaoxi was in junior high school and lived in school, his parents never saw him, although Xiaoxi's academic performance was good, but he still didn't pay attention to his parents, maybe his parents couldn't take care of Xiaoxi's side!

Every time Fa Xiao's parents come to see Fa Xiao, Xiaoxi's psychology always feels a little lost, and she thinks why others have parents who love her! But every time Fa Xiao shares snacks with him, he feels that Fa Xiao is the best person in the world for him.

In 85, he broke with Fa Xiao, and before parting, Fa Xiao gave him a military coat, but 20 years later, he saved his life

The only thing Xiaoxi can show off is his academic performance, because Xiaoxi's grades have been very good since he was in elementary school, and he was only among the best until he was in junior high school.

This made Xiaoxi feel very gratified, and later learned that in high school, the two were still not separated, but after doing it, Fa Xi worked very hard in his studies, and he read textbooks day and night.

Soon his grades couldn't save a lot, and even surpassed Xiaoxi, which Xiaoxi didn't expect, maybe it was at this time that Xiaoxi had some ideas in his heart, and felt that the only thing worth showing off was gone.

In 85, he broke with Fa Xiao, and before parting, Fa Xiao gave him a military coat, but 20 years later, he saved his life

Later, Fa Xi told Xiao Xi that he wanted to be a soldier, and asked Xiao Xi if he wanted to go, but Xiao Xi refused, saying that he wanted to go to college and felt that going to college was more promising.

Just this two people are working hard in their own direction, and the result is that both of them have succeeded, Xiaoxi was admitted to university as he wished, and his Fa Xiao also became a soldier, and both of them have their own directions.

Although they are very reluctant to separate, the reality is also very helpless, and they have to think about their own future, but the two of them agreed that no matter how busy they are, they will make an appointment to meet, at least once a year.

In 85, he broke with Fa Xiao, and before parting, Fa Xiao gave him a military coat, but 20 years later, he saved his life

In this way, the two of them got on the train and went to the direction they wanted to go, and the parting was the most heart-wrenching, and the two of them shared their own things like this, and they didn't know when they would meet next time.

Xiaoxi, who went to college, often shared interesting stories about him and Fa Xiao with his roommates, and Fa Xiao was the same, often telling Xiaoxi's stories with his comrades.

Just a year later, Fa Xiao came to Xiaoxi's school because he missed Xiaoxi very much, and brought a lot of delicious food to Xiaoxi, it was winter at that time, and the weather was very cold and more than ten degrees below zero.

In 85, he broke with Fa Xiao, and before parting, Fa Xiao gave him a military coat, but 20 years later, he saved his life

At that time, Xiaoxi was not wearing thick clothes at all, which made Fa Xiao very distressed to see it, and the two of them went out for a meal together, it was night, Xiaoxi said that he would live in our dormitory at night! Fa Xiao said that your dormitory is too crowded, so let's live outside!

Xiaoxi said that it was very expensive to live outside, but Fa Xiao said that it would not cost money as long as it was comfortable to live, and then Xiaoxi still couldn't make a small button, and finally chose to live in a hotel.

But Xiaoxi insisted on knowing that he wanted to live in the dormitory, and finally Xiaoxi went to live in the dormitory, and Fa Xiao paid for the hotel by himself, in fact, Fa Xiao was ready to pay for it himself, so that the two of them lived together and talked about the past.

In 85, he broke with Fa Xiao, and before parting, Fa Xiao gave him a military coat, but 20 years later, he saved his life

Because of this matter, the two of them had a knot, Xiaoxi felt that the gap between him and Fa Xiao was too big, not at the same consumption level, and he made others pay so much every time, and he couldn't give anything to others.

This may be the psychology of inferiority! Maybe because of family reasons, Xiaoxi has always had low self-esteem, especially after going to college, and has become very sensitive.

Because the students in the university are all from all over the world, the gap between the rich and the poor in the countryside was not obvious before, but it is different here, the students here are worse and better than themselves, even if they are poor, they are much better than Xiaoxi.

In 85, he broke with Fa Xiao, and before parting, Fa Xiao gave him a military coat, but 20 years later, he saved his life

Xiaoxi slowly felt inferior in such an environment, and the arrival of Fa Xiao aggravated his inferiority complex, and this time when Fa Xiao came, he also told him that he had made a lot of friends in the army, which caused Xiao Xi's jealousy.

Because in Xiaoxi's heart, he has always regarded Fa Xiao as his best friend, and he was a little disappointed when he heard that Fa Xiao had made a new good friend! Because after all, I grew up and grew small.

The next day, Fa Xiao was leaving, Xiao Xi and he agreed to wait for next year to see him, then I will wait for you to come next year, so Fa Xiao returned to the army, and looked forward to Xiao Xi to see him.

