
🌾 #分享日常生活中的琐碎之事#驴 🌾 preparation materials: 150g glutinous rice flour, 30g corn starch, 20g corn oil, 210g warm water, 15g caster sugar

author:Happy Nutrition Elf


Donkey 🌾 rolling 🌾

Preparation Materials:

150g glutinous rice flour, 30g corn starch, 20g corn oil, 210g warm water, 15g caster sugar, appropriate amount of soybean flour


1. Glutinous rice flour + corn starch + caster sugar + warm water, stir well

2. Add corn oil and stir well. Strain into a container, cover with plastic wrap, poke a few holes, and steam for 30 minutes

3. Take out the dough and knead it until smooth, sprinkle with soybean flour, and roll out the dough flat

4. Spread the red bean paste, curl it, and sprinkle it with soybean flour # Corn flour premix # #分享自制点心# #分享面包的做法# #家庭版快手早餐# #如何制作面点# #分享早餐自制# #面粉早餐吃什么# #面粉可以做什么# #家用早餐饼粉# #烘培甜品面包#

🌾 #分享日常生活中的琐碎之事#驴 🌾 preparation materials: 150g glutinous rice flour, 30g corn starch, 20g corn oil, 210g warm water, 15g caster sugar
🌾 #分享日常生活中的琐碎之事#驴 🌾 preparation materials: 150g glutinous rice flour, 30g corn starch, 20g corn oil, 210g warm water, 15g caster sugar
🌾 #分享日常生活中的琐碎之事#驴 🌾 preparation materials: 150g glutinous rice flour, 30g corn starch, 20g corn oil, 210g warm water, 15g caster sugar

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