
The spicy wind blows up, and the spicy shrimp that is sought after by young people is particularly simple to make

author:Meal Creation Classroom

Since last year, a spicy wind has been blowing wildly on the land of China, from the beginning of the spicy crab, to the current derived spicy shrimp, spicy snails, in the north and south of the river have become the darlings of the table, even the Cantonese who are unanimously considered by people from other provinces to eat spicy, have also begun to eat spicy dishes with great fanfare.

The spicy wind blows up, and the spicy shrimp that is sought after by young people is particularly simple to make

The essence of spicy shrimp lies in its meat quality and seasoning when stir-fried. The spicy shrimp with a strong juice and spicy flavor are made with a tight and crisp meat and a mixture of a variety of special spices.

Ingredients: 500 grams of shrimp, 25 grams of garlic, 25 grams of seeded bullet pickled pepper.

Seasoning: 5 grams of salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 3 grams of sugar, 40 grams of chili oil, 2500 grams of salad oil, crispy peanuts, 25 grams of cooked sesame seeds, 15 grams of chives, 2 grams of chicken powder.

Simmering of spicy oil:

Ingredients: 500 grams of butter, 500 grams of chicken fat, 300 grams of salad oil, 1 dry gram of chili peppers, 500 grams of pixian bean paste, 30 grams of lemongrass, 10 grams of grass fruits, 10 grams of nutmeg, 10 grams of large ingredients, cumin, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, white cardamom, 20 grams of peppercorns, 30 grams of cumin and licorice

Grams, 100 grams of white wine (two pots, koji wine can be, it is best not to use cellar wine).

The spicy wind blows up, and the spicy shrimp that is sought after by young people is particularly simple to make

Directions: (1) Mince the spices, add 50 grams of white wine and mix well, let it sit for 1 hour until the spices are soft.

(2) Heat the pan with oil, add spices, simmer for about 15 minutes until the moisture is drying quickly, add the chili peppers and watercress sauce and simmer until the color is red

When it is bright, remove the residue and leave the oil.

(3) It is best to add fried sesame seeds and crispy peanut crumbles, such dishes have both a spice flavor and a dried fruit aroma.

(4) During the preparation of the whole dish, cooking wine or other watery spices should not be cooked to avoid the shrimp skin from being soft.

Preparation Method:

(1) Wash the shrimp, remove the whiskers, and cut the back to remove the sand line.

(2) When the pan is heated to 60% or 70%, add the shrimp, fry for about 1 minute, and fry until the outside is charred and tender.

(3) Heat up the salad oil until it is 40% hot, fry the garlic thoroughly, add the spicy oil, pickled pepper, stir-fry for a few seconds and then add the fried shrimp, add salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, chicken powder, peanut crushed, sesame seeds to taste, stir fry evenly, plate, sprinkle chives.

Production key:

(1) The selection of ingredients for making spicy shrimp is the key, the shrimp must be fresh, you can use live shrimp or base shrimp, you can also choose ice shrimp. If you choose ice shrimp, you should use thin skin (thick skin blackening), shrimp brain less, meat full, because the skin is thick, fried is not crisp, the head of the shrimp brain is easy to fry off and too expensive, and the meat is not full of fried out of firewood.

(2) When using ice shrimp, improper thawing will also affect the quality of the dish. Do not expose the shrimp to air to thaw naturally, otherwise the head will turn black. The correct method is to immerse the shrimp in water and flush it with a small flow of running water to dissolve.

The spicy wind blows up, and the spicy shrimp that is sought after by young people is particularly simple to make

(3) The choice of pickled pepper should be thick and red, preferably a bullet pickled pepper, to ensure that the taste of the dish is mellow and spicy.

(4) When the shrimp is fried, the oil temperature and oil amount should be controlled. The amount of oil is controlled at 4-5 times that of shrimp, and the oil temperature is 60% to 70% hot and slightly smokey. Because the oil temperature is too high, it is easy to fry the shrimp, and too low, the shrimp skin is not crispy. Fry until the shrimp just float up and fish out, not for too long.

(5) When boiling spicy oil, do not use too many spices that are too fragrant (such as grass fruits and nutmeg) to highlight the flavor of lemongrass and cumin.

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