
Big trouble Road Yao funeral: the ex-wife angrily accused Jia Pingwa of cheating, Jia Ping was angry and divorced to marry a little nurse

author:Grassy good things

Let's talk about Lu Yao, who is well known for writing "Ordinary World", which is a very best-seller and is said to have sold millions of copies.

Writers make money by writing fees, the amount of manuscript fees is actually determined by sales, "Ordinary World" sales are so good, then Lu Yao should make a lot of money.

In fact, Lu Yao died in 1992, and his "Ordinary World" best-selling book has only been a few years ago, so Lu Yao has no time to enjoy the financial benefits brought by this book.

Big trouble Road Yao funeral: the ex-wife angrily accused Jia Pingwa of cheating, Jia Ping was angry and divorced to marry a little nurse

In fact, Lu Yao's life has been very hard, he was born in a poor family in a poor county, when he was 7 years old, he was adopted by his uncle, his uncle's family is poorer than his own family, so the degree of eating and wearing is also very difficult.

After becoming an adult, Lu Yao did a lot of work, such as being a teacher, but it was also very short, and later entered the "Shaanxi Literature and Art" as an editor, and his life improved during this period.

Lu Yao has always written, although he has won many awards, but he has not received a high salary, and his life is still like that.

Until he wrote a long book, "Ordinary World", the book was completed in 1991, but the next year Lu Yao died of illness at the age of 42.

Lu Yao's death is a very regrettable thing, because "Ordinary World" is a landmark book, and if Lu Yao had not died so early, he might have been able to write a book beyond "Ordinary World".

Lu Yao was not only bitter before he died, but also very bitter when he died, and a good funeral was also disturbed!

At that time, Lu Yao's funeral came with many relatives and friends, and many well-known figures in the literary world came.

Among them is Lu Yao's friend Jia Pingwo, but it is precisely because of Jia Pingwo that a funeral at the good end of Lu Yao has become a farce!

The person who created this farce was Jia Pingwa's wife, and now it should be said that she is an ex-wife.

Big trouble Road Yao funeral: the ex-wife angrily accused Jia Pingwa of cheating, Jia Ping was angry and divorced to marry a little nurse

At that time, Jia Pingwa's wife made a big fuss and directly angrily accused Jia Pingwo of cheating and having an improper male-female relationship with a woman surnamed Xia.

The farce ended with the two divorcing, when Jia Ping was out of the house and gave up all his property.

Many friends advised him to calm down, but Jia Pingwa's very stubborn head did not go back, and only dropped one sentence: This is not forced by her, it is my own choice!

To say that Jia Pingwo did not love his ex-wife, he gave up all his property, but let's say that he loves his ex-wife! Soon after the divorce, he married a young nurse again, of course, this little nurse is not surnamed Xia.

However, Jia Pingwo's rich love history has always been the talk of the literary world after tea and dinner, but it is precisely because of the rich love history that Jia Pingwo is very good at writing women.

For example, the four women in "Waste Capital" can be called three points into the wood, and the details make people have to be red in the face!

Of course, is there anything more direct and bold and more colorful than "Waste Capital"?

Of course, Jia Pingwa's latest masterpiece "Temporary Sitting" is such a book!

Big trouble Road Yao funeral: the ex-wife angrily accused Jia Pingwa of cheating, Jia Ping was angry and divorced to marry a little nurse

Beyond the 4 women in "Waste Capital", Jia Pingwo portrayed 12 women in "Temporary Sitting"!

Speaking of the writing of this book, there is actually a story!

After marrying the little nurse, Jia Pingwo began to be busy with writing, and every time he was tired of writing, he went downstairs to the tea house downstairs to drink tea and rest.

I accidentally found that the lady owner of the tea house was very good-looking, so she often ran downstairs to drink tea, and slowly became familiar with the hostess.

Later, the conversation became bigger and bigger, and I found that the boss lady also had 11 girlfriends, and these 11 girlfriends were all white and beautiful, quite beautiful.

Therefore, Jia Pingwo drank this tea for 10 years and never changed places.

Through these 10 years of tea drinking time, Jia Pingwa and these 12 women also chatted for many days, and finally discovered a lot of their secrets, some of these 12 women are white and rich, but they like to circumvent the flesh between men, some sell their bodies in order to get money, some sell their souls in order to gain the right, and some interact with many men at the same time just to make up for their own emptiness....

Knowing the secret, Jia Pingwo's relationship with them is getting closer and closer, and these women also regard Jia Pingwa as their confidant, especially like to chat with Jia Pingwo.

Big trouble Road Yao funeral: the ex-wife angrily accused Jia Pingwa of cheating, Jia Ping was angry and divorced to marry a little nurse

But suddenly one day, this tea house that had been drinking tea for ten years suddenly closed, which made Jia Pingwo difficult to let go for a long time!

As if these 12 women didn't exist at all, they just disappeared into the city!

So Jia Pingwa decided to write the stories of these 12 women, writing out all the things he had heard, seen, thought, and thought about in the teahouse for 10 years.

So "Temporary Sitting" was written in this way, 10 years of observation, two years of ink, this book that sold 200,000 copies in half a year was published.

Because the scale is larger than "Waste Capital", it has also caused a lot of doubts!

Some netizens said: Isn't this a vulgar version of the Dream of the Red Chamber?

Some netizens said: Contemporary literary heroes always describe things in the beds of men and women, and they are impatient.

More netizens said: Isn't this the contemporary version of "Golden Plum Bottle"?

Big trouble Road Yao funeral: the ex-wife angrily accused Jia Pingwa of cheating, Jia Ping was angry and divorced to marry a little nurse

In the face of such doubts, Jia Pingwo only said lightly:

Ordinary people see "vulgarity", but as long as you have experienced life and you think about it with your heart, you will appreciate the essence of this book!

Jia Pingwa was reluctant to do more explanations, because he believed that he had spent too much effort to write this "Temporary Sitting", and its content itself was not vulgar, and only people with vulgar eyes saw that everything was vulgar.

Only those who have experienced the reality of this society can truly appreciate what is expressed in the book, which is Jia Pingwa's decades of social experience and thinking wisdom!

The content is very real, looking directly at human nature, but what it wants to tell us is not how dark we are in the place, but to tell us that darkness does exist, but we still have to live well.

Big trouble Road Yao funeral: the ex-wife angrily accused Jia Pingwa of cheating, Jia Ping was angry and divorced to marry a little nurse

So rather than saying that the story itself is the history of the affair of 12 women, it is more of a history of the struggle of urban people.

This book has been very popular since its listing, and has sold more than 200,000 copies in half a year, and now I recommend this book to you, if you have not yet read the friends to grasp it, the inventory is not much!

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