
The food recommends spicy pork ribs, fried chicken and rice with white russet, fried meat slices with lettuce, and garlic seedling tofu

author:Fuyang Haisheng Hearing Center

Stir-fried chicken rice with white sauce

The food recommends spicy pork ribs, fried chicken and rice with white russet, fried meat slices with lettuce, and garlic seedling tofu

Ingredients: Chicken breast, white russet, peas, bell pepper, egg white, pepper, cooking wine, chicken essence, soy sauce, sugar


1. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces, add salt, pepper, cooking wine and egg whites, mix well, marinate for 5 minutes, and dice the white cubes and set aside.

2. Heat the pan and pour the oil, put the chicken into the stir-fry and remove it.

3. Add a little oil, add peas and russet and stir-fry until it is broken.

4. Add salt and sugar to taste, add chicken, bell peppercorns, add soy sauce and stir-fry well.

The food recommends spicy pork ribs, fried chicken and rice with white russet, fried meat slices with lettuce, and garlic seedling tofu

Stir-fried slices of lettuce

Ingredients: lettuce, meat, salt, oil, ginger slices, cooking wine, soy sauce, dried chili

1. Slice the lettuce, marinate with salt for 3 minutes, rinse well, slice the meat.

2. Heat the oil in the pan, put the ginger slices, pour the meat slices and sauté them on high heat to turn white.

3. Add cooking wine and stir-fry the soy sauce for 1 minute.

4. Pour in the lettuce, add some small dried chili peppers, add salt and stir-fry on high heat for 2 minutes.

The food recommends spicy pork ribs, fried chicken and rice with white russet, fried meat slices with lettuce, and garlic seedling tofu

Garlic sprout tofu

Ingredients: old tofu, garlic seedlings, oil, salt, chicken essence, garlic


1. Cut the garlic seedlings with a slashing knife and slice the garlic.

2. Fry the tofu in a hot pan and turn yellow on both sides.

3. Add half a bowl of water to the pot, add salt and chicken essence and stir well.

4. Heat over high heat until the water has evaporated, add the garlic seedlings.

5. Before cooking, add MSG and salt to taste.

The food recommends spicy pork ribs, fried chicken and rice with white russet, fried meat slices with lettuce, and garlic seedling tofu

Spicy ribs

1. Chop the pork ribs into knots, marinate them with salt, ginger and cooking wine, and fry them in a 60% or 70% hot oil pan until the surface is crisp, then remove and drain.

2. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add the dried chili festival, peppercorns, ginger slices, green onion knots, spices and watercress and stir-fry them well, add the fried pork ribs and stir-fry slightly, cook the cooking wine and mix in the fresh soup to boil, then pour into the large casserole, put in the potato cubes, and add salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, sugar and sugar, and heat over low heat until ripe, then leave the heat and set aside.

3. When serving, scoop out a portion of spicy pork ribs from a large casserole and put them in a small casserole, turn them over with an iron clip to make the taste even, until the soup is thick, turn off the heat and sprinkle with green onions.

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