
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness

author:Keen Fay 2u1N

In spring, when it is warm and cold, it seems that the earth has been rejuvenated. In this energetic season, people are beginning to focus on health preservation to meet the challenges and hopes of the new year. On the road to health, food is regarded as the most important part, especially some natural ingredients, which can not only nourish the body, but also nourish the soul. Today, let's explore the secrets of spring health and taste the six natural "foods" to add vitality to the body and peace to the soul.

Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness

The first dish is papaya white fungus soup. Papaya, known as the "Queen of Fruits", contains rich vitamins and enzymes that can promote digestion and absorption, and nourish the spleen and stomach. Drinking a bowl of papaya white fungus soup not only tastes delicious, but also moistens the lungs and makes the body feel comfortable.

Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness

The second dish is yam pork rib soup. In spring, the climate is changeable, and it is easy to hurt the spleen and stomach, and yam is the best choice to regulate the spleen and stomach. It is rich in mucin, which can enhance the body's immunity, and pork ribs with yam are not only tender meat, but also nourishing the body and escorting the body in spring.

Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness

Next up is stir-fried pork with mushrooms and stir-fried pork with asparagus, two dishes that are deceptively simple but packed with nutrients. Mushrooms have the effect of enhancing immunity and promoting metabolism, while asparagus is a good helper for clearing heat and diuresis and moisturizing the lungs. On the spring table, their appearance not only enriches the sense of taste, but also injects a sense of health into the body.

Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness

The fifth dish is fish head tofu soup. Tofu is light and refreshing, and the fish head is delicious and delicious, and the two can not only replenish protein, but also nourish yin and lungs, which is an excellent choice for spring health.

Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness

❤️ The last dish is winter melon and mushroom soup. Winter melon is rich in vitamin C and B vitamins, which has the effects of clearing heat and diuresis, lowering lipids and losing weight. The mushroom is a precious ingredient that nourishes the yin and moisturizes the lungs, and the soup made of the two is fragrant and delicious, and it can moisten the lungs and remove dryness, bringing a touch of coolness to the body in spring.

Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness

In this spring health check-in season, let's use these six natural "foods" to inject vitality into the body and add a tranquility to the soul. In the busy life, you might as well stop and taste a bowl of papaya white fungus soup and a bite of yam pork rib soup, feel the warmth of spring, and appreciate the beauty of life. Because spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "foods" to make your body great, moisten your lungs and remove dryness, let us walk with spring and accompany health.

Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness
Spring is the golden period of health preservation, eat more six kinds of natural "food" to make your body better, moisturize your lungs and remove dryness

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