
Kids going to kindergarten isn't just about playing, it's all learned in kindergarten!

The goal of kindergarten is not to learn cultural knowledge, but to cultivate children's observation ability, thinking ability, hands-on ability and comprehensive ability in language while childcare, so as to open the door of wisdom for future schooling and life.

In kindergartens, the setting of the one-day curriculum is based on the age characteristics of 3-6-year-old children. Kindergarten education and teaching is mainly to cultivate children's interest, habits, and good character in all things (gradually coming out of self-centeredness, becoming confident and optimistic, and initially forming a positive attitude towards life), and the knowledge requirement is to pursue the breadth of knowledge rather than depth.

The acquisition of classes is more about the learning of knowledge, and the acquisition of life activities is the learning of habits such as behavior, life, and hygiene. "Learning to be a person, learning to live, learning to communicate" is what children have to learn from an early age. Different forms of learning and learning content ensure the harmonious physical and mental development of young children and the balanced development of their minds.

So, what do children learn in kindergarten? Let's take a look!

Kids going to kindergarten isn't just about playing, it's all learned in kindergarten!


At home, Mom and Dad see their babies struggling to do something, such as buttoning, combing their hair, and taking toys, and they can't help but go up and help.

In kindergarten, children learn to put on their own shoes, open juice bottle caps, and know to wash their hands after going to the bathroom. These simple self-care abilities give the child considerable self-confidence, but also give the parents a great convenience, you take him out on a trip or to a friend's home, no longer need to pay attention to him all the time, help him.

Kids going to kindergarten isn't just about playing, it's all learned in kindergarten!

02 Learn to communicate

In fact, many children around the age of 3 already have some social experience, and kindergartens have created a good atmosphere for children, teaching them how to maintain friendships and teaching them how to independently resolve conflicts between their friends without the help of teachers and mothers.

Children learn how to participate in other people's activities, see other children playing, he can come forward to say hello, what are you doing? Instead of silently watching others play, as they used to do, or talking to themselves alone. This kind of socialization is very helpful for children to integrate into the group when they grow up.

Kids going to kindergarten isn't just about playing, it's all learned in kindergarten!


Let the child go to kindergarten for the sake of the future growth of the child, let the child go through the process he must go through. Facing every child and every teacher in kindergarten is artificially creating opportunities for children to learn the ability to live independently.

Parents can not be with him forever, he must passively learn from the parents' arrangements the ability to receive people and things and the ability to live independently. In this way, we will not be vulnerable and helpless on the road to future growth and become a poor person.

Kids going to kindergarten isn't just about playing, it's all learned in kindergarten!

04 Learn to protect yourself

Children must also learn to protect themselves in the ability to live independently.

For example, when eating and drinking water, pay attention not to burn yourself, pay attention to your own safety when friends play, do not participate in dangerous action games, and learn to call the teacher to save you when you feel danger.

When you can't find teachers and parents outside of kindergarten: don't talk to strangers, don't let strangers take themselves away, don't eat or drink what strangers give. Remember your parent's phone number and find someone reliable (such as a police uncle) for help.

In short, it is also very important to learn to protect yourself.

Kids going to kindergarten isn't just about playing, it's all learned in kindergarten!

05 Learn to help others

Helping others is actually similar to the feeling of caring for others, with the same explanation: helping others is helping yourself. However, this meaning, the child at least until he grows up to really understand.

However, when guiding children to have the ability to help others, they must learn to reach out to help those they can help, only in this way can children slowly understand and sincerely give others timely and appropriate help, which is a very meaningful thing.

Kids going to kindergarten isn't just about playing, it's all learned in kindergarten!

You will find

Kids than when they were at home

Much better, more capable

Capacity in all areas has also been improved

I have considerable self-confidence

No more mom and dad

Keep an eye on him and help him all the time

Let's work together

Create one together for your child

Healthy, happy, harmonious

Free learning environment

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