
This tomato tofu soup is very suitable for eating in winter, not only nutritious appetizers, but also warm after eating - [Tomato Egg Tofu Soup] ———— preparation methods and steps———— cooking tips -

author:Kittens love the kitchen

Hi @Hello everyone! I am the kitten of "Kitten Loves Kitchen", and today I met you again to share life, share food, and share happiness! Today's kitten brings you a soup dish made of tofu, tomatoes and eggs: "Tomato egg tofu soup", which is a sour and fresh appetizer soup dish, today share it with everyone, if you like, you can try it.

This tomato tofu soup is very suitable for eating in winter, not only nutritious appetizers, but also warm after eating - [Tomato Egg Tofu Soup] ———— preparation methods and steps———— cooking tips -

It's winter, and the weather is getting colder, so everyone wants to eat particularly warm food, and at this time, they don't want to make cumbersome food, so they want to make a particularly simple and delicious food that can fill their stomachs. The "tomato egg tofu soup" shared with you today is to use less time and method, simple and convenient for winter to eat, both nutritious and appetizing, and warm after eating.

This tomato tofu soup is very suitable for eating in winter, not only nutritious appetizers, but also warm after eating - [Tomato Egg Tofu Soup] ———— preparation methods and steps———— cooking tips -

To be honest, tofu and eggs and tomatoes together to make a lot of food, such as: egg steamed tofu, tomato scrambled eggs, etc., they are particularly delicious and delicious, today's sharing with you this dish is also made with eggs and tofu together, but also added tomatoes, not only good looking nutrition, and the method is very simple, after making it smooth and delicious, special appetizers, absolutely egg tofu tomatoes are particularly delicious. If you like it, you can try it, and the production method is described below.

This tomato tofu soup is very suitable for eating in winter, not only nutritious appetizers, but also warm after eating - [Tomato Egg Tofu Soup] ———— preparation methods and steps———— cooking tips -

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="49" >-【Tomato egg tofu soup】——</h1>

【Ingredients】: 1 piece of tender tofu, 1 tomato, 1 egg, 1 chinese cabbage, a few fungus with bubble hair

【Seasoning】: 2 cloves of garlic, 1 chives, 1 sprig of coriander, 1 spoon of salt, 1 spoon of chicken essence, 1 spoon of pepper, 1 spoon of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of sesame oil, 1 spoon of starch water

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="48" > - production methods and steps -</h1>

【Step 1】: Cut the tofu into half-centimeter-sized pieces and put it in a large bowl, put a spoonful of salt, add water and soak it for 10 minutes to soak the bean smell of the tofu.

This tomato tofu soup is very suitable for eating in winter, not only nutritious appetizers, but also warm after eating - [Tomato Egg Tofu Soup] ———— preparation methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 2】: The tomatoes are soaked in boiling water for a while to remove the skin, then cut into diced tomatoes with a knife, cleaned and cut into small pieces of Cabbage, and the foamed fungus is cut into strips.

This tomato tofu soup is very suitable for eating in winter, not only nutritious appetizers, but also warm after eating - [Tomato Egg Tofu Soup] ———— preparation methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 3】: Beat the eggs into a bowl, add a few drops of white vinegar, then beat the eggs, and at the same time, chop the garlic into minced garlic, chives and parsley, and then plate.

This tomato tofu soup is very suitable for eating in winter, not only nutritious appetizers, but also warm after eating - [Tomato Egg Tofu Soup] ———— preparation methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 4】: Put a little oil in the pot and heat it on low heat, put the minced garlic inside and fry it to make it fragrant, then pour in the diced tomatoes, turn on the medium heat and fry the tomato juice.

This tomato tofu soup is very suitable for eating in winter, not only nutritious appetizers, but also warm after eating - [Tomato Egg Tofu Soup] ———— preparation methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 5】: Stir-fry the tomatoes, pour in the appropriate amount of water, add the soaked tofu, wood ear shreds, add a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of pepper, turn the heat on high heat and simmer for about 5 minutes.

This tomato tofu soup is very suitable for eating in winter, not only nutritious appetizers, but also warm after eating - [Tomato Egg Tofu Soup] ———— preparation methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 6】: After the tofu stew for 5 minutes, add the cabbage, add 1 spoonful of soy sauce, cook on high heat for 1 minute, and cook the cabbage.

This tomato tofu soup is very suitable for eating in winter, not only nutritious appetizers, but also warm after eating - [Tomato Egg Tofu Soup] ———— preparation methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 7】: Cook the cabbage, add a spoonful of starch water to thicken the soup, then pour the egg liquid into the pot, and boil the egg liquid into egg blossoms on high heat.

This tomato tofu soup is very suitable for eating in winter, not only nutritious appetizers, but also warm after eating - [Tomato Egg Tofu Soup] ———— preparation methods and steps———— cooking tips -

【Step 8】: Finally, add chicken essence and a spoonful of sesame oil, as well as green onion and coriander minced, stir and make a dish.

This tomato tofu soup is very suitable for eating in winter, not only nutritious appetizers, but also warm after eating - [Tomato Egg Tofu Soup] ———— preparation methods and steps———— cooking tips -

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="38" > – Cooking Tips</h1>

Today and you share this "tomato egg tofu soup" is made, this soup dish is quite simple, but it is very delicious, especially with the addition of tomato flavor with sweet and sour, coupled with the tender and smooth taste of tofu, together is simply perfect, it looks like the color is more bright and attractive, the soup is also very rich. Do you want to make this soup dish too, try it if you like it! It is necessary to pay attention to these points when making.

(1) It is best to use tender tofu to make this dish, the taste of tender tofu is good, and it is refreshing and delicate to eat.

(2) The tofu pieces should be cut a little smaller, a little smaller is easy to taste, after cutting, it should be soaked in salt water for a while to remove the bean smell.

(3) It is best to put a little white vinegar in the egg liquid, which can reduce the fishy smell of the egg, and try to break the egg liquid as much as possible.

(4) Don't misplace the order of ingredients and spices, so that you can make a delicious soup dish.

(5) Put some starch water in this dish and thicken the soup so that the taste is good when eating.

The above content is the method of "tomato egg tofu soup" that I shared with you, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone. I will update you every day on food practices and tips, if you have any comments or suggestions you can interact with me in the comments below, kittens are very grateful, if you like kittens to share, just forward + favorite + like support it! Every one of your likes is the motivation for the kitten to continue to work hard! Thanks for the support, thanks for the company! We'll see you tomorrow!

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