
How should parents guide children who are prone to shyness? Five tricks to help you teach a confident baby

Cheerful and lively children are more likely to be liked by everyone, but in our daily life, there is no shortage of children who hide behind adults when they see people, and they are shy and dare not communicate with people.

If such children are not guided now, they will only know how to withdraw and make excuses when they grow up, and it will be difficult to gain a foothold in society in the future.

How should parents guide children who are prone to shyness? Five tricks to help you teach a confident baby

In fact, everyone experiences "stranger anxiety disorder", but the severity of each baby is different, which has a lot to do with the guidance and comfort of mothers.

Let's share with you how we should guide our children when they encounter this situation.

Get a "preventive shot" in advance

How should parents guide children who are prone to shyness? Five tricks to help you teach a confident baby

Before we take the baby to visit a relative he is not familiar with, we can first show the baby's photos, familiarize themselves with it, and then tell the child.

We are going to play at auntie's house, auntie will use plasticine to pinch the car, mom bring plasticine, then you can play together, arouse the interest of children.

How should parents guide children who are prone to shyness? Five tricks to help you teach a confident baby

At the same time, we can also tell friends or relatives in advance that the baby is shy, please leave some time or space for the child, tell the relatives and children's preferences, so that it can resonate with the child and get rid of the shy situation as soon as possible.

Don't force your baby

How should parents guide children who are prone to shyness? Five tricks to help you teach a confident baby

It's important not to force this! Which adult can not be less than this sentence "Aunt is good, uncle is good"? It is not necessary to force the child to say hello to others, the more you force it, the more you will make the child have a rebellious mentality.

In fact, think about it from another angle, it is precisely because of the vigilance of the living person that the baby is not easy to be abducted by the villain. We also have to learn to understand children.

Take your baby out more

How should parents guide children who are prone to shyness? Five tricks to help you teach a confident baby

Usually you can take the baby out to shop, relatives' homes, supermarkets, shopping malls, zoos, etc. are all good choices, the purpose is to let the baby have more contact with people.

Remember to bring your baby's favorite toys with you, and having familiar things with you will make your baby feel at ease.

How should parents guide children who are prone to shyness? Five tricks to help you teach a confident baby

If you meet an acquaintance on the street that your baby doesn't know, you can hold the baby and chat with the acquaintance for a while, smiling the whole time.

This will make the child relax his guard, and over time, the child will gradually be affected by you, and the guard will not be so strong.

Never label your child

How should parents guide children who are prone to shyness? Five tricks to help you teach a confident baby

Parents can often hear parents describe their children like this, "My daughter is very shy", "my grandson can be willful", "my baby is particularly rubbed".

Shy, willful, abrasive, as if every child would be labeled in various ways. If we are not careful, these labels grow up with us and become part of our personality.

How should parents guide children who are prone to shyness? Five tricks to help you teach a confident baby

If you don't want your child to be a bad look in your mouth, we can express it in a different way, for example, when the child is rubbing, you can say, "Baby, you have to speed up, otherwise we may not be able to buy the toy you want." ”

Let the child find self-confidence

How should parents guide children who are prone to shyness? Five tricks to help you teach a confident baby

Mothers are about to find the sparkle in their baby. For example, the baby is usually very shy, so when he plays well with other children, or can greet the elders, he must be affirmed in time.

How should parents guide children who are prone to shyness? Five tricks to help you teach a confident baby

There is really no chance, we can still create opportunities. For example, let the baby help you tidy up the room together, and let him remind you to buy potatoes when you go to the supermarket.

Then thank him for his help when he completes the task. Making your child confident is an important step in becoming a good child!

How should parents guide children who are prone to shyness? Five tricks to help you teach a confident baby

Finally, I hope that all parents can accept the imperfections of their children, and we hope that they will be cheerful, sensible, obedient, not picky eaters, love to read, and obediently bathe and sleep on time every day.

But can't we do it ourselves? There is no universal truth about parenting, we must educate and guide the child according to his own situation, and the best one is suitable.

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