
Guangqi Honda type: manual transmission is the "highest match"

Most new models are on the market, and price is the focus of discussion. However, the listing of Guangqi Honda's model, the "MT manual transmission" in the circle of friends brushed the screen, and then became the focus of discussion.

In the case that the proportion of manual transmission models has long been less than 20%, and the Civic, which emphasizes sports in the door, has abandoned the manual transmission model, which is not low in price as a new model, it is undoubtedly quite "jumping drama".

Guangqi Honda type: manual transmission is the "highest match"

Indeed, 129,900 yuan to buy a compact joint venture manual car, it seems that the cost performance is not high. But there is no doubt that the original intention of the launch of the manual transmission model is not at all to "play the card" according to market logic, let alone what is cost-effective - its significance is to use the MT manual transmission to win the screams of fans and the feelings of public opinion - a model that positions sports, without manual transmission, seems to lack soul.

Guangqi Honda type: manual transmission is the "highest match"

Although the people who pay for this "soul" may not be the majority, the public opinion effect brought by MT manual gears to products and brands is quite strong.

A friend of mine once bought a very good second-hand Subaru BRZ at a very suitable price, but after getting "cheap", he did not forget to say sadly, "I regret that it is not a manual transmission". I don't know how much of the real ingredient of his "complaint" is in it, but at least for most people, the automatic gear is obviously the better "go with the flow" option.

However, the model is a brand new model introduced by Guangqi Honda, which is not as well-known in the Chinese market as the Dongfeng Honda Civic after three generations of models. Therefore, Guangqi Honda needs to make the type remember it in the shortest possible time.

The model is a legendary model of technical Honda, with a rather glorious history and many fans. Honda's first model to hang the TYPE R logo was the NSX-R that pressed the Ferrari Lamborghini to the ground on the track and rubbed and rubbed, and the second model was the INTEGRA TYPE R.

Guangqi Honda type: manual transmission is the "highest match"

More importantly, due to its people-friendly positioning, Honda INTEGRAL TYPE R also made TYPE R a representative of civilian high performance at the peak of JDM. That's right, the TYPE R, the red-headed engine and the red-label Honda were all brought by INTEGRA and had nothing to do with the Civic.

In the face of such a story-like style, GUANGQI Honda's reservation of the MT hand-block model is largely to use the strategy of paying tribute to the classic to achieve the inheritance of the culture represented by the INTEGRA model, as well as the respect and satisfaction of potential INTEGRA fans.

A model with a history and a story is introduced, and for the market, product strength is not the focus, the key is whether there is a continuation of the story to tell. In the future, most of the fans who buy MT manual gear models are playful, so the modification will become the "standard" of MT manual gear, and perhaps JDM will become popular with the introduction of MT manual gear.

Guangqi Honda type: manual transmission is the "highest match"

Of course, it is foreseeable that although the model of mt manual transmission is well received, the proportion of future sales will not be very high, and the main sales will still be automatic models. However, the provision of MT manual transmission models has made the model quite talkative, which is also the success of Guangqi Honda in marketing.

Putting aside the type of manual transmission model, the price range of the other five automatic transmission models is relatively close to that of the Civic, and even the pricing of two models is exactly the same as that of the Civic of 142,900 yuan and 149,900 yuan, but in terms of configuration, the type is still thick, such as the rear exhaust air outlet and the rear charging port.

As for the medium and high-end models, the model and Civic have advantages with each other. For example, compared with the 157,900 yuan Model and the 158,900 Yuan Civic, the Model provides a sports kit, including 18-inch wheels, rear tail, etc., while the Civic has more rear reversing radar, reversing side warning, Bluetooth key, etc. As for how to choose between the two cars, it is entirely up to you to value which aspect is more important.

Guangqi Honda type: manual transmission is the "highest match"

Objectively speaking, the product strategy of the type is quite successful, and he has successfully broken the circle in public opinion and won many praises at the small cost of launching the manual. Of course, with a budget of 130,000 yuan, buying a low-power/automatic Civic and choosing a lower configuration, just more horsepower, but a manual block type of people, it seems that it is not a customer group. When the Civic becomes a real grocery shopping cart, that type naturally has more opportunities.

Speaking of which, I have to mention a digression. In the past two years, GAC Honda's performance in marketing is quite eye-catching, and the annual GAC Honda Dream Festival, which takes car owners, fans and modification culture as the core, has well expressed the passion and feelings represented by the Honda brand. At the same time, the modification culture around Guangqi Honda models is also the only existence in the entire joint venture brand.

Guangqi Honda type: manual transmission is the "highest match"

In a certain sense, the listing of the model, the automatic transmission model is a competition with the Civic and the same level of models, and the MT manual transmission model, not only a model, but also a model that increases the "talking" for the Guangqi Honda brand - and the models that can add points to the brand are all models with great potential - the manual model of the model is the highest match.

Note: The picture comes from the internet and the official

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