
Children do not write homework, parents can not manage, The Language teacher has a good way to teach you to manage your children easily

Pay attention to the development of language teaching and solve the confusion of language learning.

Some parents left a message to Kojima's teacher: On the first day of the New Year's Day holiday, the child began to be lazy, did not want to write homework, did not want to get up, did not freshen up, and wanted to lie down and look at the mobile phone to play games. Parents are worried that their children will not like to study because of the holidays. But it is also very distressing, if you do not urge the child, then the waste of schoolwork is also the parents have not fulfilled their responsibilities. So, if you want your child not to become lazy, is there any good way? Teacher Kojima would like to say that although "learning the sea is endless", it is also necessary to "have fun", parents do not have to worry about whether their children do not love to learn, on the contrary, we should pay attention to the daily habits of children. A "lazy" child will not only show signs of laziness in learning, life, language, and action. It's just that small laziness will accumulate into big laziness, and parents will focus on habits in their children' management.

Children do not write homework, parents can not manage, The Language teacher has a good way to teach you to manage your children easily

Bad study habits affect grades. If the living habits are not good, the impact is even greater. So it is good for parents to remain vigilant, but during the New Year's Day holiday, children do not write homework, and parents can not manage the core problems or bad habits accumulated too much, parents do not know how to manage, hope that schools and teachers instead of family education, for parents to manage. Obviously this is impossible, so discipline the child, what exactly are we in charge of? It is not the result, because New Year's Day itself is a holiday, and the holiday also allows children to sit obediently at the writing desk to write homework, which is contrary to science. Some parents will say, so why can some students take the initiative to learn? This is because other people's parents are not in charge of the results, but the process. Helping children start from what is in front of them and overcoming the problem of laziness is the right thing parents should do.

Children do not write homework, parents can not manage, The Language teacher has a good way to teach you to manage your children easily

1. Solve the retreat first and show the results to the child

Parents are accustomed to solving the results first when encountering the problem of laziness of their children. That is, the subjective judgment that the child has become lazy and does not like to learn, from this point of view, and then urge the child to write homework quickly. It also includes daily behavior, what will parents do when children do not want to wash, do not want to take care of themselves, and cannot wash their hands frequently? Show the results to your child first and let him see the results directly caused by laziness. For example, if you don't wash, you will have tooth decay, and no one will be willing to make friends with someone who doesn't take care of themselves and is dirty and messy. The display of direct results will make children clearly aware of the consequences, but why do many children not care? Even to their parents, do not eat clean and not sick such words?

Children do not write homework, parents can not manage, The Language teacher has a good way to teach you to manage your children easily

This is because the child only sees the results, not experiences the results. Growing tooth decay, only when it really hurts, when you want to extract your teeth, you will realize the importance of paying attention to hygiene, the same reason, learning is the same, because of laziness, did not arrange time in time, in the holiday to write homework, either waiting for you is the teacher's criticism, or is the crazy make-up before school. Children need to experience the results and feel the results in order to really overcome their laziness, and it is useless to rely on parents alone. Solve the retreat first, parents can communicate with the teacher, ask the teacher to severely criticize the child, and target the learning consequences caused by laziness.

Children do not write homework, parents can not manage, The Language teacher has a good way to teach you to manage your children easily

Many times, the teacher's criticism is more effective than the parent's criticism, which is the need for home-school cooperation, and it is also the way that parents can really correct the laziness problem for their children. Parents cannot share all educational tasks equally with parents, and teachers also need to cooperate with parents in order to help their students find the right way of life and cultivate self-discipline. Therefore, parents need to find a good way out for their children, show the results, and then let the children experience and feel on their own, so that they can recognize the problems caused by laziness. This is only used by parents to guide, easy discipline, and there is no need to be angry with children.

Children do not write homework, parents can not manage, The Language teacher has a good way to teach you to manage your children easily

2, communicate well with children, the importance of learning

Parents will say that the truth will also be told to the child, and they will be moved to understand the reason, but the child seems to be difficult to listen to, and if he talks too much, he will feel that the parents are very annoyed. Therefore, to communicate with children, parents need some methods and communication skills. We can't immediately criticize and blame when we see that children are lazy, so that children realize that their behavior is shameful, but there is no way to solve it. It seems that the only thing a child can do is to learn and write homework, take action as soon as possible, and let parents feel that their child's laziness can be overcome immediately. Then parents will feel that communication with children is completely ineffective, the importance of learning, adults and children can understand, specific to the implementation, we still feel that New Year's Day is a holiday, the holiday should be relaxed, parents also sometimes do not want to work, why require children to have to wait?

Children do not write homework, parents can not manage, The Language teacher has a good way to teach you to manage your children easily

Communication is the need to have a clear goal, you can rest during the New Year's Day, but how to rest, how to combine work and leisure, is the focus of communication between parents and children. Many parents promise their children that they can play after writing their homework. But why can't children write their homework in time? Quite simply, it's because you don't understand the importance of learning. This is not by relying on parents to solve a sentence or two, nor by relying on a holiday to communicate with children a few times can be clear, this is in the daily life scene, parents and children continue to communicate and run, let the children grow in the experience, in order to understand why parents always require me to write homework first, why the holidays still can not relax the requirements for learning?

Children do not write homework, parents can not manage, The Language teacher has a good way to teach you to manage your children easily

Parents should also give their children encouragement and recognition when they see their children's actions. Some of our parents, seeing that the child obviously put down the mobile phone, has gone to the desk, or will nag non-stop, they will grab the child in the New Year's Day holiday to play games, do not write homework, especially lazy this thing does not let go, the child pouts, with emotions to write homework and study, its learning effect can be seen. So what should parents do? Communication is not criticism, but really understanding why the child becomes lazy, understanding the reason, and helping the child overcome.

Children do not write homework, parents can not manage, The Language teacher has a good way to teach you to manage your children easily

3. Parents should take care of themselves first

We may wish to look at the parents' messages: children do not want to get up, lying in bed brushing mobile phones, how does this lazy behavior occur? It must be in the life scene, the parents are also like this, the child tacitly acquiesced to himself can also, so a lot of lazy behaviors on the child, either the parents are overly helpful, or the parents are also like this. Therefore, if you want to correct your child's lazy behavior, parents must first take care of themselves. Many of the laziness of children is unintentionally caused by parents. Children in the primary school stage, parents face laziness, education is still relatively simple, relying on criticism and reprimand, can restrain a period of time. However, after entering junior high school, even if parents have mastered the skills of communication, it is difficult to find a suitable method after the child begins to get used to laziness, because the sense of autonomy of middle school students is getting stronger and stronger, and once the child is fearless, it is the time when parents have no way.

Children do not write homework, parents can not manage, The Language teacher has a good way to teach you to manage your children easily

When we find that children have laziness, we must find a suitable way to help children correct or recognize at the primary school level. If parents can't manage it just because they don't write homework, then there are all kinds of understandings behind it, making excuses for lazy behavior. Regarding the learning of the New Year's Day holiday, parents do not need to be anxious, guide their children to plan well, experience the process, feel the results, and the children will naturally be able to take the initiative to write homework and study. I wish parents and students a happy new year, the new year, everyone can make progress in language learning, tell me your blessings. Welcome to leave a comment.

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