
Quanzhou Psychology: How to alleviate teens' addiction to playing mobile phones

Quanzhou Anshen Psychological Hospital: Nowadays, more and more people can't do without mobile phones and are addicted to mobile phones. Adolescent children are very addicted to mobile phones. What should they do if they are addicted to their phones?

What are the reasons why teens are addicted to playing mobile phones?

First, the child is bored and has nothing to do.

Children have no hobbies, nothing to do in their spare time, and can only spend boring time through mobile phones.

Quanzhou Psychology: How to alleviate teens' addiction to playing mobile phones

Second, family education is too cold.

Parents are indifferent to their children, and children are like air in their eyes, even dispensable. Children do not feel the value of their own existence, do not know why they are alive, and feel extremely empty, anxious and inferior. In this case, perhaps only the phone can be their good friend.

Third, mobile phones are attractive to children.

Online chats, online games, and online novels all bring very shocking attractions and irresistible temptations to adolescent children. The virtual field of online games satisfies all the fantasies of adolescent children, and everything written in online novels is "daydreaming", which arouses their desire to indulge in the online world, and it is also a major reason why they are mired in the mud.

Quanzhou Psychology: How to alleviate teens' addiction to playing mobile phones

How Do Teens Get Addicted to Mobile Phones?

First, reflect on yourself and find the reasons in yourself.

As a parent, first of all, we must reflect on ourselves, whether we have enough companionship for our children before puberty, whether we have enough care and respect for our children, find reasons from ourselves, and change bad education methods.

Second, spend more time with your children

Parents should accompany their children more, do not play mobile phones in front of their children, parents should be their children's role models, reduce their children's dependence on mobile phones.

Quanzhou Psychology: How to alleviate teens' addiction to playing mobile phones

Third, communicate more with your child.

When children enter puberty, parents should reduce their own value, let go of the majesty of their parents, treat their children as friends, appropriately narrow the distance, and listen to their ideas.

Fourth, divert your child's attention

Lead your child to outdoor activities such as running, climbing, etc. Proper physical activity can relieve stress and divert your child's attention from the phone.

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