
Serve soup with four treasure vegetables, dried pot spicy shrimp, capers pork belly, tomato stewed beef brisket

author:Happy kitchen happy

Four treasures of vegetables on the soup

Serve soup with four treasure vegetables, dried pot spicy shrimp, capers pork belly, tomato stewed beef brisket

Ingredients: 200 grams of celery, 10 grams of cloud ear, 5 grams of bamboo sheng, 2 grams of carrot flowers, 2 grams of ginger flowers, 10 grams of Jimba chicken juice, 5 grams of Rimula Tanghuang, 2 grams of salt


1, bamboo sheng, cloud ear foam hair, bamboo sheng wash and cut 6 cm length. The cloud ear is cut off and the head is washed, the celery is peeled, the wire is grafted, and the diagonal knife is cut into a diamond shape.

2: Cook the celery, cloud ear and bamboo sheng and set aside.

3: Add the above spices and an appropriate amount of water to make the soup, and pour it into the main ingredient of the cook.

Dry pot spicy shrimp

Serve soup with four treasure vegetables, dried pot spicy shrimp, capers pork belly, tomato stewed beef brisket

Ingredients: prawns, Sichuan spicy sauce, celery, potatoes, peanut rice, dried red peppers, cooking wine, green onions, ginger, garlic, coriander, salt

1. Prepare all the ingredients, potato cuts, celery cuts, green onion cuts, ginger slices, garlic slices, coriander cuts and set aside.

2. Wash the shrimp, cut off the whiskers and legs, and marinate with salt and cooking wine for a while.

3. Start the pan, put the appropriate amount of oil in the hot pan and fry the peanuts and rice.

4. Then fry potato fries, potato fries soaked in water in advance to prevent frying when sticking to the pan, and then be sure to dry the water.

5. Next, fry the prawns in a hot pan with empty water and fry them for later.

6. Brush the pot clean, put the appropriate amount of oil seven minutes hot, add ginger, garlic, green onion, peppercorns, dried red peppers and stir-fry, put in Sichuan spicy sauce (put a little water in the sauce) and stir-fry.

7. Then add the fried prawns and stir-fry, add a little salt.

8. Then add the fried potato chips and celery and stir-fry to taste.

9. Finally, add the fried peanut rice and sprinkle with parsley to prepare for the pan.

Capers pork belly

Serve soup with four treasure vegetables, dried pot spicy shrimp, capers pork belly, tomato stewed beef brisket

Ingredients: pork belly, capers, millet peppers, one pepper, green onion, ginger and garlic to taste, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, chicken essence, salt and a little oil.

1: Cut the pork belly into small cubes, cut the millet pepper and pepper into rings, cut the capers into small pieces, slice the ginger and garlic and set aside.

2: Heat the pan with oil, sauté the pork belly until the oil comes out, put on the soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, and stir-fry evenly.

3, then under the millet pepper, ginger garlic, stir-fry, pour in the capers and peppers stir-fry for two minutes, put chicken essence, sugar, stir-fry evenly can be started, sprinkle with green onions.

Beef brisket stew with tomatoes

Serve soup with four treasure vegetables, dried pot spicy shrimp, capers pork belly, tomato stewed beef brisket

Ingredients: beef brisket, tomatoes, garlic, ginger, shallots, bean paste, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, salt, pepper, salad oil

1, wash the beef brisket and cut into large pieces, put cold water into the pot and blanch the water, fish out the washing foam and drain the water for later;

2: Heat the oil, heat the oil, then add ginger slices, green onion and garlic, and watercress sauce to stir-fry, then add the blanched beef brisket and stir-fry;

3, beef brisket stir-fried incense, mix in cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar and turn well, and add a sufficient amount of boiling water again;

4: After bringing to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for about 1 hour, then add the cut tomatoes and cook for about 15 minutes;

5: Add salt, pepper to taste and cook for a few minutes before turning off the heat and starting the pan.

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