
Older women have exploded, they are obviously very good, why can't they find a partner?

Now there is a very strange phenomenon, a large number of young people say that they can't find a partner, say they want to fall in love, there are some opposite-sex resources around them, family and friends also help to introduce, the result is still single.

In fact, a closer look can be found that men's willingness to marry is still higher than that of women, but the huge pressure to marry is prohibitive.

Instead of starting a relationship now and ending up because there is not enough material support, it is better to start a business and then fall in love.

For girls, some people are engaged in poisonous chicken soup every day, resulting in many women being afraid of marriage, but who has no ash at the bottom of the pot, two people together to say that there is no contradiction, it is a very harsh requirement.

Older women have exploded, they are obviously very good, why can't they find a partner?

There is a fan private message, he is a first-tier city hukou, working in a public institution, the academic qualification is a graduate student, he thinks he looks very good, but he can't find a partner at the age of 34.

Relatives and friends have also introduced themselves to several good objects, or they can't see it themselves, and the other party they can see can't see themselves, which is very distressing.

First of all, take a look at the female fans' own conditions, the hukou in first-tier cities, whether it is work or education, is a very good level, the only drawback is that the age is a little older.

Look at her mate selection requirements, I hope that the man is about the same age as himself, a little older or smaller, but the age gap hopes not to be too big, afraid of a generation gap, I hope to get along slowly, first talk about love.

I hope that the man has a caravan, because he also has a house and a car, if the man is worse than himself, whether it is his own heart or his parents, I am afraid that he will not be able to pass.

Older women have exploded, they are obviously very good, why can't they find a partner?

It sounds like the requirements are not high, and her own conditions are good, it is reasonable to say that it should not be difficult to find an object, why can't she find an object for a long time?

First, the understanding of oneself is not clear enough

This is a common disease of many older unmarried men and women, just like this fan, although it seems that the conditions are good, but in fact, they are empty shelves, although they look good, but the age of 34 can maintain their appearance for several years.

In addition to the stability of ordinary institutions, the income is actually not high, the man can buy a house in a first-tier city, if it is bought by himself, the household registration has basically moved over, and the income is definitely higher than that of the woman.

In fact, these advantages she listed are not any advantages, they can only be regarded as personal information, and it is far from enough to attract a good opposite sex.

For men, what attracts them is nothing more than the woman's appearance, family conditions, or pay attention to feelings and value the woman's character, and can not always expect the other party to do charity.

And she also wants the two people to talk about love first, and envision a beautiful and happy life, which is actually a very unrealistic idea.

Older women have exploded, they are obviously very good, why can't they find a partner?

The girl is now 34 years old, even if the two immediately get married and prepare for pregnancy, the child will be thirty-five or six, already belongs to the elderly mother, first, there is a danger of giving birth to a child, and second, it is very likely that it will not be born.

Although many people are reluctant to talk about this topic, for most men, it is still very important to pass on the generations, and if the couple does not have children, the pressure will be enormous.

At the girl's age, there is not much time to fall in love, both parties lack the cost of trial and error, and there is no time and patience to slowly understand each other.

After all, it takes a year and a half with you, when you pat your ass and leave, the feelings and money you pay are small things, the wasted time is more important, life is not a movie, no one will stand in place and wait for you to turn back.

Whether it is a man or a woman, in fact, there is an optimal age for childbearing, and it is not good for children or for themselves to have children.

Older women have exploded, they are obviously very good, why can't they find a partner?

Second, the understanding of the marriage market is not clear enough

Now there are more men and fewer women, so many people feel that in the blind date market, there are also more men and fewer women, and a large number of excellent men are waiting for them to choose.

But the reality is that there are many boys and girls, and there is often a situation where a high-quality boy is robbed by a group of women, why is it the other way around?

This is related to the inner thoughts of men and women, boys will basically carry out a self-screening before the blind date, boys who think they have poor conditions, directly eliminate themselves, and do not go to the hilarity at all.

Girls are just the opposite, where there is a high-quality boy, everyone will flock to it, and they all feel that they are the final winners.

So in various red bride blind date groups, there is often a very funny scene, which is supposed to arrange one, but a boy usually has to meet more than a dozen female guests.

Older women have exploded, they are obviously very good, why can't they find a partner?

And many people have already managed deep feelings when they were students, even if they are excellent, but they have not had time to enter the marriage market, they have become grandparents.

There are also some girls who understand things early and know that their conditions are not very good, so when they encounter similar conditions, they immediately grab each other fiercely and do not mention any requirements.

Maybe there are better girls around this boy, but the girl is a bit picky, and eventually the boy will basically choose this one that is not required.

So the real marriage market situation is that there are definitely but definitely not many high-quality men, and most of them are very smart, very good at using their advantages to seek benefits, and they have no point of advice not to touch.

Even those boys with ordinary conditions, in fact, there are many people staring, it is likely that you hesitate a little, the other party will be snatched away by others immediately.

Older women have exploded, they are obviously very good, why can't they find a partner?

In the end, you will fall into a very embarrassing situation, knowing that you are very good, but the people you meet are very ordinary, and the worse you get to the back.

Don't believe that everything is behind in the end, everything has been arranged earlier, this is just a comforting word, happiness needs to be fought for by yourself.

If a person is very good, then there must be many suitors around, it is difficult to be left behind, and those who are left behind are more or less a bit of a problem.

Recognize yourself and reality early, don't admit death, don't look for a mate selection standard, and be flexible according to your own conditions.

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