In 85, he broke with Fa Xiao, and before parting, Fa Xiao gave him a military coat, but 20 years later, he saved his life

In the second year, Xiao Xi came as promised, and came to Fa Xiao's army to visit him, Fa Xiao was very excited, and the two finally met again, this time Fa Xiao had good news to share with Xiao Xi.

That is, Fa Xiao's parents chose a marriage for Fa Xiao, and Fa Xiao will go back to get married next year, Xiao Xi was also shocked when he heard the news, but at the same time, he was also happy for Fa Xiao, and then Fa Xiao said that girl you know, and she is also our classmate.

Xiaoxi said Let's talk about who it is, Fa Xiao then said that it was your junior high school tablemate Xiaofeng, Xiaofeng Xiaoxi was stunned at the moment, how could it be Xiaofeng, because Xiaofeng is Xiaoxi's crush, but Fa Xiao didn't know about it.

In 85, he broke with Fa Xiao, and before parting, Fa Xiao gave him a military coat, but 20 years later, he saved his life

Xiaoxi's world collapsed, saying that you really don't know or fake don't know, Fa Xiao was stunned and didn't understand what this meant, so he asked Xiaoxi, what's going on, Xiaofeng has always been the person I like, don't you know?

This surprised Fa Xiao! I've never heard you say that! Do you have to say it! Xiao Xi said, can't you see it! I don't know about this, Fa Xiao explained.

But at that time, Xiaoxi couldn't hear what others said, I spent my time envious of you since I was a child, and then accepted your alms, you are better than me in everything, your family is better than me, and your studies are no worse than me, and now I want to marry the girl I like.

In 85, he broke with Fa Xiao, and before parting, Fa Xiao gave him a military coat, but 20 years later, he saved his life

You're showing off to me right now! You're better than me in everything, but Fa Xiao said I never wanted to compare with you, I have always regarded you as my best friend, we haven't always been best friends, how can you think!

That's what you think of me in your heart! I really didn't expect it to be like this, I've been devoted to you for so many years, you actually look at me like this, you are my best friend, Xiaoxi, you know!

At this time, Xiaoxi couldn't listen to it at all, and only left one sentence, saying that in the future, we should go our own ways if the gap is too big! Saying that Xiaoxi was about to leave, Fa Xiao grabbed him and said that the weather outside is too cold, I'll go get you a military coat, you put on a military coat and leave! Xiaoxi refused at first, but then Fa Xiao said that he would give you a souvenir at the end.

In 85, he broke with Fa Xiao, and before parting, Fa Xiao gave him a military coat, but 20 years later, he saved his life

In this way, Xiaoxi accepted the military coat and walked towards the train station, this difference is twenty years, and after twenty years, Xiaoxi is already in his forties, opened a company, and became the boss, but he has kept this military coat.

During this period, the company also experienced ups and downs, and Xiaoxi also had a serious stomach problem because of work, and ran all over the major hospitals but it was not good, and the money was also spent a lot, and it was not less difficult, but the more I looked at it, the more serious it became.

However, recently, I heard that there is a Chinese medicine doctor who sees very well, but it is difficult to queue up, and he only sees two patients a day, which makes Xiaoxi very embarrassed, how can he make an appointment with this doctor! Then he heard that the hospital liked to treat the poor.

In 85, he broke with Fa Xiao, and before parting, Fa Xiao gave him a military coat, but 20 years later, he saved his life

Xiao Xi suddenly had a good way, that is, to pretend to be a poor man to see a doctor, so Xiao Xi remembered the military coat, so he wore the military coat to find the doctor, but he didn't expect it to be really successful.

It turned out that this doctor was a comrade-in-arms with dead hair, and he recognized this dress at a glance and said that you are Xiaoxi! I've heard of you, I'm comrade-in-arms with you, and I've always heard that you have a good relationship before.

As he spoke, he started the examination, and it turned out that Xiaoxi's illness was already very serious, mainly because he was always depressed, and he had to take medicine and recuperate, and it was also very important to regulate his mood, so Xiaoxi listened to the doctor's words.

In 85, he broke with Fa Xiao, and before parting, Fa Xiao gave him a military coat, but 20 years later, he saved his life

He felt that he still cared more about Fa Xiao in his heart, he had this knot for so many years, and he wanted to open the knot, and then Xiao Xi went to find Fa Xiao and reconciled, but he didn't expect Fa Xiao to be worried about Xiao Xi in his heart.

After the heart knot was opened, plus taking medicine, Xiaoxi's illness was much better, and one day Xiaoxi said to his wife, let's really thank me for sending a small military coat, it was this military coat that saved my life.

In 85, he broke with Fa Xiao, and before parting, Fa Xiao gave him a military coat, but 20 years later, he saved his life

This content is fiction, and any name, place name, or other aspect of the text is not related to reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally.

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