
I don't know if I don't buy it, and I'm shocked when I buy it. Making braised pork by yourself is really cost-effective and saves money compared to buying ready-made cooked food. I went to the wholesale meat market today and bought two pieces of beef for a pound and a half

author:Freedom River Un

I don't know if I don't buy it, and I'm shocked when I buy it. Making braised pork by yourself is really cost-effective and saves money compared to buying ready-made cooked food.

I went to the meat products wholesale market today to buy two pieces of beef for 75 yuan a catty, three pieces of pork for two catties for 45 yuan, two ears for eight taels for 27 yuan, a pig tongue for 13 yuan, only spent 160 yuan, and gave me two packets of spices, think about it super cost-effective!

These semi-finished products are marinated, and when you buy them, you only need to add some spices, cooking wine, ginger, green onions, sugar, and salt to cook them, and there is no difference between them and those in the delicatessen, because the semi-finished products bought from the wholesale market are also processed by themselves.

Calculate going to the deli to buy braised pork, it is really a huge profit, the price difference between the two is doubled, no wonder everyone who opened a deli has made a fortune, and this money is too easy to make.

As long as you are not afraid of trouble and are diligent enough, you still buy some semi-finished products and cook them yourself, cook as much as you want, which is clean and hygienic and saves money, why not?#买菜做饭那些事# #买点菜好难# #买菜建议# #买菜省钱小妙招# #小菜场菜太贵了# #菜贵了不买菜# #买菜那些糟心事#

I don't know if I don't buy it, and I'm shocked when I buy it. Making braised pork by yourself is really cost-effective and saves money compared to buying ready-made cooked food. I went to the wholesale meat market today and bought two pieces of beef for a pound and a half
I don't know if I don't buy it, and I'm shocked when I buy it. Making braised pork by yourself is really cost-effective and saves money compared to buying ready-made cooked food. I went to the wholesale meat market today and bought two pieces of beef for a pound and a half
I don't know if I don't buy it, and I'm shocked when I buy it. Making braised pork by yourself is really cost-effective and saves money compared to buying ready-made cooked food. I went to the wholesale meat market today and bought two pieces of beef for a pound and a half

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