
Accumulated 100 Idioms and Stories of Primary and Secondary School Chinese in | (22~28)

Most idioms have their origins

These little stories

Helps to understand and memorize idioms

Accumulated 100 Idioms and Stories of Primary and Secondary School Chinese in | (22~28)

22. Stand out from the crowd

There is a flock of chickens on the grass. One of the big roosters, boasting of being strong and with golden feathers, was the most outstanding. The other big reed rooster didn't think so, saying that he was the best when he started to chirp and his voice was loud. Just when they were about to fight, a crane suddenly fell from the sky and landed in the flock, dwarfed by the two roosters and no longer fighting.

[Tip] A metaphor for a person's appearance or learning and moral character is higher than others.

23. Fragmentation

During the Warring States period, the Qin state was the most powerful of the Seven Kingdoms. The other six countries wanted to unite against the Qin state. The strategy of the King of Qin was to break through each one, and then send Zhang Yi to divide the Six Kingdoms. Zhang Yi said to the King of Wei: "The State of Wei cannot get along as well as the five bordering countries, and if it is not done well, it will be attacked on all sides, and the country will be torn apart, so it is better to reconcile with the State of Qin." The King of Wei was persuaded and formed an alliance with the State of Qin.

[Tip] Describe incompleteness or disunity.

24. Blockbuster

In the Spring and Autumn Period, for the first three years of King Chuzhuang's reign, he only knew pleasure and did not care about state affairs. Shen Fearless came up with a riddle for him to guess: "There is a big bird, it does not fly or bark for three years, what kind of bird is this?" King Chu Zhuang smiled and said, "This bird either doesn't fly or sing, or if it wants to fly, it will soar straight into the clouds, and it will be shocking when it cries." From then on, he worked hard to become the overlord.

[Hint] It's a metaphor for a person who is usually unknown and suddenly makes amazing achievements.

25. A thousand miles a day

During the Northern Song Dynasty, Luoyang Zhenshou Qian Weiyan built a caravan in the city, and specially invited the city's literary heroes Xie Xishen, Yin Shilu and the rising star Ouyang Xiu to each write an article. Yin's article uses the least amount of words and is concise and vivid. Ouyang Xiu secretly praised, and that night he went to ask him for advice. Afterwards, I changed my article again. After Yin Shilu saw it, he said with emotion, "Ouyang Xiu's progress is really fast, it is almost like advancing a thousand miles a day." ”

[Tip] Originally described as a horse running fast. Now describe rapid progress or rapid development.

26. Prescribe the right medicine

During the Three Kingdoms period, a famous doctor Hua Tuo treated two people with fever and headache and used different medicines. The two felt strange, why the same symptoms, but the use of different drugs? Hua Tuo said to them, "Your illness is caused by internal wounds and food, and his illness is caused by the external wind and cold. After taking the medicine, their illness was indeed cured quickly.

[Notes] Symptoms: Symptoms

[Tip] The metaphor takes measures for specific situations. It is also used as a "symptomatic drug".

27. Wind blows

In the Spring and Autumn Period, Wu Zixu of the Chu State was hunted down and killed by King Chu Ping, and he fled to Zhaoguan. Because the Chu army was very strict in checking at the pass, he could not get out of the pass. Because of his anxiety and sorrow, all his whiskers turned white overnight. With the huge change in appearance in a short period of time, he mixed with Zhaoguan. On the way to escape, he often walked through the reeds and grass, and because of the high degree of mental tension, the slightest wind and grass movement made him quickly hide.

[Tip] Is a metaphor for a little movement or a slight upheaval.

28. Wind and rain in the same boat

In the Spring and Autumn Period, Wu and Vietnam were adjacent to each other, but there were constant disputes between them and frequent wars. Once, people from the two countries crossed the river in the same boat, and when the boat reached the center of the river, the wind suddenly broke out, and the waves were fierce, and they were about to overturn the boat. At this critical moment, the people forgot the hatred of the past and worked together to eliminate the danger and bring the ferry to the shore safely. The two people on board were like a family.

[Note] Boat: Boat.

[Tip] Describe different people or groups working together to get through the crisis.

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