
Low-fat low-calorie braised mixed with shredded lettuce, crisp and tender without fire, simple mix special appetizer ------- [braised mixed with lettuce shredded] ------- [apple private talk]

author:Meggy dancing apples

Spring is here! Do you all eat cold lettuce, with garlic and hot oil, this taste is really amazing!

Lettuce is a common rhizome vegetable, its taste is crisp and tender, rich in vitamin C, calcium and other trace elements and minerals, usually used to fry to eat, in fact, cold mixing to eat not only save trouble, but also highlight its taste.

Low-fat low-calorie braised mixed with shredded lettuce, crisp and tender without fire, simple mix special appetizer ------- [braised mixed with lettuce shredded] ------- [apple private talk]

Today I would like to share this dish of braised lettuce shredded, crisp and tender, suitable for most people to eat. If the knife is not good, we will use a wire wiper, a slender and long good clip, which also increases the pleasure of eating, and even picky eaters have to rush to eat.

Low-fat low-calorie braised mixed with shredded lettuce, crisp and tender without fire, simple mix special appetizer ------- [braised mixed with lettuce shredded] ------- [apple private talk]
Low-fat low-calorie braised mixed with shredded lettuce, crisp and tender without fire, simple mix special appetizer ------- [braised mixed with lettuce shredded] ------- [apple private talk]

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="39" >------- -------</h1>

【Ingredients】 1 lettuce, 2 coriander, 5 cloves of garlic, 2 grams of salt, 6 grams of sugar, 1 g of chicken powder, 1 pinch of peppercorns, 10 grams of vegetable oil


1. One lettuce;

Low-fat low-calorie braised mixed with shredded lettuce, crisp and tender without fire, simple mix special appetizer ------- [braised mixed with lettuce shredded] ------- [apple private talk]

2. Seasoning: coriander, garlic, salt, sugar, chicken powder, peppercorns, vegetable oil; the amount and type can also be adjusted according to the taste;

Low-fat low-calorie braised mixed with shredded lettuce, crisp and tender without fire, simple mix special appetizer ------- [braised mixed with lettuce shredded] ------- [apple private talk]

3. Remove the top leaves of the lettuce to make another dish, cut off the appearance;

Low-fat low-calorie braised mixed with shredded lettuce, crisp and tender without fire, simple mix special appetizer ------- [braised mixed with lettuce shredded] ------- [apple private talk]

4. Rub the long thick wire with a wire wiper;

Low-fat low-calorie braised mixed with shredded lettuce, crisp and tender without fire, simple mix special appetizer ------- [braised mixed with lettuce shredded] ------- [apple private talk]

5. Blanch in a pot of boiling water for 15 seconds and remove immediately;

Low-fat low-calorie braised mixed with shredded lettuce, crisp and tender without fire, simple mix special appetizer ------- [braised mixed with lettuce shredded] ------- [apple private talk]

6. Rinse the water, cool down quickly, the bamboo shoots are crisp and emerald green;

Low-fat low-calorie braised mixed with shredded lettuce, crisp and tender without fire, simple mix special appetizer ------- [braised mixed with lettuce shredded] ------- [apple private talk]

7. Finely chop the garlic and cut the parsley into inches;

Low-fat low-calorie braised mixed with shredded lettuce, crisp and tender without fire, simple mix special appetizer ------- [braised mixed with lettuce shredded] ------- [apple private talk]

8. Fish out the shredded lettuce, control the water, put it into a large basin, and put the minced garlic and coriander into the basin;

Low-fat low-calorie braised mixed with shredded lettuce, crisp and tender without fire, simple mix special appetizer ------- [braised mixed with lettuce shredded] ------- [apple private talk]

9. Heat the peppercorns in oil to produce fragrant aroma;

Low-fat low-calorie braised mixed with shredded lettuce, crisp and tender without fire, simple mix special appetizer ------- [braised mixed with lettuce shredded] ------- [apple private talk]

10. Pour hot on the minced garlic;

Low-fat low-calorie braised mixed with shredded lettuce, crisp and tender without fire, simple mix special appetizer ------- [braised mixed with lettuce shredded] ------- [apple private talk]

11. Sprinkle with salt and sugar, mix well and serve.

Low-fat low-calorie braised mixed with shredded lettuce, crisp and tender without fire, simple mix special appetizer ------- [braised mixed with lettuce shredded] ------- [apple private talk]

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="56" ></h1>.[

1. Lettuce has a variety of green core and white core, try to choose the green core, the color is emerald green and the taste is crisp and tender;

2. This braised lettuce is of the light type, so garlic and peppercorns are indispensable; they can also be replaced by spicy and sour spicy mouths;

3. Do not blanch the shredded lettuce for too long, and turn it in boiling water to remove the cool water so that it can maintain a crisp taste.

Low-fat low-calorie braised mixed with shredded lettuce, crisp and tender without fire, simple mix special appetizer ------- [braised mixed with lettuce shredded] ------- [apple private talk]

"Make food with love, record the beauty with your heart, and present the mellow taste of the ingredients in a simple way." I am Meggy Dancing Apple, I have been an English teacher for 18 years, and now I am a "kitchen for love" house cook, gourmet self-media, multi-platform special food original author, health manager, ACI international registered nutritionist. In the days of dealing with oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, the heart has become more and more gentle, and I have become more and more aware that "companionship" is the most beautiful and important in the world.

#Spring Flower Life ##吃在北京 #

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