
The fetus in the third trimester is most afraid of these three things, and the pregnant mother must carry a little, otherwise it is easy to "move the tire gas"

Pregnancy is a very gratifying thing, but at the same time it is a very hard thing, and all the hard work has to be borne by the pregnant mother alone, and the whole pregnancy period is very difficult to spend. Before pregnancy, you can do whatever you want without worry, but after pregnancy, it is different, because there is a small baby in the body, in order to give him a better living environment, pregnant mothers need to endure many taboos. Especially in the third trimester, the fetus needs more attention some time before it is about to give birth, because at this time the pregnant belly is already very abrupt, and the fetus in the body is also "moving", and if you are not careful, you will move the tire gas, resulting in a series of dangers.

The fetus in the third trimester is most afraid of these three things, and the pregnant mother must carry a little, otherwise it is easy to "move the tire gas"

Seven months pregnant, she was pulled by her eldest sister to exercise, and her mother-in-law saw it and directly scolded her eldest sister home

Zizhu is a girl who married far away from Hunan to the northeast, although she is far married, she is very happy, because her in-laws are very good to her, and after marriage, her mother-in-law did not let her suffer a little grievance, and took care of her like a daughter everywhere. Even the "difficult big sister" that everyone calls her is like a sister.

After pregnancy, Zizhu's body reaction is very large, the whole pregnancy mother-in-law is very careful to take care of her, in order to let her eat more things a day to change the way to cook for her, so although from the beginning of pregnancy is very uncomfortable Zizhu in the care of the mother-in-law smoothly to the third trimester.

The fetus in the third trimester is most afraid of these three things, and the pregnant mother must carry a little, otherwise it is easy to "move the tire gas"

The mother-in-law always said that she chose caesarean section during childbirth because she was worried that Zizhu was too guilty, but she herself wanted to give birth smoothly, because she was worried that the knife scar after the caesarean section was somewhat ugly. The eldest sister came back to Zizhu and said her thoughts, but the eldest sister said, "You are either lying down or sitting at home all day, so how can you give birth?" So Zizhu was called up by the eldest sister to do exercise, saying that this was conducive to exercising the pelvis and was helpful for normal labor.

Zizhu and the eldest sister jumped and jumped just by the mother-in-law who came back from buying vegetables, she hurriedly let Zizhu stop, heard her say that she was exercising for the sake of normal birth, and the mother-in-law said that even if she wanted to have a smooth birth, she could not exercise like this! Such a jump is dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will move the tire! Hearing her mother-in-law's words, Zizhu was shocked, and turned around and drove her eldest sister back home, saying that she knew how to make trouble if she didn't help. Later, her mother-in-law and Zizhu said that they would accompany her for a walk every day in the future, but they should never do such a high-intensity activity again.

The fetus in the third trimester is most afraid of these three things, and the pregnant mother must carry a little, otherwise it is easy to "move the tire gas"

The third trimester is also a period of abnormal "sensitivity" of the fetus, if the pregnant mother frequently does these three things for the fetus is very bad, the pregnant mother must be careful.

Proper exercise is indeed conducive to vaginal delivery, because exercise can increase the elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles and make the delivery more smooth, but during pregnancy to about 36 to 37 weeks, the fetus has basically entered the basin, if in this period the pregnant mother also did too much intensity exercise that is counterproductive. Because strong exercise in the third trimester is very easy to lead to fetal gas, it will cause many unnecessary troubles and even lead to premature birth. Strictly speaking, after entering the third trimester, we should pay attention to rest, even if it is a walk, it should be moderate, not too long and must be accompanied by someone around.

The fetus in the third trimester is most afraid of these three things, and the pregnant mother must carry a little, otherwise it is easy to "move the tire gas"

Many pregnant mothers fall into an anxious and manic mood after entering the third trimester, on the one hand, the influence of hormones in the receptor, on the other hand, the uneasiness about the mother who is about to become a mother. Very drastic changes in mood will also cause the fetus to feel very anxious in the body, so that the fetal movement and fetal heart rate are abnormal; at the same time, the pregnant mother's mood is impatient, angry will make the body blood circulation accelerate, which will make the fetus in the uterus become embarrassed and uneasy, very easy to move the fetal gas, causing a very serious danger.

Pregnancy brings the most constraints to pregnant mothers in addition to action is probably diet, because after pregnancy to ensure the nutrition supply of the fetus and pregnant mother, but also to avoid eating more food leading to the accumulation of toxins in the body to affect the fetus, so the diet of pregnant mothers will have many taboos.

The fetus in the third trimester is most afraid of these three things, and the pregnant mother must carry a little, otherwise it is easy to "move the tire gas"

Not only that, after childbirth, it is also necessary to take into account the recovery of the body and the breastfeeding of the fetus, and there is also a great degree of restriction on the diet, so many pregnant mothers begin to "relieve hunger" in the third trimester of pregnancy, bluntly saying that they will not let eat after eating before. As everyone knows, the impact of food in the third trimester on the fetus is also very far-reaching, especially spicy hot pot, cold seafood and the like will stimulate the stomach and intestines and stimulate the uterus, resulting in adverse consequences.

The fetus in the third trimester is most afraid of these three things, and the pregnant mother must carry a little, otherwise it is easy to "move the tire gas"

In order to successfully pass through the third trimester of pregnancy, pregnant mothers must "keep the last line of defense", exercise reasonably according to their own situation, keep a happy mood, chat with friends, read more books or learn the same kind of handicrafts that they like, let themselves have something to do, divert their attention; in the diet, although they already want to eat the same food, they must also control the saliva, or only eat a little, after all, the stability of the fetus and their own physical health is the most important.

Many people only see how joyful and sacred the birth of life is, but few people see how difficult the process of conceiving life is, pregnancy is a thing full of many uncertainties, from the beginning to the end can not be taken lightly, for their own efforts can get a happy ending, in order for the family to be able to meet a new life, in the third trimester of pregnancy this last moment must be doubly careful!

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