
Professor Li Meijin: The biggest problem in educating children is that they should not be managed, and they should not be managed

Professor Li Meijin: The biggest problem in educating children is that they should not be managed, and they should not be managed
Professor Li Meijin: The biggest problem in educating children is that they should not be managed, and they should not be managed
Professor Li Meijin: The biggest problem in educating children is that they should not be managed, and they should not be managed


Eat and wear rich children

Spiritually poor to raise children

Professor Li Meijin: The biggest problem in educating children is that they should not be managed, and they should not be managed
Professor Li Meijin: The biggest problem in educating children is that they should not be managed, and they should not be managed
Professor Li Meijin: The biggest problem in educating children is that they should not be managed, and they should not be managed
Professor Li Meijin: The biggest problem in educating children is that they should not be managed, and they should not be managed


Strict control of children in learning

Psychological neglect of children

Professor Li Meijin: The biggest problem in educating children is that they should not be managed, and they should not be managed
Professor Li Meijin: The biggest problem in educating children is that they should not be managed, and they should not be managed


Life does everything

Growing up with wasted children

Professor Li Meijin: The biggest problem in educating children is that they should not be managed, and they should not be managed
Professor Li Meijin: The biggest problem in educating children is that they should not be managed, and they should not be managed
Professor Li Meijin: The biggest problem in educating children is that they should not be managed, and they should not be managed
Professor Li Meijin: The biggest problem in educating children is that they should not be managed, and they should not be managed


Free-range children at a young age

Control children as adults

Professor Li Meijin: The biggest problem in educating children is that they should not be managed, and they should not be managed
Professor Li Meijin: The biggest problem in educating children is that they should not be managed, and they should not be managed
Professor Li Meijin: The biggest problem in educating children is that they should not be managed, and they should not be managed

At this stage, parents should plant the seeds of rules in their children's hearts, from apologizing for doing wrong things and implementing the rules they have made; to abiding by social rules and adhering to moral and moral conventions.

Only when the child is set before the rebellious period comes, so that the child has a reverence for the parents, the child will be emotionally willing to accept the parents' education.

Then as the child grows older, gradually learn to let go, let the child do it and decide on his own, and believe that the child has the ability to make choices and decisions.

As much freedom as parents give their children, children give their parents as much future as they want.

Wise parents are not soft when they should be in charge, and they should not be free to let go when they should not be managed.

Life is a school, and parents are the best teachers.

Although education is a regrettable art, educating people cannot tolerate any mistakes.

Some things can be done wrong and can be started again, but the child's education cannot be.

Educating children is not to leave them alone and wait for the flowers to bloom, let alone treat children as puppets and control children everywhere.

Instead, it maintains a delicate balance between discipline and letting go, allowing children to move towards their own lives in the education of love.

More recommendations

Zhang Guimei wrote a letter to her children: Don't be afraid, the "cold winter" of life carries inevitable hope

Read it once a day to make sure you don't get angry with your child again, and then quit yelling from then on

Tell your child: Introversion is not a flaw, it is a talent

Professor Fudan gave an amazing speech: "We can't give in to our children anymore!" The parents were silent after listening

The nature of parenting education, this article really explains thoroughly

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