
Meat ball mom pattern private kitchen 191st meal baby's favorite char siu egg mung bean sprout fried rice

author:Little Bear and Big Bear

For babies who are in the middle of development, nutrition at every meal is essential. So today's recommended fried rice for everyone contains char siu, eggs, mung bean sprouts, not only delicious but also nutritious, good food at home, a good mother must!

Char siu egg green





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After paying attention to the meat ball mother's private kitchen, enter the ingredient keywords in the recipe such as: "bread", "porridge", "biscuits", "cake", "chicken", "radish", etc., check the relevant production methods, and you can also enter the keywords of the problem encountered in the baby's parenting process, such as "fever", "cough", "diarrhea" to check the relevant food therapy.

Nurturing knowledge

Does my baby need to wear a hat when he goes out in the summer?

Cui Yutao talked about nursing: Babies go out in the summer, do not wear a hat will not get cold, but pay attention to sun protection. If lying in a trolley, a sunshade is available; if you are holding it, you should bring a sunhat. Be careful not to dress too much, based on whether your child is sweating heavily. Yesterday I saw a child, wearing short-sleeved clothes, but with a belly pocket inside, and sweating heavily on his chest and abdomen. When you sweat heavily, it is easy to "catch a cold". Do I have to wear socks? It's not necessary.

Parenting experience

Baby 4 months cold does not have fever, do you need to take medicine?

Four-month-old babies with nasal congestion and other cold symptoms, no fever, generally in good condition, can not use oral medication! You can choose a sea saline nasal spray or a oxymetazoline nasal spray to relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa. Colds require an emergency period of at least 3-5 days, and then gradually resolve until they are healed. Furthermore, there is no conclusive evidence of a severe bacterial infection and oral antibiotics should not be taken. For colds, as long as you pay attention to nursing, you are actually waiting for self-healing.

Preparation method

Char siu egg mung bean sprouts fried noodles

Today's char siu egg mung bean sprout fried noodles are mainly suitable for children over 3 years old. 【Meat Ball Mom Pattern Private Chef 191st Meal】: Char Siu Egg Mung Bean Sprout Fried Noodles Red Ti Banana Blueberry Dried Yogurt


1. Boil the noodles in a large pot, boil the water and fish it out, mix a little sesame oil to prevent stickiness;

2. Heat cooking oil in a flat bottom non-stick pan and scramble eggs;

3. Pour in the mung bean sprouts and stir-fry continuously to become soft;

Meat ball mom pattern private kitchen 191st meal baby's favorite char siu egg mung bean sprout fried rice

4. Add char siu and noodles, add soy sauce and salt sugar to taste;

Meat ball mom pattern private kitchen 191st meal baby's favorite char siu egg mung bean sprout fried rice

5. Stir-fry continuously, stir-fry well, turn off the heat, and sprinkle with black sesame seeds.

Meat ball mom pattern private kitchen 191st meal baby's favorite char siu egg mung bean sprout fried rice
Meat ball mom pattern private kitchen 191st meal baby's favorite char siu egg mung bean sprout fried rice

With char siu recipe:

Ingredients: Pork plum blossom meat 2 pieces about 360 grams (another half a 150 grams of tenderloin marinated together) Haitian char siu sauce (or rib sauce) 150 grams of light soy sauce 1 half a spoon half sugar 1 spoon

1. Plum blossom meat washed, drained and loaded into containers;

2. Add raw soy sauce to mix well (the sauce is relatively thick, use a spoon to wipe well);

3. After sealing, put it in the refrigerator and refrigerate room for 24 hours, and turn it 1 to 2 times during the period;

4. Put tin foil in the frying basket and put the meat pieces;

Meat ball mom pattern private kitchen 191st meal baby's favorite char siu egg mung bean sprout fried rice

5. 200 degrees for 20 minutes;

6. Turn over, and then 200 degrees 8 to 10 minutes, pay attention to the coloring situation, from time to time to open the view (has been officially verified, can not be turned off directly open to view);

7. Out of the pan, cool slightly and slice, you can drizzle the thick juice left on the tin foil on the sliced char siu meat.

Meat ball mom pattern private kitchen 191st meal baby's favorite char siu egg mung bean sprout fried rice

Production Tips:

Plum blossom meat steaks will generally be divided out of the supermarket to sell, it is said that each pig on this piece of meat is only five or six pounds, about twenty centimeters long, cross-cut lean meat accounted for 90%, between which there are several thin strips of fat meat crisscrossed, so when eating is particularly tender and fragrant, it is not greasy at all, its meat is delicious and delicious, cooked for a long time. If you are at a wet market meat stall, ask the stall owner to find the front sandwich meat or front shoulder meat!

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Meat ball mom pattern private kitchen 191st meal baby's favorite char siu egg mung bean sprout fried rice
Meat ball mom pattern private kitchen 191st meal baby's favorite char siu egg mung bean sprout fried rice
Meat ball mom pattern private kitchen 191st meal baby's favorite char siu egg mung bean sprout fried rice

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