
Mix the lettuce with shredded meat, so that the meat and vegetarian combination, delicious and not greasy, very delicious, good rice

author:Kittens love the kitchen

Hi @Hello everyone! I am the kitten of "Kitten Loves Kitchen", and today I met you again to share life, share food, and share happiness! Today the kitten brings you a "sauce meat shredded mixed with raw lettuce shredded" method, which is a dish with rich sauce and refreshing taste, share it with you today, if you like it, you can try it.

Mix the lettuce with shredded meat, so that the meat and vegetarian combination, delicious and not greasy, very delicious, good rice

It has been a while since the Spring Festival, the footsteps of spring have arrived, and spring is beautiful. But for the dinner table with three meals a day, it is a bit stretched. Because there are not many seasonal vegetables in the spring, especially in the spring, there are only so many real vegetables on the market. And today will let everyone share this dish of "sauce meat shredded mixed with raw lettuce shredded" used lettuce is the most popular ingredient, this season lettuce is a large number of market season, but also one of the must-eat vegetables.

Mix the lettuce with shredded meat, so that the meat and vegetarian combination, delicious and not greasy, very delicious, good rice

This season lettuce is one of the staple vegetables in our area and a particularly nutritious ingredient. There are also many methods of lettuce, stir-frying, stewing, boiling, and cold mixing are very good. But many people do not know, in fact, lettuce is very suitable for raw eating, raw eating, the taste is crisp, the taste is fragrant, and the nutrition is not easy to lose. But the lettuce itself has a little bitterness, so if you eat it raw, it will more or less affect the taste, so how to remove the bitter taste of the lettuce without affecting the crisp and tender taste and fragrant taste of the lettuce? Today I will share with you this dish of "shredded meat raw mix lettuce shredded", is to combine it with lean shredded raw mix, the taste is not bitter at all, and this meat with the production, not only to ensure nutrition, but also delicious is not greasy, the taste is fresh, the taste is refreshing, very delicious. Let me share with you in detail how to make this dish.

Mix the lettuce with shredded meat, so that the meat and vegetarian combination, delicious and not greasy, very delicious, good rice

——【Sauce meat mixed with raw lettuce shredded】——

【Ingredients】: 1 lettuce, 100 grams of lean pork

【Cured meat seasoning】: 1 spoon of soybean soy sauce, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 1 piece of egg white, 1 spoon of starch, 2 spoons of vegetable oil

【Other seasonings】: 1 piece of ginger, 1 green onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 spoon of bean paste, 1 spoon of soybean sauce, 1 spoon of chicken essence, 1 spoon of sugar

——Production methods and steps——

【Step 1】: A lettuce, peel it and clean it, pay attention to the white part of the above as far as possible to clean, the processed lettuce will be cut into slices first, and then cut into thin wires.

Mix the lettuce with shredded meat, so that the meat and vegetarian combination, delicious and not greasy, very delicious, good rice

【Step 2】: Put the cut lettuce into a large bowl, sprinkle a small spoonful of salt, grab and mix it with your hands, and then add water to the lettuce for 20 minutes, which can remove the raw and bitter taste of the lettuce, and at the same time, the taste of the soaked lettuce will be more crisp and refreshing, and the color is emerald green.

Mix the lettuce with shredded meat, so that the meat and vegetarian combination, delicious and not greasy, very delicious, good rice

【Step 3】: After cleaning the lean meat, first cut it into thin slices, then change the knife to cut into and chopsticks thick silk in the bowl, then add 1 spoon of soybean soy sauce, 1 spoon of cooking wine, 1 cup of egg white, 1 spoon of starch sauce, grasp and mix well with your hands, put in 2 spoons of vegetable oil, stir it, and marinate for 10 minutes.

Mix the lettuce with shredded meat, so that the meat and vegetarian combination, delicious and not greasy, very delicious, good rice

【Step 4】: Peel and chop the garlic into minced garlic, cut the ginger into minced; cut part of the green onion into minced, part of it into strips, and then plate separately for later.

Mix the lettuce with shredded meat, so that the meat and vegetarian combination, delicious and not greasy, very delicious, good rice

【Step 5】: After soaking the lettuce, drain the water, and then plate and set aside.

Mix the lettuce with shredded meat, so that the meat and vegetarian combination, delicious and not greasy, very delicious, good rice

【Step 6】: Put a large spoonful of oil in the pot and heat it up, pour it out, put the cold oil again, scatter the shredded meat into the pot, stir-fry on high heat and put it out for later.

Mix the lettuce with shredded meat, so that the meat and vegetarian combination, delicious and not greasy, very delicious, good rice

【Step 7】: Leave the bottom oil in the pot to put the onion, ginger and garlic minced inside and fry the aroma, then add a spoonful of bean paste and a spoonful of soybean sauce, and then continue to stir-fry over medium-low heat, and fry the flavor of the bean paste and soybean sauce.

Mix the lettuce with shredded meat, so that the meat and vegetarian combination, delicious and not greasy, very delicious, good rice

【Step 8】: After the seasoning aroma is fried, pour the shredded meat inside, add a spoonful of sugar and chicken essence, continue to stir-fry evenly on high heat, and then come out of the pot, put it on the lettuce shreds.

Mix the lettuce with shredded meat, so that the meat and vegetarian combination, delicious and not greasy, very delicious, good rice
Mix the lettuce with shredded meat, so that the meat and vegetarian combination, delicious and not greasy, very delicious, good rice

【Product Picture】:This delicious rice is put into the "sauce meat shredded mixed with raw lettuce shredded" is ready, sprinkled with green onion we can use chopsticks to simply mix it and eat it on the table!

Mix the lettuce with shredded meat, so that the meat and vegetarian combination, delicious and not greasy, very delicious, good rice

——Cooking Tips——

Spring is the season to eat lettuce, lettuce is crisp and refreshing, can help open people's appetite, eat can be particularly fragrant. In addition, eating lettuce properly can also help promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and help digestion, and the cooking methods of lettuce are actually more, such as stir-frying and cold mixing. Today use it and lean meat raw mix to eat, this practice is more suitable for children to eat, the thick sauce meat aroma with a clear fragrance, smell on the drooling, if you like it can try! The production is also very simple, just follow my steps and pay attention to the following points.

(1) Lettuce should not be blanched, blanching water is not only easy to lose nutrients, but also the taste is not good, and the fragrant taste of lettuce will also be lost. Soaking directly in brine not only removes the bitter taste of lettuce, but also has little nutrient loss, retains the flavor, and makes the soaked lettuce more crisp and greener.

(2) This dish is because it is a sauce flavor, so do not put the spice seasoning, put it will grab the taste, but make this dish not delicious.

(3) In this dish, we should remember not to put salt, because soy sauce, bean paste, and soybean soy sauce are salty, and the taste will become very salty.

The above content is the method of "sauce meat shredded mixed with raw lettuce shredded" that I share with you, I hope it will be helpful to you today. Welcome to pay attention to the "kitten love kitchen" for reservation, I will update your food practices and skills every day, if you have any comments or suggestions you can interact with me in the comments below, kittens are very grateful, if you like kittens to share, just forward + favorite + like support it! Every one of your likes is the motivation for the kitten to continue to work hard! Thanks for the support, thanks for the company! We'll see you tomorrow!

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